Результаты поиска

  1. Perfecto

    Проблема извлечения cookies из Chrome с помощью Zennodroid

    Я использую версию Zennodroid С Memu версии 9.1.9 и Android 9 (так как у меня проблемы со стабильностью на версии 12) Версия Chrome: com.android.chrome_131.0.6778.135-677813527_minAPI26_maxAPI28(x86,x86_64) Я хочу извлечь cookies из Chrome, чтобы использовать их для авторизации на...
  2. Perfecto

    Issue with Drag & Drop v7.7.21.0

    Hello, I'm experiencing an issue with the drag-and-drop functionality in Zennoposter. I have created a demo template to replicate the problem and attached it to this post for reference. Video: https://streamable.com/braol2
  3. Perfecto

    Pasting HTML into a WYSIWYG Editor Without Losing Formatting

    I need to paste HTML into a WYSIWYG editor, but when I paste it, it is interpreted as plain code without any formatting. I've tried using BBCode and Markdown, but these didn't work either. So far, the only solution I've found is to use: https://codebeautify.org/htmlviewer. Do you have a...
  4. Perfecto

    uBlock Origin bugs Zennoposter

    When I install uBlock Origin Zennoposter freezes Version
  5. Perfecto

    How to scroll with the mouse to the bottom of the page

    Hi, I'm looking to implement mouse scrolling to the bottom of the page, pausing for 2 seconds each time to allow everything to load before scrolling again. The challenge is how to detect when I've reached the bottom of the page. Considering that this script needs to work on hundreds of...
  6. Perfecto

    How do I solve this captcha?

    Hi, How do I solve this captcha with Zennoposter?
  7. Perfecto

    How to create hundreds of Gmail accounts with Zennoposter ?

    When I try to create a Gmail account with Zenno, I get a confirmation request by email whereas when I do it by hand on chrome guest mode (without cookies) I don't get a confirmation request by SMS. Configuration: Zennoposter: latest version IPs: 4G Super emulation What can I do to avoid SMS...
  8. Perfecto

    Couldn't run the device

    Hi, I couldn't run the device - my OS is Windows 11 - I've disabled Hyper-V - I've installed the latest version of Zennodroid - I've tried the latest version of Memu 9.0.9 without success - I've tried Memu 8.1.3 without success - I have tried both versions under android 9 and android 7...
  9. Perfecto

    Gmail support with OAuth2

    Hi Can you add OAuth2 support so we can use Gmail as before? I know that some people have developed their own solution in C#
  10. Perfecto

    Zennospoter VS Anti-Detect Browser

    I can't get past the anti-bot protection for creating accounts on certain types of site with ZennoPoster, but I can with anti-bot browsers like incogniton. How can I make ZennoPoster as undetectable as these anti-detection browsers?
  11. Perfecto

    split image into 4 equal parts

    Hi, split image into 4 equal parts : I couldn't find any way to do it via the actions. So I coded this script in C# string imageURL = project.Variables["imageURL"].Value; string SaveImagePath = project.Variables["SaveImagePath"].Value; void DivideAndSaveImage() { if...
  12. Perfecto

    How to use ReverseMarkdown in ZennoPoster ?

    Hi, I did not find a .dll to use ReverseMarkdown in ZennoPoster to convert HTML to Markdown
  13. Perfecto

    Can you add support for python in ZennoPoster 8 ?

    Nowadays most of the open source scripts are developed in python, I think it would be a good idea to add it in the new version of Zenno
  14. Perfecto

    HtmlAgilityPack to parse content

    Hi, I try to extract content with HtmlAgilityPack : using HtmlAgilityPack; string htmlContent = project.Variables["DOM"].Value; var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlContent); var article = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); // Remove all unwanted elements within the...
  15. Perfecto

    ZennoPoster - Endless redirects and captchas on CloudFlare

    Hi, I have enabled this setting: But the endless redirects and captchas on CloudFlare is still present. I have the latest version of ZennoPoster.
  16. Perfecto

    C# library to clean up html

    I am looking for a way to clean HTML code in C# remove empty html tags or not close for example like : https://html-cleaner.com/
  17. Perfecto

    How to JSON escape in C# ?

