I'm trying to post spun content on LiveJournal. I've been trying all day and I keep getting an error when on Zennoposter and yet it works on ProjectMaker.
I'm trying to get a block of spun text and then split it into title and body and post it to live journal. I get this error in the log though when it tries to execute the spintax macro " Macros base does not have this macros: |- "
Instead of the spun title appearing in the form on Live journal I get this
I've tried different combinations of Macros like, getting the text, pause, spin, pause, split string, pause but I still get the error. It works on Project Maker though??? I've also made other templates that process spun content and post to bookmarking sites without a problem.
One thing I should mention is that I'm splitting the title and body by using + and to deliminate between blocks of text I'm using * Could this be the problem?? Most other characters (<>:;'"$) are used within the text which means I can't use them.
Anyway, this is totally doing my head in.
Advice anyone?

I'm trying to get a block of spun text and then split it into title and body and post it to live journal. I get this error in the log though when it tries to execute the spintax macro " Macros base does not have this macros: |- "
Instead of the spun title appearing in the form on Live journal I get this

I've tried different combinations of Macros like, getting the text, pause, spin, pause, split string, pause but I still get the error. It works on Project Maker though??? I've also made other templates that process spun content and post to bookmarking sites without a problem.
One thing I should mention is that I'm splitting the title and body by using + and to deliminate between blocks of text I'm using * Could this be the problem?? Most other characters (<>:;'"$) are used within the text which means I can't use them.
Anyway, this is totally doing my head in.
Advice anyone?