Результаты поиска

  1. K

    How do i make google ads visible in search results on certain keywords

    You can try enabling disabling various addons in zenno, scripts etc also try all switchin useragents and browser engines.
  2. K

    How to create hundreds of Gmail accounts with Zennoposter ?

    Maybe we can point our observations, because google can limit you no matter if using zp or not. Two things seems crucial: 1. IP - how many gmails can be opened and can google ban old accounts? Using same IP can be helpful but also dangerous. If you change IP you cannot be sure if someone not...
  3. K

    How do i make google ads visible in search results on certain keywords

    Does zennopsoter showing you different ads? Google on webpages or any other ads?
  4. K

    How to create hundreds of Gmail accounts with Zennoposter ?

  5. K

    How to create hundreds of Gmail accounts with Zennoposter ?

    I wonder if anyone opened account without phone ver in ZP?
  6. K

    zennoposter email server settings

    Maybe try to load credentials from file/table.
  7. K

    h-captcha 2captcha callback

    Did you try standard zennoposter setting in action poster captcha recognition - it was 2captcha.dll.
  8. K

    How to create hundreds of Gmail accounts with Zennoposter ?

    I guess proper proxy might be important here.
  9. K

    Proxy-Seller.com - Residential / 4G LTE / IPv4 / IPv6 High Quality Private proxies. Lots of GEO

    Can we use it to set up Google account without phone verification?
  10. K

    Cannot get the initial profile

    Did you solve it?
  11. K

    Trick to find what's slowing your template down

    Nice share. Does it work only on newest zp version?
  12. K

    blocking urls in browser request

    You want to block before visiting a page?
  13. K

    Undetectable Browser settings

    The only way it to try different settings. There are only few browser engines so adding different useragents etc give you answer.
  14. K

    Parasite SEO & Reddit?

    Zenno is just a tool, it's up to you how to use it. On reddit just to start karma is crucial, without it you won't post anything.
  15. K

    Translating youtube videos

    Is there any tool we can use to automate traslating and reading subtitles of youtube videos in a language of our preference? Maybe some AI utility?
  16. K

    Gmail and zennoposter

    Anything changed since last year?
  17. K

    Geolocation popup

    Is it possible to autoclose/hide geolocation popup in projectmaker?
  18. K

    Hcaptcha in zennoposter solving

    Is any version able to autosolve (autosubmit) hcaptcha via 2catpcha?
  19. K

    Gmail and zennoposter

    Do you have any knowledge if newest zennoposter solved that issue?
  20. K

    Gmail and zennoposter

    Setting 2FA would allow zennoposter to check mails like in the past?
  21. K

    Gmail and zennoposter

    Is it possible to login in gmail with zennoposter to verify links? I guess 2fa make it harder if not impossible.
  22. K

    Recaptcha template

    I need recaptcha configuration for zennoposter using api of a service like 2captcha.
  23. K

    Decaptcher service is not emulated

    Nobody using decaptcher?
  24. K

    Decaptcher service is not emulated

    I guess the issue is about all captcha brakers using decaptcher dll. Any modificatiions have to be made since zennoposter 7.5.1.x?
  25. K

    Decaptcher service is not emulated

    Not that I am aware.
  26. K

    Decaptcher service is not emulated

    Does captcha sniper have issues with newest zennoposter version? I have configured it in old zennoposter working like below:
  27. K

    Issues after upgrade

    {-//-} was pointing to zennoposter directory (Progs), not project directory.
  28. K

    Issues after upgrade

    It's pointing to zennoposter main directory. It's impossible to work without it.
  29. K

    Issues after upgrade

    How change it? {-//-} element is really useful.
  30. K

    Issues after upgrade

    The issue is with code element: {-//-} - when I put manually path it works fine. Above code worked in previous versions of zennoposter.
  31. K

    VPN in Zennoposter

    Were there any plans to allow using VPNs from inside zennoposter?
  32. K

    Zennoposter as software testing tool

    Do you think that zennoposter can be used for software testing? I think it's universal and I can only see 2 issues - it will work with web-based testing and it has small amounts of browsers for testing. What are your experiences? Do you use it in your testing jobs?
  33. K

    Issues after upgrade

    After upgrading from 5 to 7 I got few issues: 1. Cannot send captcha via decaptcher dll. Is only putting url in "more options" in setting necessary? Since 7 I cannot send them both in project maker and main app. 2. I am no good with C# but any reason why it stopped working?: var path =...
  34. K

    Latest version? Issues with Recaptcha v2

    You meant (I'm not a robot) captcha?
  35. K

    New recaptcha

    I mean reCAPTCHA V2 (I'm not a robot). From your experience zennoposter with 2captcha have good solve rate? 2captcha has easiest method to solve just by using javascript to set the value of g-recaptcha-response: document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response").innerHTML="TOKEN_FROM_2CAPTCHA"...
  36. K

    New recaptcha

    Is it possible for zennoposter to solve (via external services) all recaptchas? Any english tutorial how to send them?
  37. K

    Changing directories

    Since version 7 operator {-//-} seems to be changed. In 5 it's returning: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZennoLab\ZennoPoster Standard\Progs\ Since 7 it's changing and seems to be interfering with projects: C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\EN\ZennoPoster Standard V7\\Progs\ C:\Program...
  38. K

    Changes between versions

    I see. Is the operator {-//-} not working?, Also does private proxy setting being changed? Old format was: user:pass@ip:port. It seems not working.
  39. K

    Changes between versions

    I mean many action objects changed in zennoposter since that version. Are they all converted?
  40. K

    Changes between versions

    Is zennoposter able to convert old objects to new? Any key aspects from your experience?
  41. K

    Changes between versions

    What is the easiest way of upgrading old projects from 5.8 to 7.3 ? Is it any way to omit manual changing each file? From fast look I see varios operators like {-//-} not working, private proxy setting seems also being changed.
  42. K

    Zennoposter and Gmail

    Best bet would be your own hosting for sure.
  43. K

    Zennoposter and Gmail

    If that do not work you can in worst case just add filter in gmail redirecting all mails to your different email.
  44. K

    ZennoPoster dead for SEO purpose?

    And if zennoposter is dead for seo, means we can still make it usable in countless other purposes.
  45. K

    Proxychecker in ZP: Difference "Check Proxies" and "Re-check Live"

    Check will go with all you have in base, while the 2nd be faster checking only those alive.
  46. K

    Discussion - new version

    Is newest zennoposter using featurest of newest firefox? I heard that firefox 57 or one of the previous versions make it really efficient.
  47. K

    Enable cookies

    Have you tried different proxy, user agents, cache and cookie clearing?
  48. K

    How to set recaptcha2

    You have to use some api of a decaptcher - 2captcha has it explained in detal.
  49. K

    Is there a way to edit multiple projects at once?

    Is it theoretically possible that any future zennopsoter version would allow to edit xmlz files (notepad style)?
  50. K

    Errors in the templates?! Find and solve them 2 times faster !!!

    Very nice tutorial, the only thing I wonder how to easily locate that "error id" in project maker - which block it is.