Результаты поиска

  1. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

    I think this settings not work, my setup have default value "160" and my task ever uses more than 160MB. I tell as instance, a browser instance.
  2. EtaLasquera

    Can I recover how much memory a instance use?

    We work with a lot of projects with "resstart instance" every few runs, but we need to optimize more and more. At this time we are looking on memory usage. Command instance.MinimizeMemory() work but we need to have a litle more control. Sometimes we loop a lot in certains web pages, and, to do...
  3. EtaLasquera

    very sensitive java script field, sometimes close after click

    I think xvideos is imune to bots.
  4. EtaLasquera

    Text Comparaison/Difference Finder

    Uncheck box return value to variable, this is not important. List 1 have exclusive values. If you want to put new values in to a new list create a new list and change l1.add to your new var. If you need values in variable, change for each. If you don't know c#, consider learn.
  5. EtaLasquera

    Text Comparaison/Difference Finder

    var l1 = project.Lists["List1"]; var l2 = project.Lists["List2"]; List <string> l = new List <string> (); List <string> unique = new List <string> (); l.AddRange(l1); l.AddRange(l2); l1.Clear(); var q = from x in l group x by x into g let count = g.Count() orderby count descending select...
  6. EtaLasquera

    Text Comparaison/Difference Finder

    That code put in list1 the exclusive values. Well, I think this is your question in the first post. You need to know diferences between two lists?
  7. EtaLasquera

    Text Comparaison/Difference Finder

    This... var l1 = project.Lists["List1"]; var l2 = project.Lists["List2"]; List <string> l = new List <string> (); l.AddRange(l1); l.AddRange(l2); l = l.Distinct().ToList(); l1.Clear(); l1.AddRange(l); With this C# code, your first list will have only distinct elements between List1 and List2.
  8. EtaLasquera

    Text Comparaison/Difference Finder

  9. EtaLasquera

    SQL Server Client returning wrong format of datetime

    We use it a lot but always with datetime.parseexact(variable,"yyyy-MM-dd",cultureinfo.invariantculture) I really don't know why only Zenno Poster receive another dateTime format :S
  10. EtaLasquera

    SQL Server Client returning wrong format of datetime

    Hello guys! Yesterday I start to have a big, big problem... we work a lot with SQL Server queries and since yesterday all our computers start to receive wrong format of datetime and numeric formats, only in Zenno in all machines with Zenno Box and Zenno Poster, versions 5.16.2 and 5.29.x If I...
  11. EtaLasquera

    Problem with framework3.5 in windows 2012

    This is a basic config of servers, if you don't know how to work if Windows Server, keep in mind use windows 10.
  12. EtaLasquera

    Why download are really slow when i specified download folder in Zennoposter

    No problems with set download folder here. We download files including to virtual directories who work with FTP in another computers around the world. Working from 5.16.2 and 5.29.5
  13. EtaLasquera

    Which server is best for account creation ?

    RAM size is the main problem. When you consume all RAM the CPU start's to work a lot. As well, work with a lot of RAM will require more CPU :S. For linked acc creator only, I suggest you to get more RAM.
  14. EtaLasquera

    Problem to download a SpreadSheet in CSV - OutputFileName : data.csv; filename=utf-8'

    Maybe the problem is in your "download to" settings since get download file use the same setting. I think he is using windows 20, a future version who will be launched on 2077 (like cyberpunk), on that version filenames can contain any character type. Yes, i'm drunk.
  15. EtaLasquera

    How websites detect ZennoPoster

    Got answer with this help: https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/kak-vypolnjat-java-script-na-get-post-zaprosax.50721/
  16. EtaLasquera

    Force Zenno Poster to show instance

    Thank you!
  17. EtaLasquera

    Force Zenno Poster to show instance

    For this reason I'm here, I'm looking for help. I realy don't know why url, add, port. So... I'm looking for a way to bring to front a project running on ZP. I'm trying to use logic, on ZP I must click in "show / hide instance" and in API I found a command ZP.ShowInstance, I think this command...
  18. EtaLasquera

    Force Zenno Poster to show instance

    I don't know, the documentation is poor. I follow this guide: https://help.zennolab.com/en/v5/zennoposter/
  19. EtaLasquera

    Force Zenno Poster to show instance

    We have a client who have a Captcha system who we still looking for a solution to break, while we don't solve it, we want to "show instance" when the captcha question appear, reading API I found "ZennoPoster.ShowInstance", but it don't works... there is a way to "show instance" of a project...
  20. EtaLasquera

    About remove brending

    We sold bots who client can watch on a web, it's not a realtime bot like a stream, but user can see bot working in images taken every few movements and some text messages, with this I don't need to talk about any licenses to clientes, the limit of bot's are the limit of hardware and internet...
  21. EtaLasquera


    List <string> l = new List <string>(){ "myRegex1", "myRegex2", "myRegex3", "myRegex4", "myRegex5", "myRegex6" }; foreach (string r in l){ Regex r1 = new Regex(r); Match m1 = r1.Match(project.Variables["httpPost"].Value); if (m1.Success){ return(m1.Value.ToString()); } } return...
  22. EtaLasquera

    Is it me or it's normal to wait for 2 minutes...

    I think it's your personal problem. Usualy Zenno need internet connection to validate licence, maybe with slow internet speed you will have problems to launch.
  23. EtaLasquera

    XMLHttpRequest to download file. POST/GET.

