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  1. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Generate by default.
  2. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    You mean it is fixed in the new version or in the zenno backend? Because it happened again yesterday. Using version
  3. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    I'm using follow the cursor feature and seems it does not detect this entry, but highlight me one behind.
  4. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Chrome engine needs some update. Profile = Generate by Default UA: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.102 YaBrowser/ Yowser/2.5 Safari/537.36
  5. lokiys

    Should it work on Windows server 2012

    Nothing was requested, and the first time I ran with Poster and when I got an error only then I tried to open PM. Where should I look to allow explicitly
  6. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Yes with browser. Generate by default.
  7. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    this template does not work with any profile files at all if that's what You mean. And it has to Generate by default in this tab, so nothing really from my side. As I told you it happened for 2-3 hours and then started to work again.
  8. lokiys

    Should it work on Windows server 2012

    As it says. It seems when I start Memu alone it works fine, as soon as I try to Run VM from Project maker it starts up and right after started crash and Memu closes down and that's it. Report sent in a ticket.
  9. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    What's this? Just something went wrong. No updated I just logged on the server and seen this was happening in the middle of the day.
  10. lokiys

    What is this profilestorage.zpstorage

    The title says it all. It takes 5 MB from all profile files. And inside there is some javascript.
  11. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Is it possible to get this bug fixed, please? It is there like 10 years already.
  12. lokiys

    Mailbot (Tavel) Author won't support.

    VladZen is tavel banned and Zenno license voided?
  13. lokiys

    Zennoposter Many Threads - PC Requirements

    It's not about threads, but it's about what You do with threads. Facebook is the most complex site on earth, so expect to pay for that with Your resources. It is not possible to give the same answer for every bot, it all depends. the best answer You can get is only by running Your bot on some...
  14. lokiys

    Click emulation differences.

    Mate, I just posted those two methods as an example. I understand that cube is for without c# lol. I told them that two methods and let them show me. 1. tab.FullEmulationMouseClick("left", "click"); 2. instance.Click(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, "Left", "Normal"); Those two methods work differently...
  15. lokiys

    Add C# methods

    VladZen can we please wait for something for this? I mean it's not really that important to get c# but something to navigate to child elements and parent elements would be good, as there is not outer HTML and source code this is not a good way to work. This should not be something complex for...
  16. lokiys

    Bugs in version 2.1

    This error appears right after I open Droid.
  17. lokiys

    Click emulation differences.

    VladZen please take Your time, but I really would like to hear an answer from developers and with a little more detailed explanation about each method, because as I told I have seen that those methods work differently on the page.
  18. lokiys

    Click emulation differences.

    This is not what I asked. If You look in the assembly there are like 3-4 different ways how I can make click emulations, same as with keystroke emulations I want to get it perfectly clear what is the difference and which one to use better. As I had some tasks previously where one click...
  19. lokiys

    Click emulation differences.

    There are so many different methods and ways how to emulate clicks that I'm totally confused about what to use. So let's start with some questions. What interest me the most are: Move and click a number 1: he = tab.FindElementByAttribute("a", "class", @"sn-suggest-link", "text", 0)...
  20. lokiys

    Add C# methods

    Add C# methods to access HTML elements, it is crucial to do that especially in Droid, as I have to make a loop for EVER element in the bot to make sure it does not fail. There is no such wait for loading options like in zenno, every action should be made with wait for an element before clicking...
  21. lokiys

    Bugs in version 2.1

    Right after opening a template:
  22. lokiys

    Bugs in version 2.1

    There create VM gives me an error. No such variable: actualVmName As you see I do not have such a variable anywhere in this action. True I had it, but then I have changed and started to use Index other than the name, so I updated this action but seems it still thinks this variable is set...
  23. lokiys

    Bugs in version 2.1

    No, not that same, as in a ticket, I reported about program freezing at all. I have pretty much described what I have done and how I got that problem. I will add more info if anything will pop out. Update: I have opened a support thread with more info and a GIF demonstration of how it looks.
  24. lokiys

    Any wiki or tutorials how to use ZennoDroid

    VladZen so there is nothing right? I can move all of this to the enhancements section? Or there is no point in doing that, as it is really not possible to do so, or it is not developed yet? For example, another method for general things like swipe would be good, now I have to make a single...
  25. lokiys

    Bugs in version 2.1

    I do not think You get it right. I have an action to click on the button. The page did not load and the button was not there, all fine until now. Then I had to wait 2 minutes for the action to understand that there is no button and it has to finish with error - red exit. Image whet You see...
  26. lokiys

