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  1. J


    select mountains from http://prntscr.com/9sj6l4 select taxis from http://prntscr.com/9sj6ts
  2. J


    Nope, i didn't as I didn't know about it.. I just installed it and now the cmconnector error is gone, but all captchas I tried are coming up with empty answer.. Can you please share a Recaptcha2 image that gets solved, so i can just test to make sure it works
  3. J


    Hmm, when i named the field Task instead of task and submitted a captcha again, i now get "Cmconnector.exe is missing" in CM
  4. J


    I want to ask as well... I am using custom software for sending captchas to CM, and I use the Antigate API like this: <form method="post" action="http://antigate.com/in.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="method" value="post"> Your account key: <input type="text"...
  5. J

    How do I send Captcha Image for solving?

    Well, then the emulation of all these captcha services is simply not working. Emulation is supposed to work "plug and play", right away without changing anything when switching from my captcha service to your software.. If we take the Decaptcher API from my previous post, it is an HTTP post...
  6. J

    How do I send Captcha Image for solving?

    I don't think you understood me.. The problem is that no matter what API for the emulated services I use to try to send a captcha for solving I always get simply "ERROR" returned from your program. For example. I use the DeCaptcher API, i try to get a balance to see if it works and it replies...
  7. J

    How do I send Captcha Image for solving?

    Hello, How do I send captcha image for solving? I enabled all services to be emulated and for example I tried to send captcha image with the deathbycaptcha.exe client and i just get ERROR.. I tried with De-captcher as well still no luck.. Otherwise capmonster server is running fine at...