Результаты поиска

  1. B

    get number of group

    It's posibility to get actuality running group number?? eg: I have 3 templates t1 group: 1 t2 group: 2 t3 group: 3 if t2 is running I want get number group 2 , ... Why I need it? Becouse group in the beta doesn't work
  2. B

    number of threads

    http://img801.imageshack.us/i/buglk.png/ 1) if "number of threads" is 1. it should be only 1 proces activate here are 4 2) if I made group for templates, first must going this from 1 group, after this 2. If I have in first group 2 templates, and I use 5 proces it can't start next group...
  3. B

    insert to script

    http://img145.imageshack.us/i/bug2b.png if I insert something here (green arrow) it will be added always http://img861.imageshack.us/i/bug3q.png
  4. B

    insert to script

    hi, in my opinion it's bug if I make a script and I'm in ~20 column, when I will wont insert something it's always showed in ~4 column. No on the end or in place where I clicked insert. I use beta
  5. B

    trouble whih regex in email

    Hi I make regex for getting password from email : (?<=Your\sPassword:\n\n).* where this part mail look like this ------------------------- Your Password: ehaguman --------------------------- when i testing it in e-mail procesing it work but when I try debugging it I don't...
  6. B

    Request: Do not delete all emails

    please, repair it as fast as is possibility, now we can't singup on many side in the same time, why ? we didn't have all confirm emails
  7. B

    some suggestions

    2) again work in acording but not in template 4) can do it also {-Random.Text-|-10-|-s-|-0123456789-} :)
  8. B

    some suggestions

    2)" hold "crtl" when select" in my version it's didn't work 3) "backspace " it's work in action recording but in template editor not 4)" {-Random.Text-|-10-|-c-} " it's work but {-Random.Text-|-10-|-d-} - only number not Execution result: 0zmmf2rh4r my version
  9. B

    some suggestions

    Hi I'm new user but I find some "bugs" or mayby not. projectMaker 1) when you want copy/cut some step from one web actions to other we myst have there clear sper branch. without this we can't insert step. 2)if I want copy/cut more then one step to other web action I must do it one by one, I...
  10. B


    Can someone tell me how can I use spintax to synonym?? Macros String.Spintax. I undertand it thats spintax should be in macro-> strings but it isn't