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  1. C

    "No connection to the authorization server or your IP was blocked"

    No, so I had to migrate the whole system to a Windows 10 VM, on which it works. But the Windows 7 didn't, even though both VMs were on the same host. The Windows 7 had been working for years until about two weeks ago, then all of a sudden (with nothing changed on my side because it's a simple...
  2. C

    "No connection to the authorization server or your IP was blocked"

    Can't even install a newer version. "No connection to authorization server" during product installation. Problem appears to happen on Windows 7 machine but not on Windows 10. It appears that something on the authorization server was changed in the past few days to not supporting Windows 7...
  3. C

    "No connection to the authorization server or your IP was blocked"

    Can't open ZP even after switching to userarea-hk, -us, or userarea.zennolab.com in the .config files.
  4. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    userarea-hk.zennolab.com works. Thanks.
  5. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    How to do that? Is it the same way (replacing all userarea.zennolab.com to userarea-hk.zennolab.com in ProjectMaker.exe.config file)? Thanks.
  6. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    Antivirus is disabled, and I am using 1 Gb internet with no other program consuming traffic when the error occurs. This is my main PC and I am using it on all websites consistently without issues. Speedtest is flawless. PM had been working well until last week, but now I can't do anything...
  7. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    Yes. And for clarity I did all these all over again. 1. Uninstalled ZP, by selecting "also delete Appdata" 2. Manually deleted everything in Appdata folder 3. Install ZP 4. Replaced all userarea.zennolab.com to userarea.zenno.io in ProjectMaker.exe.config Still the same error. And yes, I am...
  8. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    I followed your instruction and changed all userarea.zennolab.com to userarea.zenno.io, but still got the same error. The new report.zip was sent to [email protected]. I don't know if it is related. Sometimes I got this error when visiting this forum.
  9. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    I reinstalled the program once again and ran Diagnostic.exe. The report.zip was sent to [email protected]. Thanks.
  10. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    Reinstalled, but the problem persists. I also tried completely removing and installing the program, but it still didn't work. And I tried 7.5, it didn't work either. 7.7.3 is the latest version I currently have, and it's been working ok all until last week.
  11. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    Since last week I am not able to launch PM, with the following error. I tried multiple versions (7.7.3 and 7.5), but neither of them worked. Please let me know how to solve the problem. Thanks.
  12. C

    Remove from Toolbar Doesn't Work for Proxy Icons

    After I removed them, when I restart ZP, they always come back. This issue only happens on the Proxy Checker buttons, other buttons can be removed without issue. I mis-click that Play button so many times because of this.
  13. C

    Auto click Cancel for "Do you allow to send notifications?"

    How about the geographic location pop up? Same way to disable it? Thanks.
  14. C

    Auto click Cancel for "Do you allow to send notifications?"

    Is there a way to disable/auto click Cancel for "Do you allow to send notifications?" by default in PM? It pops up all the time, stopping my actions. Thanks.
  15. C

    Can't Turn On PM, "Cannot get the intial profile" Errors

    Works after updating.