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  1. L

    WTB Bots

    Replied to you email. Thanks!
  2. L


    你的操作对象看起来像是编辑器,通常编辑器它利用第三方控件,文档结构上来看是嵌套在IFRAME中,所以ZP本身录制时找不到,记录不下来。像楼上那位说的,你需要手工去定位。 看你的参数好像设置不对,我没具体试,你参考下: 文档: 0;0 --定位到嵌套的HTML上 表单:-1 你用ID去定位,通常编辑器默认的id是tinymce,现在你是用属性定位。 还有关键是,set那里属性需要选择InnerHtml。
  3. L

    WTB Bots

    HI, With the same purpose, I've created a powerful SEO tool based on ZP. I trust you'll like it. Just shoot me an email. I'll give you more information. [email protected] Thanks, LEO
  4. L

    Fail to execute templates on ZennoPoster Pro v5.7.1.0

    Last night, I updated to ZennoPoster Pro v5.7.5.0, after that I tried an empty project, I met the same error. The following is how I can reproduce this problem. 1. CodeCreator creates a blank project. F6, F5 run sucessfully. 2. Add this project to ZP, works well. 3. Exported the project to...
  5. L

    Fail to execute templates on ZennoPoster Pro v5.7.1.0

    I have one question need your help! I created a template with Code Creator, it works well when I debug it, then exported it as a *.vsproj file. I added this template to ZennoPoster as a schedule job. But I got the following error: 2015-03-05...