Результаты поиска

  1. D

    ProjectMaker not starting - no connection to authorization server

    Hello, when I start Project Maker I get this error: What I did already ? (Information: I re-enabled a old subscription from 12/2024) - I downloaded the newest version from website and deinstalled the old, installed the new - I tryed with different vpn servers - I tryed with real Ip...
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    Search Template Creator

    Hello, searching someone who can a template for a vote site. Vote Process: - Visit url - pass cf turnstil - solve recaptcha v2 - send vote the difficulty lies in the fact that the site has bot protection, i.e. it deletes the votes when certain numbers of votes are reached (for example...
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    7.7.4 for en locale?

    hello i want to ask when is the 7.7.4 for locale-en planned ? i cant login on the 7.7.4 ru installer because I have en locale ..
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    buying template

    Hello, search a Person who can make a Vote script for a toplist Base Logic / Job: Visit: https://www.metin2pserver.info/vote-Aela.htm Solve recaptcha v2 (capmonster) send vote The toplist has an backend check which needs to bypass. If not the votes gets deleted. If REAL users vote (so bot...
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    Поисковые шаблоны / создатель ботов // Search template / bot creator

    Внимание я пишу с переводчиком (русский язык). Я ищу человека, который может создать для меня шаблон Zennoposter. Основная задача проста, сложность заключается в проверке бэкенда страницы, которую необходимо "обойти", чтобы голоса не были распознаны как голоса ботов. Задача шаблона: -...
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    SEARCH USER: Аркадий Брынчук

    Hallo, ich suche den Besitzer dieses YouTube-Kanals : https://www.youtube.com/@user-im8ex3qh6w/videos
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    Hello I'm searching for someone who can write a votebot script or do a config in openbullet / silverbullet job of the script: - visit site - solve captcha - send solve captcha solution thats all important: the site has some security checks (that the vote gets valided as real vote) if you are...
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    Question about threads

    hi i have a question, how much threads are possible at professional / standart / lite ? (solvings at same time) and whats the delay for recaptcha?
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    question in case of captchas per day

    hi guys i used capmonster in the past. When i used lasttime capmonster had a thread limit like 20 threads at the same time, got this limit replaced with captchas per day ? (so main question if capmonster offers now unlimited threads) regards divi
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    CapMonster Recaptcha V2 Rate

    Hi guys, I'm using CapMonster (Software) to solve recaptcha v2 (https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo) and I wanted to ask what's your rate for sucessful tasks? My rate is between 25% and 40%, is that normal? how can I improve them? do high quality proxies matter much? hope for some...