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  1. EtaLasquera


    Hi all! We are trying to move our projects from FF52 to Chrome. Our latest revision is 5.29.5 and our main build revision is 5.16.2. On 5.16.2 if we write on c# code: string title = instance.FormTitle; projec.SendInfoToLog(title, true); We got something like this: Instance (Port: 1234 PID...
  2. EtaLasquera

    Modify multiple template simultaneously

    Work with project in project but don't expect to sell it child projects with zennobox.
  3. EtaLasquera

    CPU for Zenno Machine: Intel i7 vs AMD Ryzen

  4. EtaLasquera

    CPU for Zenno Machine: Intel i7 vs AMD Ryzen

    Yo Willi! I'm gamer too.
  5. EtaLasquera

    Regex set timeout propriety on box

    Consider add the timeout funciont to the box of text processing when regex option was selected. At this time that option can be done only with C#, implement this will be interessant to make it easy life for not developers.
  6. EtaLasquera

    CPU for Zenno Machine: Intel i7 vs AMD Ryzen

    We don't work with overclock because we work with a different data mining concept and the information can't be miss. As everyone know, you overclock your PC for gaming because the only one problem with gaming is you game crash. If you overclock a machine who work with render process and supose a...
  7. EtaLasquera

    CPU for Zenno Machine: Intel i7 vs AMD Ryzen

    Cheapest x570 to use a pcie 4 nvme hard drive, we will look for a 64gb 3200 ddr4 kits and no video card, we will use only for Zenno and have a good GPU improve performance in only 3%.
  8. EtaLasquera

    CPU for Zenno Machine: Intel i7 vs AMD Ryzen

    We are waiting for 3950x ;)
  9. EtaLasquera

    pin log data

    Let me understand, in current version you can't PIN log pannel?
  10. EtaLasquera

    CPU for Zenno Machine: Intel i7 vs AMD Ryzen

    Today we stuck a machine who run with 12 cores at 100% hardware use. It's time to upgrade hardware!
  11. EtaLasquera

    How to correctyl set-up SSL-Proxies in PM?

    You must setup proxy outside Zenno, in Windows. I'm reading you fight against SSL + Zenno for a good time and the news are really bad, you can't rotate proxy with Zenno over SSL.
  12. EtaLasquera

    Template with browser crashes on many threads

    Can you tell your memmory usage for each instance after that time working?
  13. EtaLasquera

    Very Basic Math Functions Problem

    For zenno, all numbers are strings. You can do simple increase or decrease value from variable (not decimals, only integer). To do mathematic operations you must run a c# our java code.
  14. EtaLasquera

    Can't Able To Login Into Reddit From ZennoPoster

    The problem is when you try to login, firefox always say "wrong password".
  15. EtaLasquera

    Lots of unknown proccess

    It's not a bug, is a common problem. Open 3 threads and eat 2gb of ram.
  16. EtaLasquera

    Can't Able To Login Into Reddit From ZennoPoster

    This is a old bug related on reddit, not zenno bug. Developers of reddit found a great way to allow login with firefox, try this: https://ssl.reddit.com/ The bug start for us in 04/05/2019. We don't report to zenno because is a reddit problem.
  17. EtaLasquera

    Lots of unknown proccess

    Reasons to not update.
  18. EtaLasquera

    Discussion - new version

    Can I retreive how much threads are runing into specific project?
  19. EtaLasquera

    There is a way to terminate a project if it runing for a longer time?

    Here is the best solution...
  20. EtaLasquera

    Request Method: PATH how to convert c# or get / post

    Ouch, we deploy on 5.16 :)
  21. EtaLasquera

    Several filter result in Parsing Data

    Try to use embeed regex editor.
  22. EtaLasquera

    Request Method: PATH how to convert c# or get / post

    Here is a example of httpget. string str = project.Variables["tokenKey"].Value; string dt = project.Variables["getData"].Value; string myHttp = project.Variables["myHttp"].Value; var httpGet = ZennoPoster.HttpGet( myHttp+"/"+dt+"/"+dt, "", "UTF-8"...
  23. EtaLasquera

    There is a way to terminate a project if it runing for a longer time?

    Yes. if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 22){ ZennoPoster.StopTask("Mytask"); }
  24. EtaLasquera

    Help me please compare AMD vs Intel

    AMD have tree letters, Intel have five. If you order by string, AMD will stay in first. If you order by string lenght, Intel will be first. If you sum count of letter value in number Intel will be first. If you want to put all letters to upper case AMD will win. If you want to put all letters to...
  25. EtaLasquera

    Zennoposter Not Working For Most Websites

  26. EtaLasquera

    Zennoposter Not Working For Most Websites

    5.16.2 and 5.9.0 works.
  27. EtaLasquera

    How to do multi Thread process in Task Manager?

