Результаты поиска

  1. T

    [SOLVED] Problem with browser when recording

    **The point I was trying to make was that it renders correctly in debug. So why should I try and find a browser setting that renders it incorrectly? If you see what I mean! :)
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Problem with browser when recording

    ok, got ya. But what if I actually need to click one of the buttons that aren't showing up when I'm recording the template??? Anyway, I'll try it. Anyone else want to give it a go?
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Problem with browser when recording

    But the problem is when you are actually recording the template. That's when it doesn't show up.
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    [SOLVED] Problem with browser when recording

    So I'm recording a template for thediary.org and when I'm recording it the tool bar across the text area doesn't show up. Like this: But when I go to debug it looks like this: This means that the template doesn't record correctly and fails when in debugger. At first I thought it...
  5. T

    [SOLVED] Bugger

    Debugger isn't opening for me either on Windows XP and Windows Server 2008 64bit
  6. T

    Installed Zennoposter - I get an error message each time it launces

    I had this problem on my server and support fixed it for me over teamviewer. The problem was that the 3.5 framework was disabled. Check your settings!
  7. T

    Poster instance keeps crashing

    Running 10 threads on a 32gig i7 dedi and it keeps hanging every 5 minutes or so. I have to kill the instance and then ZP continues until the next hang. This is the error: Application Name: base.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4feb2008 Fault Module...
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    New build (27.06.12)

    WTF is this? Nobody is interested in E.M.M. We just one the mail functionality to work correctly in ZP4 without having to mess around with other programs. Sorting out all the email problems in ZP4 needs to be a priority.
  9. T

    Regular Expression Parsing Not Working for [w\W]

    This is a pretty major problem. Need a fix ASAP as this makes ZP4 unusable for a lot of my templates.
  10. T

    How to Get Emails?

    It's just the port info that doesn't stick. If you use {-Variable.port-} it keeps switching back to 110
  11. T

    New macro system

    Go to variables and create a variable called random-login for example. For the value put {-Person.HumanLogin-|-[Eng|2][RndNum|100|999]-}. Then when you want to use it, just use {-Variable.random-login-}
  12. T

    Wallinside - Can't click 'Create Blog' button

    Seems like drvosjeca has the only version that works! What OS are you running it on?
  13. T

    How to Get Emails?

    Ok, so as I understand it, I take my list of emails which look like this [email protected];password;pop3.live.com;995 and put them in a table. I then assign each cell as a variable, so A is email, B is password, C is server and D is port. I then put the variables in the settings for email...
  14. T

    Wallinside - Can't click 'Create Blog' button

    The 'create blog' button won't register on http://wallinside.com. Not even when recording and actually clicking with the mouse. http://www.screencast.com/t/wcA3ykiXQw
  15. T

    Setting up private proxies

    I'm doing it like Bigcajones. Although it gives an error it's actually working for me and pulling a random proxy from my list and using it.
  16. T

    ZennoPoster Mental Power

    Thanks bro!!!! You're a life saver!!!
  17. T

    ZennoPoster Mental Power

    Thanks Shade, I still can't find that screen on the English version though. I've clicked everything possible! :{
  18. T

    ZennoPoster Mental Power

    {Profile.Email} gives me [email protected]. I don't see anywhere to edit emails within the profile to either generate a random email or pull one from a list. How can I use a private proxy? In ZP3 I would just pull a random line from a text file. Really not enjoying ZP4 yet. The old macros...
  19. T

    ZennoPoster Mental Power

    It's zennoposter.. There is no help! How to take a line from a text file, and then split it ie - email;password ??
  20. T

    ZennoPoster Mental Power

    Playing with it now and it looks amazing.. Just one thing.. Where are the macros? What does "Macros are now only just static." mean?? I'm just trying to insert a random number for a date and a random name and can't seem to find it??....
  21. T

    stumbleupon.com dropdown menu

    Yeah it kinda sucks!! Zennoposter is the best SEO program available but the lack of support/updates is a big drawback. Definitely more questions than answers..
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    stumbleupon.com dropdown menu

  23. T

    stumbleupon.com dropdown menu

    I've done just what you said and it still doesn't work??!!?? Am I missing something?? I've attached the template.
  24. T

    Stumbleupon account creator problems

    OK, So the problem is with the Javascript protection I think. If I turn off Javascript on the template Stumbleupon won't allow registration without Javascript. Any solutions to this??
  25. T

    How to Find and Replace with RegEx??

    Thanks Lannister that code is a bit beyond me though! I've solved it anyway with a combination of macros.
  26. T

    Stumbleupon account creator problems

    Stumbleupon must have changed things because when Zennoposter fills out the day/month/year in the account creation it doesn't work. Zenno fills out all the forms correctly and the day/month/year fields are populated however Stumpleupon won't accept that any data has been entered and says...
  27. T

    How to Find and Replace with RegEx??