    Any wiki or tutorials how to use ZennoDroid

    so not even possible to get searching elements from C#? Not also possible to search elements with parent methods, like find the element and then find parent or child elements of the base element? Elements are already divided into the element tree, so I guess there should be any methods to...
  27. lokiys

    Bugs in version 2.1

    It takes too long before action fails. It keeps showing this every 2-3 sec, and action freeze. It did not move for 2 minutes.
  28. lokiys

    Open Application

    Can not find it. Can You show me exactly where is that button?
  29. lokiys

    Open Application

    Action Utilities ==> Open application - where I should get the application name to open app? As when I use the application name as it is showed in-app it does not work. And is this action better to use than clicking on the application?
  30. lokiys

    Any wiki or tutorials how to use ZennoDroid

    Assembly I mean C# methods for working with ZennoDroid actions. Same as its for Zenno https://help.zennolab.com/en/v7/zennoposter/7.1.4/webframe.html#topic1.html Okay, it takes great storage space to work with multi-accounts then. Empty VM takes 1GB of space. Other with one app installed takes...
  31. lokiys

    Any wiki or tutorials how to use ZennoDroid

    I mean how can I use it lol. How multi-accounts are used? I mean I open VM and then open the app, but my previous account is already logged in. What is the correct way? Just logout and login with the next account? Or we need to create a new VM for each account that is used? If not then how and...
  32. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Log entries are not live, that's the problem. I have to click on another tab and then click back to see updated log entries. It is not happening 100% of the time though.
  33. lokiys

    Log entries do not auto-update

    Log entries are not live, that's the problem. I have to click on another tab and then click back to see updated log entries. It is not happening 100% of the time though.
  34. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    I keep zenno at the logs tab so the first thing I see to log in on the server is the logs. The problem I'm reporting is that logs do not auto-update, I mean if I click on the other tab and click back to logs - new entries from the past appearing there. It is not an auto-scroll fault as You...
  35. lokiys

    Log entries do not auto-update

    I keep zenno at the logs tab so the first thing I see to log in on the server is the logs. The problem I'm reporting is that logs do not auto-update, I mean if I click on the other tab and click back to logs - new entries from the past appearing there. It is not an auto-scroll fault as You...
  36. lokiys

    ZennoPro training - From newbie To Pro in No time

    Unfortunately, there is not.
  37. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Still not fixed. It does not seem rocket science lol
  38. lokiys

    Links does not work as should

    View forum link leads to the wrong thread. And changelog link leads to an ancient changelog in the wiki.
  39. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    I got no problems right now as I can use the Firefox browser now, but I strongly suggest to report that as a bug and think about how to fix this. For example, I got to develop a page yesterday, I had to make a couple of actions, and then I needed to clear all data cookies and cache. and then...
  40. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    There are many cases when I need to check how the page acts without cookies so I click the clear cookies and clear cache button In firefox everything is alright, but in chrome, it closes down the page and redirects me to about:blank page, so I'm not able to get what I want.
  41. lokiys

    Parse with regex

    Your data to parse.
  42. lokiys

    Эмуляция мыши

    ВИДЕО: https://i.imgur.com/TscSb0c.png
  43. lokiys

    Getting this error while installing zennoposter ?

    @VladZen The problem is that the zennoposter latest version does not uninstall the program correctly. I can not answer exactly which version, but one of the latest. It's related to my problem https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/bugs-in-version-7-2-0-0.84043/#post-565144 I have fixed with...
  44. lokiys

    How to recognize posts and like automatically?

    Here I have used action constructor to find all 3 posts: In your case, I would find HTML search criteria what match ALL your like buttons. then using counter like 20 of them. 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc. This way you would like last 20 posts.
  45. lokiys

    How to recognize posts and like automatically?

    Hello and welcome. If the recording does not work as expected and it won't because like or similar buttons can be with different attributes. I suggest using =action&s[]=designer']action constructor for searching HTML elements to work with
  46. lokiys

    Parse with regex

    Correct. https://i.imgur.com/cWAnWMd.png
  47. lokiys

    Parse with regex

    Hi. Use Data ===> Text Processing and then select Regex.
  48. lokiys

    How to translate russian template into english?

    Hi. Not sure what do you mean, but if that's some language in notes then You can try google translate I guess.
  49. lokiys

    New profile not generating.

    Yes, it generates a new profile in each run, but that's not the only reason for that. It is like a clean slate, it releases all cache all cookies everything starts fresh, that's the main reason. Also if You get one error it does not fail all Your task but just one run. How You get the same logic...
  50. lokiys

    user agents??

    Hi, not sure if I got you right but one way ios just set profile for mobile: Or if You want you can use your own custom user agents from the list and use profile action to set your needed. https://zennolab.com/wiki/en:profile