$50 Update: ZennoPoster Standard updated to latest version (and another updates within 6 months)
$127 Upgrade: ZennoPoster Pro updated to latest version (and another updates within 6 months)
Create a project (ProjectMaker) where you will use the following options
1. Create variables for login/other data https://zennolab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EN/pages/924484177/Project+variables
2. If you use data in a specific format, use...
No, but if other software has the option to export cookies (JSON, NetScape) files and login data, saved variables (example: txt file) you can use this data to login accounts/create profiles in ZennoPoster.
I recently purchased this tool. I am a beginner in mobile apps automation, but this tool makes work easier and allows me to match elements without errors in the code.