    By access file with complete path, the variable page.LastDownloadFile still empty?
  24. EtaLasquera

    How websites detect ZennoPoster

    hahahahahahaha url=js%2Fsecurity%2Fmickeymouse.js
  25. EtaLasquera

    Create columns with multiple rows of parsed data

    My tip is save the parsed data into a list, save list with name "Galery 1", clear list, parse data again, save list as "Galery 2" and repeat loop while you have data to parse.
  26. EtaLasquera

    Fast working on large lists

    I do someting like this a little time ago, but it work with milion of e-mail's. var tbl = project.Tables["Table1"]; var lst = project.Lists["List1"]; int i = 0; int s = tbl.RowCount; string data = ""; try{ while (s != 0){ string str = tbl.GetCell("A",0); List<int> found = new...
  27. EtaLasquera

    How to access Environment variables from within C# code?

    On C# you can use TimeNow(); var lst = project.Lists["List1"]; lst.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss:fff")); //day/month/year hour:minute:second:milesecond lst.Add(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); // time only hour:minute:second lst.Add(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); //...
  28. EtaLasquera

    Problem with uploading file

    This is not my problem, I try to help him using zenno logic for people who don't know how zenno works, the code was not optimezed for thousand documents and the loop works fine for little jobs like 100 documments. If he want to OCR 100000 immages, dear friend, pay U$39,90 for Total PDF Converter...
  29. EtaLasquera

    Synchronize Web-API with local Database

    This is not a question, you want to hire a job.
  30. EtaLasquera

    Shared code from file

    Use database or fixed text file to put your PC names and FP. For us, that solution works.
  31. EtaLasquera

    Place "TasksRunner.exe" in a version-idependent folder

    We use a bot to create bat files who get the folder based on application running. var p = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); string s = p.MainModule.FileName; Regex r = new Regex (@".*Progs\\"); Match m = r.Match(s); return m.ToString(); To work you will need add the follow line in own settings...
  32. EtaLasquera

    How can i change engine?

    I've never got a case like your. Good lucky.
  33. EtaLasquera

    How can i change engine?

    Sometimes the browser check to do some validations are in strinug User.Agent You can change it to Firefox 66 to navigate in some pages who new browser is required. We do it in some projects. But, if you bot requires a browser plugin, you will need use another bot like Selenium.
  34. EtaLasquera

    Set Cookie PREF on Youtube.com

  35. EtaLasquera

    Problem with uploading file

    Here is a free job for you, if you need more credits or hire people to another projects, just pm. There is no code, only logic, this is basic of zenno.
  36. EtaLasquera

    get phones working on Gmail -How to do it in fact ?

    Google is fcking bot life.
  37. EtaLasquera

    Slow work

    Consider set timeout to 3s and check if and element is found in "focus" event. That element must be one who when it appear, you know the page is loaded. Change timeout will grant to you the page load after certain time, but it don't grant to you the page correct load.
  38. EtaLasquera

    encrypt via MD5 with Javascript ?

    I'm not java expert... but if C# code works for you, here we go! string str = project.Variables["MD5Var"].Value+project.Variables["String_For_MD5"].Value; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5provider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] bytes =...
  39. EtaLasquera

    Working with ZennoPoster - easy or hard?

    In relation to other development tools zenno poster is ahead of process. You must consider speed of develop a solution, time to execute maintenance and stability of process. Zenno is the best in this 3 questions. Sometimes we develop things in Selenium but do changes in Selenium require 5x more...
  40. EtaLasquera

    c# windows task monitoring problem

    You must add using system.diagnostics to own code settings also, add results into a list to save you data is a good idea. See screenshot.
  41. EtaLasquera

    encrypt via MD5 with Javascript ?

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14733374/how-to-generate-md5-file-hash-on-javascript Your code is not valid to generate an md5 in js.
  42. EtaLasquera

    How to use less CPU Resources

    x86 use less memmory but stuck after 1.4gb and will use a lot of cpu. CPU utilization is very dependance of site contents, as example, youtube.com use much more cpu than pastebin.com
  43. EtaLasquera

    Possible to use Bot UI from an online webpage?

    We use some web panels who interact direct with bots. It's very better than botui.
  44. EtaLasquera

    How to use less CPU Resources

    Also consider resstart instance after few runnings. If you process reach 1.4gb and you run into a non x64 version, some cpu and disk resources will be used.
  45. EtaLasquera

    My Table Actions Hang

    You will need two variables: 1. outputDir - The destination of your splited files, remember, the outputdir must end with "\" 2. bigFile - The big file who you want to split //large files will receive a memmory error, split it string directory = project.Variables["outputDir"].Value; //ex...
  46. EtaLasquera

    Trying to do Rostonix video to connect to DB with c#

    I don't know why you need C# to use database select, here is a sample about how to use database search sample. We use SQL server, just change your database to mySQL as well change database con string as you need.
  47. EtaLasquera

    My Table Actions Hang

    When we face that problem, we split text or tables into smaler files.
  48. EtaLasquera

    How to access Environment variables from within C# code?

    project.Profile.WhatYouWant Tick count and timenow idk.
  49. EtaLasquera

    If variable contains only number, how to?

    Execute a text processing Regex into variable who you want to check if is numeric, add this regex to a new variable: {-Variable.regexTest-} [A-Za-z]|\W After execute regex, add a block with test: "{-Variable.regexTest-}" == "" Note: If number contain any type of symbol like decimal separator...
  50. EtaLasquera

    Discussion - new version

    In "Other enhancements and modifications" have been added a way to get info about how many threads are running in to a task?