Результаты поиска

  1. L

    Change xmlz to zp inside many of projects

    Guys iv got 3000 projects and i need to open every1 and find is there something using an old .xmzl , and when i find something i need just to change it to .zp . It is posibble to automatize that ? Simple 3000 projects just find sentens .xmlz , when find change to .zp - i mean inside project.
  2. L

    Recaptcha 2 via sitekey

    Hello, Iv got site: https://nowyprofil.wp.pl/rejestracja/ , there is recaptcha v2 , i used Anti-captcha.dll , when i use normal " in tab " ofcorse there is error , then when i use recognizing via sitekey 6LdbMCQUAAAAAAMdzttW6mmRpKV1r7mWXjdzgv-p , iv got an answer ...