Результаты поиска

  1. SaHiN

    ProjectMaker MP don't open

    Hi, initprogram - ok Load modules - ok no open :( Zennoposter Mp open and working. ProjectMaker don't open.
  2. SaHiN

    Regex Problem

    thank you :)
  3. SaHiN

    Regex Problem

    hi, code: <div style="float:left;margin-left:10px;max-width:580px;"> <img src="http://www.sadasdhyhyasd.com/111.jpg"> <div> scrape only link. how to make regex? thank you
  4. SaHiN

    gmail drop-down menu

    thank you KirillOFF :)
  5. SaHiN

    gmail drop-down menu

    Hi, gmail birthday and gender drop-down menü you can not select. help me?
  6. SaHiN

    how to make proxy save?

  7. SaHiN

    how to make proxy save?

    hi rostonix ,
  8. SaHiN

    how to make proxy save?

    hi, how to make checking proxy save? thank you.
  9. SaHiN

    XePoster - Xe Board Dofollow article poster

    skype =
  10. SaHiN

    XePoster - Xe Board Dofollow article poster

  11. SaHiN

    XePoster - Xe Board Dofollow article poster

    New Price 10$
  12. SaHiN

    Counter stop

    okey working. thank you rostonix, Здраво my post and thread don't read... Your hapy Smart Man..
  13. SaHiN

    Counter stop

    hi, if = {-Variable.Counter-}<5 counter don't stop. 5 repeat and stop?
  14. SaHiN

    [Free Template] Drb Guestbook poster

    project maker closed, zenno poster open.
  15. SaHiN

    [Free Template] Drb Guestbook poster

    ı m sory, New Drb Guestbook Template :)
  16. SaHiN

    2 template run error

    Zenno poster Close and new open. ok ı can see task run panel
  17. SaHiN

    2 template run error

    2 template run error. ı don't see run, task panel?
  18. SaHiN

    XePoster - Xe Board Dofollow article poster

    XePoster Features - Xpress Engine site - Basic input Menu - Multi article selected - Spintax - Html Code - Auto Report - 3 Mont Free Update Gift List - 400 different url (and unique ip) Only 10$
  19. SaHiN

    [SOLVED] article import charset Bug

    okey working, thank you dear :)
  20. SaHiN

    [SOLVED] article import charset Bug

    And turkish charset problem, Ç,ç,Ğ,ğ,İ,ı,Ş,ş,Ü,ü,Ç,ç,Ğ,ğ = �,�,�,�,�,� �
  21. SaHiN

    [SOLVED] article import charset Bug

    import article charset bug.
  22. SaHiN

    if macro

    Nice Working, Thank you bigcajones and rostonix :)
  23. SaHiN

    if macro

    New Template?
  24. SaHiN

    if macro

    click add pic. Optional is delete.
  25. SaHiN

    if macro

  26. SaHiN

    if macro

    action 1 - different action 2 - different action 1 not found => action 2 Action 1 result Ok => action desinger
  27. SaHiN

    if macro

    if macro ? thank you.
  28. SaHiN

    How to set DropDown no number?

    sample ; http://www.mediafire.com/view/?u4xd5m5vzlx7lx8 my select menü: -bmw -audi -toyota select menü : random Bmw or toyota or audi value macro code?
  29. SaHiN

    How to set DropDown no number?

    hi rostonix how to random value? how to auto random select? thank you.
  30. SaHiN

    [Free Template] Drb Guestbook poster

    Hi dear. Zenno poster Mp Drb Guestbook Poster. [/CENTER] New Drb Guestbook Template Template in list 100 Url and 600 fresh list.
  31. SaHiN

    Captcha Problem

    Best Helper Thank you. :)
  32. SaHiN

    Captcha Problem

    my template; Captha Working No captcha Error. Help me? :confused:
  33. SaHiN

    Save url ?

    Thank you dear. :)
  34. SaHiN

    Save url ?

    How to save url ? :confused:
  35. SaHiN

    input settings

    {-Variable.nick1-}{-Variable.nick2-} Error code. False code help me?
  36. SaHiN

    ZennoPoster MP new build released (1.10.2012)

    rostonix , my version - ZennoPosterLite 2/20/2012 ı 'm Upgrade product version ZennoPosterLite >>> ZennoPosterStandard or ZennoPosterPro upgrade my new versiyon ?
  37. SaHiN

    Article Box problem

    thank you rostonix :) working.
  38. SaHiN

    Article Box problem

    article box don't write. help me :)
  39. SaHiN

    making Repeat

    Thankyou rostonix your best helper :)
  40. SaHiN

    making Repeat

    How to making repeat? :)
  41. SaHiN

    my template don't working

    :D yes Good :beer:
  42. SaHiN

    my template don't working

    my problem pc langue settings. my keyboard langue - Turkish / change English problem is solved.
  43. SaHiN

    my template don't working

    Hi, My template debug mode okey, working. ZennoPoster MP Lite Run Don't working. User name, pass is blank. gaps blank. Error My firefox settings or ie settings? Help me?
  44. SaHiN

    Load Profile error

    My template Run Debug mode okey, working. ZennoPoster MP Lite dont't working. Username and pass is blank. why? thank you
  45. SaHiN

    Load Profile error

    Thank you rostonix. :) Thankyou
  46. SaHiN

    Load Profile error

    Hi, ı have 10 accounts. And Load profile account.txt ; zamzam1|12345 zamzam1|12345 zamzam1|12345 zamzam1|12345 Load profile my account.txt and error. account.txt the correct spelling ? (My english very bad sory)
  47. SaHiN

    Basic video course.

    Very nice, thank you :)