    Thanks for the answer. The the first instance of the word I want to change isn't always in the first line so it wouldn't work. You've got me thinking though, maybe I could split the text with first instance of the word being the divider. Then change it and add it back in using your method...
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    How to Find and Replace with RegEx??

    bump Anyone??
  29. T

    How to Find and Replace with RegEx??

    I've got another question that is related to the 'Replace all strings that match a specified regular expression'. The problem is that I only want to replace one string and not them all. To keep it simple it can be the first the first string within the text. For example: "As far as SEO...
  30. T

    JumpTags.com Problem

    JumpTags.com seem to have changed their bookmarking forms and I just can't get it to work. Sometimes the Document address is 0;4 sometimes 0;5 and sometimes it just won't work at all. It's ok when making the template but then fails in debuging. When I finally did get it to work it failed in...
  31. T

    How to Find and Replace with RegEx??

    Ok, found it!! Didn't realize there was already a Macro for it!
  32. T

    How to Find and Replace with RegEx??

    All my articles are taken randomly from a folder by Zennoposter to post on various different web 2.0 sites. They are all in this format: <p>content</p> However now I want to post some of these on wiki sites where <p></p> is not supported. Instead they use [][] So once Zenno has pulled...
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    No Wordpress Confirmation Emails..

    Thanks for the advise. However it turns out the problem was down to some dodgy emails instead!
  34. T

    No Wordpress Confirmation Emails..

    I've done about 15 different web 2.0 templates now but Wordpress has me beat!! When I make the signup template I get the confirmation email, but when running the template I get nothing. If I manually click the signup button I get the email. Therefore I'm assuming the problem is with the...
  35. T

    Does Zennoposter allow User and Password Proxies?

    Thanks guys!
  36. T

    Does Zennoposter allow User and Password Proxies?

    I've just got some really fast private proxies but their not working with Zennoposter. Does Zennoposter allow proxies in the xxx.xx.xx.xxx.xx:user:password format? Thanks
  37. T

    Problem signing up on Sphinn.com

    It works! lol!! Thanks a lot for the explanation this has helped me out so much!! Thank You Hungry Bulldozer!!!:D
  38. T

    Problem signing up on Sphinn.com

    Can someone please give me a brief tutorial on how to select elements like this. Every time I try it with the Branch Constructor it says "not a single element found". In fact I've had no luck selecting any kind of element using this method. Help please!!
  39. T

    Facebook Emails

    I've just done a bit of experimenting and I'm using http:\/\/www\.facebook\.com.*[1-9][1-9][1-9] at the moment. Hopefully that will work?? Let me know if you have a better option! Thanks.
  40. T

    Facebook Emails

    Here are 2 variations of the Facebook confirmation emails. Notice the 2nd one says that the confirmation code may be needed too. I think Facebook are really trying to stop all bot signups! Return-path: <[email protected]> Envelope-to: [email protected]...
  41. T

    Problem signing up on Sphinn.com

    I've run into a problem signing up on Sphinn. The normal way to fill out the username and email using the Macro builder doesn't work. You can create the template but it won't run in debug because the username and email forms have several different IDs. Check the pics that I've attached. I...
  42. T

    Facebook Emails

    When I said I'm a noob, I've been using Zennoposter for almost 2 weeks now and can easily create accounts on Digg, Twitter, Livejournal, Delicious etc. These are very straightforward. The confirmation emails from Facebook though have several different titles and several different activation...
  43. T

    Facebook Emails

    It seems like Facebook have beefed up their antibot system. I've got 3 different confirmation emails. With 3 different titles. All titles contain the word Facebook so can someone tell me the regex for 'text contains Facebook' please? That would solve that problem. The second problem is...
  44. T

    Is this a Spintax bug??

    Well, like most computer problems human error was to blame!! I'm running ProjectMaker on Parallels which is running on my MAC. Zennoposter is on my VPS so working across 3 platforms, not all of the files in my Resources and Results folders were congruent which resulted in the errors...
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    Is this a Spintax bug??

    OK, may have solved it.. Need to do some more checks
  46. T

    Is this a Spintax bug??

    @gcomm Hi, yeah I read your post about that and I've already ruled that out. I've just done a Twitter template without any spinning and I'm getting the same problem. When it gets to the form where the email goes instead of pulling the email from my file it pulls...
  47. T

    Is this a Spintax bug??

    I've got about 400 spun articles which I've accumulated over the last 18 months that I want to keep in a master file and use for submissions across as many blogging platforms as I can find. I don't think splitting the titles and the body will help in this case?? Anyway, I'd still like to know...
  48. T

    Is this a Spintax bug??

    I'm trying to post spun content on LiveJournal. I've been trying all day and I keep getting an error when on Zennoposter and yet it works on ProjectMaker. I'm trying to get a block of spun text and then split it into title and body and post it to live journal. I get this error in the log though...
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    problems registering an email

    @bigcajones Thanks again! Great info as usual!
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    It too slow to create a templates on web server

    Same for me. Project maker is unusable on my VPS (4ghz processor + 4gb ram). Currently I run project maker on my MAC at home and zennoposter on my VPS which seems to be a good solution for me.