    Hi, I know I can escape like this : But I have a lot of string to escape so if someone know how to JSON escape in C# ?
  18. Perfecto

    HTML Cleaner - Keep specifics links

    Hi, I made this regex to clean the HTML code and keep only the H, p, strong and b tags ...
  19. Perfecto

    How to add a line break to each HTML tag closure?

    Hi, I'm trying to add a line break every time an HTML tag closes Regex : </.*?>
  20. Perfecto

    What is the best way to scrape content from many different websites ?

    Hi, what is the best way to scrape content from many different websites and to keep this HTML tag : H1 H2 H3 STRONG B I U
  21. Perfecto

    Keyboard emulation : click on 2 keys at the same time

    Hi, How to click on 2 keys at the same time example : CTRL + ENTER
  22. Perfecto

    Parsing JSON with a lot of Subproperty

    Hi, Sometimes I have a lot of Subproperty when i'm parsing JSON, Is there a way to do everything in 1 click or do I have to do it one by one like I do now? I think this would be a good feature to add if it's not already there. example :
  23. Perfecto

    generate .ini files in bulk

    Hi, Is it possible to generate .ini files from a CSV? Each line of the CSV must be a separate ini.
  24. Perfecto

    Encode URL

    What is the easiest and fastest way to transform this URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=seo&num=100&start=200&filter=0 in this one: https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dseo%26num%3D100%26start%3D200%26filter%3D0
  25. Perfecto

    Disable auto translation

    Hi, How do I disable auto translation? I think it comes from chrome.
  26. Perfecto

    What is the easiest way to test if indexing a page by google is allowed?

    Hi, I need a script to test if everything is allowed for Google indexing. The most complicated one is for the Robots.txt file.
  27. Perfecto

    Duplicate verification mail

    Hi! To automate a website registration I have to click on a validation link by email. The problem is that I receive this email twice, nothing differentiates these 2 emails so how do I specify the search criteria to open one of the 2 emails? Thank you.
  28. Perfecto

    BlackFriday price for upgrade

    Hi, I bought standard zennoposter at $127 the PRO version is currently at $197 so the upgrade should cost me $70 but still it's $127
  29. Perfecto

    Regex for 2 letters

    Hi, I would like a regex to have 2 lowercase or uppercase letters. I tried that: [a-z]{2} but it didn't work. Thanks
  30. Perfecto

    Convert HTML > DOCX and DOCX > HTML

    Hi, What is the most simple way to convert HTML > DOCX and DOCX > HTML with Zennoposter or with an API or something else. Thanks
  31. Perfecto

    DOM HTML vs Source HTML

    Hi! What is the clear difference between DOM and html source? What is the best choice for scrape HTML ?
  32. Perfecto

    Content parser

    Hi, What is the best way to parse a content inside html balise (p, h1, h2...) It must be compatible with different website.
  33. Perfecto

    Change version browser in existing template

    Hi, How i can change the version browser in existing template for have 52 Now it's 45 in this template Thanks
  34. Perfecto

    include a list in excel cell

    Hi, I want to record a excel cell with a list of words separate by a comma. What is the mores simple way to do that ? Thanks
  35. Perfecto

    to transform a list of URLs into pretty domain names

    I would like to transform a list of URLs into pretty domain names For example : http://zennolab.com/ --> Zennolab.com https://zennolab.com/ --> Zennolab.com http://www.zennolab.com/ --> Zennolab.com https://www.zennolab.com/ --> Zennolab.com http://zennolab.com/discussion/ --> Zennolab.com
  36. Perfecto

    Click and open in new tab

    I want to click and open the page in a new table I specified that the site is in flash and that are not possible to find URL of the page in the source code
  37. Perfecto

    How to reset all variable

    I want to reset all variable for each loop
  38. Perfecto

    How to do a screenshot an entire page ?

    I know how to capture a captcha with captchasaver but not the entire page.
  39. Perfecto

    Flash with zennoposter

    Hello, how to move a flash element with zennoposter Thanks in advance