Результаты поиска

  1. S

    Problem with clicking "Vote Up" button on YT

    Great, I'm really appreciate for that.
  2. S

    Problem with clicking "Vote Up" button on YT

    Hi, Like the title says I've got a problem - how to click the "vote-up" button only for comments that belong to me. This action allow me to take the whole mine comment but what can I do with it? Also i tried to do something like that Tab tab = instance.ActiveTab; if (tab.IsBusy)...
  3. S

    Looking for skilled ZP developer!

    I need a template that will: Take cities, title, summary text and description text from a file. Automatically change phrase %CITY%(or something like that) in title, desc, summary for each city from the file. Login into OmniFLASH and add a project for each city - here you can see how it...