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  1. A

    How to Find, Replace, and Save Data in Excel Across Multiple Rows?

    Awesome, thanks! I'll look into those ideas when I next get some free time. Thanks again.
  2. A

    How to Find, Replace, and Save Data in Excel Across Multiple Rows?

    I came up with a solution in the end. I'll post it in case it helps anyone else.... Not pretty, but rather than messing around with tables and excel it was easier just to have all the .csv data in a 'template' .txt file, then use ZP to load the template, replace the required data (pulled from a...
  3. A

    How to Find, Replace, and Save Data in Excel Across Multiple Rows?

    Hey Guys, Just getting my head around ZP, really liking it so far, but I've run into a bit of a dead end with one of my projects. Hopefully you guys can help, so here goes; What I've got 6 sequential rows in an excel .csv file with data in various cells in each line from column A2 - DI2. In...