    To work with multithread you project must start from a table/list binded to a file and remove item taken from that table/list. I said the same questions a lot of times and found solution by myself. There is none explanation about how to work with multithreads. Just prepare your CPU and your RAM...
  28. EtaLasquera

    fastest most powerful remote dedicated server to use for Zennoposter?

    Always depends. Some projects can use a lot of cpu example convert videos/audio/pdf another projects can use a lot of ram example, save all images of facebook. The optimization is the sectet key in some cases. In your situation browser and messaging, more ram will be more important, but keep a...
  29. EtaLasquera

    is that possible to do this?

    Convert a MD5 to number or string to number will not allow you to convert that number to string again (and got the same result of original value). The only way to do this is convert to binary, not to numeric.
  30. EtaLasquera

    is that possible to do this?

    Obvious, will not return the same MD5.
  31. EtaLasquera

    Does it exist an easy way (no C#) to convert iso-8859-1 to utf8 without BOM ?

    We always use this.... byte[] ansiFile = File.ReadAllBytes("inputfilename.txt"); var utf8String = Encoding.Default.GetString(ansiFile); File.WriteAllText("outputfilename.txt", utf8String);
  32. EtaLasquera

    is that possible to do this?

    Of course you can decrypt md5 and force "int.parse" of you result, you will get a numeric value.
  33. EtaLasquera

    News ZennoPoster 7 - grandiose update! (Beta testing)

    Cool, for people who work with two or more monitors, separete browser and project tabs are essential. I'll stop test until browser can be undock from main panel. Deploy in one monitor sucks.
  34. EtaLasquera

    News ZennoPoster 7 - grandiose update! (Beta testing)

    We will be able to undock panel "project" in this new version? Maybe this is restriction of demo :p
  35. EtaLasquera

    project.Variables are all string, how to declare it as int?

    int i = int.Parse(project.Variables["vari"].value; int j = int.Parse(project.Variables["varj"].value; int k = i * j; project.Variables["vark"].Value = k.ToString();
  36. EtaLasquera

    Convert HTML > DOCX and DOCX > HTML

    you need microsoft office instaled and you can importa microsoft.interop[excel/word/ppt/etc] Add gac link and select microsoft dll. Add to own code settings will make your code easy. With interop you can save as. Here a example working with excel: //ex: c:\temp\file.xlm string o =...
  37. EtaLasquera

    News ZennoPoster 7 - grandiose update! (Beta testing)

    ZP pro licence 5 will get free update to 7?
  38. EtaLasquera

    Can I create a project to be "all in one" to sell?

    Hi! We work with a lot of projects and today a client ask us to have their own zenno license working with zenno box. We have a lot of "modules" who control projects/tables/lists/regex/etc. A common project use a minimum of 5 "project in project". To sell a project, we need to pack all projects...
  39. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

  40. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

    Sure, but I don't know how much memory a instance have in use. I need to know instance PID or enter a command to retreive memory usage before release instance. We already use instance.minimizememory to try reduce resource usage but garbage is not our real problem. When I select "show instance"...
  41. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

    Bump! I want to restart that instances who eat 5 GB / 3GB RAM.
  42. EtaLasquera

    How to Use "FileName" to Input Settings

    Strange, I test and for me, work. ZP 5.16.2
  43. EtaLasquera

    project.Variables are all string, how to declare it as int?

    To work with excel an turn it in numbers you must use excel interop with c# code to convert that columns from text to numbers.
  44. EtaLasquera

    How to Use "FileName" to Input Settings

    Have you tried bind to the file?
  45. EtaLasquera

    How to get Facebook post's comment ID?

    Try regex, work too.
  46. EtaLasquera

    project.Variables are all string, how to declare it as int?

  47. EtaLasquera

    Force Zenno Poster to show instance

    Hello again, and to hide instance? how to make it work? On assemblies documentation the command appear to be the same of show, but it don't hide :S var url = instance.Port.ToString(); var port = instance.Port; var address = instance.Url.ToString(); ZennoPoster.ShowInstance(url, port, address)...
  48. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

    As example, I want to resstart it now! Like I said in 1st post, I expect to have 1.6GB ram in use after 3000 loops (without need login again), today we got a lot of goodies, and in 480 loops the project beat 2.2GB. I can retreive instance port and pid in instance window when I click in "show"...
  49. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

    Thats the problem, I want to know how much memmory my task have in use under execution.
  50. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

    I want to resstart this instance, as you see, the maximum value in settings is 1024MB an this already reach that value.