
  1. M

    How to randomize C # for Drop down?

    How to randomize in C#. What should I do?
  2. S

    need dependent dropdown

    hi guys i gonna need to make a dependent dropdown into bot interface which sets also some value in my variable . i have tested some methods but they don't return variables to my project thanks
  3. S

    dependent dropdown in bot interface

    hi guys i am trying to make a bot interface for my project and I have 2 dropdown selection which the second oneis dependent to first one like below: ***** Doing this in Bot interface ***** 1st dropdown: select country: "Russia" "USA" "iran" 2nd dropdown depends on which country user...
  4. S

    how to get the Number of a Line in list

    hi guys i hope you all good. there is a dropdown option that with action designer I can only select them by value which is numberal and thepoint is thier texts which are some bank names and the options are dynamic and changes at a random time. my point is to find the bank name which i need in...
  5. justanotherVar

    Как правильно подобрать XPath к дропдаун меню?

    Привет. instance.ActiveTab.Navigate("https://www.reg.ru/domain/new/rereg"); instance.ActiveTab.WaitDownloading(); // // Thread.Sleep(3000); instance.ActiveTab.FindElementByXPath("//select[@class='double_border']",0).Click(); //Thread.Sleep(3000)...
  6. Frcc78bis

    Use regular expression to select a specific value on a dropdown

    Hello Guys, I'm trying to select a value on a dropdown. My variable is "Géomètre/Topographe", so it's working fine. (see second image). But, imagine my variable is only "Géo". So I want to use regular expression (regex) to find the right <option> and to select it. The one that contains "Géo"...