Результаты поиска

  1. S

    Connection to Captcha Service

    I use the captcha solving service from Imagetyperz. They use a little tool to send request to other captcha services to their own guys. I really like it. When I use public proxies in ZP MP I have no issues, but when I use the set proxy feature for my private proxies, the captcha method does not...
  2. S

    Debugging Error

    I get this error when I want to debug my template. Other templates seem to work without error.
  3. S

    Interface is slow

    Does anybody else have the feeling that the latest build is a bit slower? Within project maker it takes a lot of time to load the popups for the steps.
  4. S

    Get Proxy

    Can someone explain how this is supposed to work? Does this function take the proxies from proxy checker? Where is the benefit when I can set proxy in before template execution?
  5. S

    Template execution is a big trouble

    So I managed to make some templates in ZP MP, so far so good. I like the new interface and don't miss macros so much. The graphics interface is a bit slow I think. But after building templates, there comes the next big thing. Running them. 1) Private proxies can't be used at their full...
  6. S

    "Copy to editor"

    Is there some replacement for the old "Copy to editor" function? When I'm debugging something and I have to make changes, I'm forced to do the whole process again and then click "Stop" to add the steps to a new. I really miss this function :(
  7. S

    See what Zenno is doing?

    Hi, I'm testing the new version of zenno but I can't see the separate windows for the threads that are running. I clicked on home>threads>show but nothing happens. I really want to see what's going on
  8. S

    Zennoposter running template different than projectmaker

    Hi, I have a template where I take a random line from a .txt file. In debugging it works as supposed, the macro takes a random line and I can work with this line. But when I run the template in Zennoposter I always get the first line and nothing else. Does anybody know why this happens...