Результаты поиска

  1. T

    Check if file exist! then use or copy it

    {-File.Exists-|-{-Project.Directory-}contas_\contas.txt-} i need check if file exist if yes go to id branch XXXX if no go to id branch XXXX, i've tried to use connection line successfull exit and fail exit, but if it return false or true, will exit in success line. how can i do that? i...
  2. T


    how is possible to handle mysql db in zennoposter 3? if is in "own code" i need some example or tutorial with it
  3. T

    How extract text to a box! really need help!

    thank you!! it work really good!!!! i used string.replace to remove spaces and "$" of the text found by regex then out it in amount box!! man, i love you kkkkk! im joking! :p
  4. T

    How extract text to a box! really need help!

    :confused: Im creating a template to login then go to wallet page, and transfer money to other user. but i need to set the amount, how can i extract a text ex: $800,00 then but in form only 800,00. . its a simple text here is the css code please really need help!