Chatting Template


Hi guys,
I need a template for a polish chatting site, there are many chatrooms on that site and you can only join 10 from 1 ip addres. I wanna be able to msg anyone who comes into a chat room with a msg I choose, I don't think it's gonna be hard to make. I already have a template that msg anyone in the room in alphabetical order but I would like to have one to msg ppl that just has come in. There are some problems with this chat like they are only allowing to open 7 windows at once and also you cant write to fast to another ppl. It would be great to make a template that msg ppl from like 10 accounts at once 1 account to 1 new person who connect to chat and dont reapet accounts (they are many ppl coming every minute). So ppl only get msg once and thats all. Also if you login to this chat with your nickname to see ppl that are coming in or coming out you have to clikck on the setting icon next to your nick in chat window, then check the third box whit says in polish "Pokazuj informacje o przyjsciu i odejsciu uzytkownika" . Please tell me how much it would cost. Best Regards

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