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  1. E


    Hello I am wondering if I am running into a bug. I have a project that is pulling from an email list in this format (email:firstname:lastname) and I have a split setup to split out the three when needed using {-Variable.emails-}{-Variable.firstname-}{-Variable.lastname-}. I have the program...
  2. E

    Converting Projects to Request based

    Fair enough. How do you verify it actually works? Is there a way to view it real time in browser, similar to how you would do it when making the browser version.
  3. E

    Converting Projects to Request based

    Would you be able to attach an example project of something you made with request based? Would be super helpful to see an example.
  4. E

    Converting Projects to Request based

    Thanks, I have been playing around with it a bit. Is there a way I can see if the one I created actually works or is the only way to monitor traffic as well?
  5. E

    Converting Projects to Request based

    Thank you! Would it be possible to book an hour of your time to go over an example of a very basic project on how this is accomplished. Would pay you a nice hourly rate. I just need one example to go off of. Thank you!
  6. E

    Converting Projects to Request based

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I get all that. So here is an example: Some of the projects I have created auto fill in various fields like name, email, etc. Based on that, would you have an example of the flow of how a request would be done/ I assume it would be all request\post?
  7. E

    Converting Projects to Request based

    Hello All! Been using Zennoposter for a while now but am looking at turning all my projects into request based vs browser. A few questions: What would be the best approach to do this? Is there anyway to verify everything works after converting? Thanks!
  8. E

    Capmonster 2 not recognizing any captchas.

    Hello Currently running Capmonster 2 with the proxy addon. It seems Capmonster 2 is not recognizing any CaptchaV2. It is showing no images. I have tried this on 3 separate machines\servers all with the same result. See below for an example of what they look like. I can send the captchas to...
  9. E

    Redirect Capmonster Cloud Captcha to Capmonster Pro

    Hello! Is there anyway to redirect all captchas sent to Capmonster Cloud to redirect to Capmonster pro via a host file or something? Thanks!