Результаты поиска

  1. L

    Скопировать файл перед началом работы многопоточного шаблона

    I use a global variable, creating or deleting it via its Invoked method; object magicClassObjectDeleteVar = project.GlobalVariables.GetType().GetMethod("DeleteVariable").Invoke(project.GlobalVariables,new object[]{"mynamespace@myTask.myNameVar"}); Project 1 has one thread and when it finishes...
  2. L

    Извлечь строку из таблицы БД MySQL с удалением одним запросом стандартными средствами Зеннопостер

    Mysql like works queue, Multiple queries at the same time BEGIN; SET @v1 = ( SELECT id_table FROM my_table WHERE task_done = 0 LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE); DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id_table = @v1; Select @v1; COMMIT; remember "semicolon" behind each mysql line The query returns the id to work...
  3. L

    2 место Работа с MySql в многопотоке. Блокировка таблиц. Получение id добавленной записи.

    Mysql like works queue, Multiple queries at the same time BEGIN SET @v1 = ( SELECT id_table FROM table WHERE process_task = 0 AND date_start IS NULL LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE) UPDATE table SET process_task = 1,date_start = now() WHERE id_table = @v1 Select @v1 COMMIT The query returns the id to...
  4. L

    Взять строку из бд с удалением

    Mysql like works queue, Multiple queries at the same time BEGIN; SET @v1 = ( SELECT id_table FROM table WHERE process_task = 0 AND date_start IS NULL LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE); UPDATE table SET process_task = 1,date_start = now() WHERE id_table = @v1; Select @v1; COMMIT; The query returns the id to...
  5. L

    Close Zennoposter and save task safely after a specified time (I would like to share)

    Hello, I would like to share, I have seen that some users need this option. When there are many threads, the practice has shown that restarting every hour or two hours the speed is greater when eliminating dead processes. I use the attached zennoposter template...
  6. L

    Вытащить данные СМС сервисов из зенки

    //System.Reflection library is required Methods for SMS 5sim: 1)insert new GAC references in your project. 2) go to C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\EN\ZennoPoster Pro\\Progs from GAC references 3)Select file SmsActivate.dll 4)Insert new in your project : Using Directives and share code...
  7. L

    Как изменить значение по-умолчанию для переменной?

    Here is the template code; Paste this code into a c # cube; project.Context["CreateVarValue"] = (Action<string,string,bool,bool,bool>)((namevarcreate,valuevarcreate,createvarquick,resetvalue,infotolog) => { string NameSave = namevarcreate; string ValueSave = valuevarcreate; bool Quick =...
  8. L

    Как изменить значение по-умолчанию для переменной?

    Hi, I have written a delegate, and I share it in case it is useful to you; The delegate allows creating variables with: CreateVariable method or with the QuickCreateVariable method. Just writing via c# cube; project.Context ["CreateVarValue"] ("MynewVAR", "NewValue", true, true, true)...
  9. L

    Как изменить значение по-умолчанию для переменной?

    Thanks, My curiosity started when you commented "GetMethod (" Quick Create Variable ")", would there be more of this type? //System.Reflection required //System.Windows.Forms required //what are their methods? (modify by the one required) object obj = project.Variables...
  10. L

    Как изменить значение по-умолчанию для переменной?

    Hope this can help you create variables with default value object magicClassObject = project.Variables.GetType().GetMethod("CreateVariable").Invoke(project.Variables,new object[]{"myvar","myValue",VariableGroupTypeV4.UserDefined,true });
  11. L

    Помогите с Select и Option плз...

    Sorry, I don't know if this will help you, I don't read your language well, sorry: Change all InnerHtml of <select ....> where <option value = "V1"> Text1 </option> <option value = "V2"> Text2 </option> . . <option value = "Vn"> Textn </option> Write only the one that interests; (example...