Результаты поиска

  1. C

    Zennbox not emailing customer

    Nvm I found out he had to logon to the account he resisted with.
  2. C

    Zennbox not emailing customer

    I tried to sell a bot to a customer using the bot sale under https://userarea.zennolab.com but it has been 12 hours and he has yet to get the email
  3. C

    A lot of InputSetting select

    For select option of inputsetting can it be a dropdown menu instead of radio buttons? Because I have a huge list of options, almost 20 options. Also is there a way to select more than one option?
  4. C

    Why does this never stop?

    It should stop after 2 pages which it does because the 2nd last step will return false. But zennoposter keep doing something else... Please take a look at this and let me know what the problem is. Thank You
  5. C

    How to download a video?

    How can I download videos with zennoposter? Does it also save the video in a temporary folder while it loads? or How would I have a .mp4 file? If I know the link like http://website.com/video1.mp4 how would I save that?
  6. C

    After 10 minute+ pause zennoposter can not a tab.

    So is this problem fixed in 4.3.0?
  7. C

    [Free Template] Drb Guestbook poster

    thanks a lot for the share
  8. C

    After 10 minute+ pause zennoposter can not a tab.

    CPU: Intel Atom CPU N2800 @ 1.86 GHZ RAM: 2.00 GB System OS: 64-Bit Windows Server 2008 I was in debug mode running 1 thread.
  9. C

    After 10 minute+ pause zennoposter can not a tab.

    I get this error : Tab imageTwist is not found in instance. Instance 50505: but this tab exist, I created since the beginning and it ran through this step before without errors but after a long pause I loop it back to this step but it gives me an error
  10. C

    After 10 minute+ pause zennoposter can not a tab.

    I'm using 4.2 and after a pause interval of 600-1200, it gives an error when I try to go to page with an existing tab. Is there a fix for this?
  11. C

    This is URGENT! A way to back up the templates in the scheduler

    This would be a good addition.
  12. C

    Whats max number of lines for a text?

    Does zennoposter have a limit of lines it can handle? I know the table for zennoposter was limited to 2000, and after that it gave errors such as out of range of array. What about list processing? Is there a limit?
  13. C

    Wait for download.

    So I'm guessing there no way to check if the download is finished. I need to download a file with different size so I guess I have to pick a large enough pause so all files can be downloaded.
  14. C

    Wait for download.

    im downloading a zip file.
  15. C

    Wait for download.

    Is there a way to tell zennoposter to wait until download is finished before going to the next step? other than setting a higher time out?
  16. C

    [SOLVED]  Next action without waiting for page to load

    Can I make it go to the next action without waiting for the complete page to load? Im scraping a website but it takes a really long time for the complete page to load. The content I need to scrape loads really fast, but the complete page takes 3-4 minutes. Is there a way I can tell zennoposter...
  17. C

    How to set even click?

    Yes that is what I'm trying to do. How do I do it?
  18. C

    How to set even click?

    I can't "Select form type"
  19. C

    How to set even click?

    I created a new event click and "Select event: click" but I can't select form type or select element type. edit: I think it is because IntelliSearch is on. How do I disable IntelliSearch in the editor?
  20. C

    [SOLVED] Can't Install 4.2

    when did 4.2 come out and what changes? do I receive emails when new version comes out?
  21. C

    How to program winrar?

    So lets say I want to run winrar from command line where would I put "unrar x c:\yourfile.rar c:\extractfolder\" ?
  22. C

    How to program winrar?

    Is there a way I can execute winrar and extra it to a specific folder? So far I'm able to open a .zip file by messing around with the startup settings. But I can't figure out how to extract the files to a folder. Has anyone successfully done this?
  23. C

    How to check if text exist in a text file?

    So I have a link and I want to test if that link exist in a text file. How to do this?
  24. C

    How do I check for empty list?

    Oh wow that is simple thanks a lot.
  25. C

    How do I check for empty list?

    How do I check if a list is empty?
  26. C

    Where is input parameter?

    Oh ok. So I won't be able to promote a user while the program runs? I have to do it before the program run? Anyway of prompting the person in the middle of the program?
  27. C

    Where is input parameter?

    how can I prompt a user for a number? Like a alert box pops up asking for a number and a user will have to input a number.
  28. C

    Where is input parameter?

    I want to promote the user for a number. I read on http://wiki.zennolab.com/doku.php?id=en:input-settings that it is available from versions ZennoPoster MP 4.1+, but I can find it. Where is it? And how do I use it in the program?
  29. C

    Multi Thread is not working properly.

    Alright cool. I'll make threads if I have questions.
  30. C

    Multi Thread is not working properly.

    Alright thanks a lot. I didn't want to spam your boards with small questions.
  31. C

    Multi Thread is not working properly.

    I want to do both if possible. I want to knock two birds with one stone. But if not I will just make a new bot to keep refreshing the captcha and download a much as possible so I can train capmonster. BTW can capmonster train this type of captha?
  32. C

    Multi Thread is not working properly.

    Ok I got it to start to save some captcha. But now im running into some problems. I set it so if it the wrong captcha was entered wrong, it will try and re enter the captcha again, but when i added the extra steps to save the captcha image the captcha are showing up in the wrong order. I can't...
  33. C

    Multi Thread is not working properly.

    Awesome. Thank you for the help.
  34. C

    Multi Thread is not working properly.

    Oh ok thanks for the help. While your here, can you tell me how I can save a copy of the captcha I encounter so I can train capmonster?
  35. C

    Multi Thread is not working properly.

    I'm running through a list of username and password. I stored them into a table. I used Table processing to Take first line and Remove after getting. But when I tried to run this in 2 threads, the first thread is fine but the second window is also trying the accounts that the first thread is...
  36. C

    How to select drop down?

    This worked perfectly. thanks for the help
  37. C

    How to select drop down?

    How do I select month and gender for https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&ltmpl=default dropdowns?