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Это результат без использования списка стоп-слов и так далее. Т.е. можно заметить еще некоторые недостатки парсера, тем не менее они будут исправлены
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Требования для работы парсера и обработчика: Python 3.9 + GPU от 8 гб памяти (обработка языковой моделью может выполняться и на CPU но гораздо медленней)
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Вот пример обработки 100 суммированных предложений по ключевой фразе: "what is whataboutism" на встроенной видеокарте ноутбука:
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['https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism', 'https://theconversation.com/whataboutism-what-it-is-and-why-its-such-a-popular-tactic-in-arguments-182911', 'https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whataboutism', 'https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/whataboutism-origin-meaning', 'https://www.dictionary.com/browse/whataboutism', 'https://www.dictionary.com/e/whataboutisms/', 'https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/35272', 'https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/whataboutism', 'https://bigthink.com/thinking/whataboutism-a-defense/', 'https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/whataboutism', 'what is whataboutism']
'what is whataboutism' DONE by 98.4036 sec
Whataboutism is a form of deflection, distraction, and manipulation that Hannah uses to justify her choice of staying in her ex-partner's company. Every new remark made by someone, G.O.P." was observed on NBC News' 17th day of coverage on June 2021. During their journey, wealthy individuals often exhibit the familiar patterns of consternation, ambivalence, contemptuousness, and ultimately surrender on the other side. Bloch's article on your leader' remark about East, West and the predicament of the war in May 18 is the most appropriate piece of whataboutism that any wealthy person has ever read. This was taught by sophists over 2,500 years ago during their studies at Greece. When the West criticizes the Soviet Union for their homophobic behavior and oppression, they highlight instances of racism and lynching that were committed by Western governments. One's opponent' s behavior can appear as forbidden torture, one'd act as "enhanced question methods," the other'S act is aggression, and his own is only a chemical reaction. It is possible to address the incompatibility of whataboutism, but rational arguments are necessary for a valid argument. If someone were to express that people are often killed in the name of religion, it would be likened to Hitler and Nazism killing as many people. Afterward, grandpa walks over to the table and praises a large, aggressive, and lifeless cat. The Lapp paper featured a column by Toilet Healy, an Irish journalist, that discussed the Lapper issue and included the phrase "Whataboutery" three days later. Whataboutism attains a level of excellence across various subjects such as race, Brexit, and those who are proficient in whatabouts from the Soviet Union. For example, The Soviet response to the criticism that they were lynching negroes, which was described as "whataboutism" by Ioffe, is considered a classic example. Ioffe referred to the Soviet response to "Negroes being lynched" as a classic form of whataboutism.[28] He stressed the importance of maintaining the ideal, stating that the Unite State should continue to advocate for them. He added that not the ambassador's message was important. The Chinese government's ownership of a claim that China is the best at table tennis by China Daily would be considered an affront to its own credibility. The word whataboutism is a combination of the words what and about, which means "to turn back the critic" in relation to the original critic. In her book, Freedom of Address in Russia, Daphne Skillen criticized the tactic as a "Soviet propagandist's method" and labeled it as an anti-war defense to match Nazi propaganda. The Me Too Motion and other leading issues in the late 2010s have incorporated or employed whataboutism. [79] According to a 2016 article by Leonid Bershidsky in Bloomberg News, whataboutism is regarded as 'a Russian custom' while The National sees it as an effective rhetorical weapon. A significant number of everyday whataboutism are named. Boris Johnson, who would later become the Prime Minister of the UK, wrote a piece in 2013 that discussed political "dead cat" schemes. If someone were to call you out the next time, you might respond with a positive response like, "Yes, I'm correct," and then proceed to cook some food. The accusation of "whataboutism" is viewed as an insufficient measure of communication by Gina Schad, the protective mechanism. According to Johnson, if you present the public with one news that is both showy and ridiculous, they will disregard it. The comparison was unjustified in principle because there was only one legal superpower, the USA, and it was based on values rather than power interests. Therefore, I do not support such an assertion. Here are three ways in which they can be used: Subscribe for unexpected and impactful narratives delivered exclusively to your inbox every Thursday. Note: This content requires javascript usage. Christensen evening finds value in the argument: "The alleged ‘whataboutist’ question what has not been asked before and bring to light contradictions, double standards and hypocrisy." The US civil right reforms were able to achieve success by using the death-death tactic at the end of the Cold War. The post-Soviet Soviet Union's approach to whataboutism is effectively a national ideology, as noted by journalist Luke Harding. Instead of acknowledging her own vulnerability, why does the husband say, "What about you?" The use of whataboutism does not necessarily imply a lack of responsibility or prosecution, as it can serve as opportune time to uncover inconsistencies, unfairnesses, and partial hypocrisy. Whataboutism is a fallacy that closely resembles the apologetic fallalism, in which an individual attacks the person who created the accusation. Whataboutisms are often viewed as negative or positive by philosophers, logicians, and debaters because they are perceived as equivalent to ad hominem attacks. Andrew Marantz, The New Yorker, dated November 6, 2022, does not engage in any hypothetical speculation about Bully and Saint. Their ability to manipulate an audience, even if it's true, is their pride. The idea of "false ethical balance" was first introduced by Ronald Reagan in 1985 to reject any comparison between the US and other countries. The accusation against Hannah (above) is centered on her actions and not the ethical implications of cheating. Did the DNC decline to allow the FBI access to search for him in his March 20, 2017 tweet? Additionally, According to the idea, criticism of the Soviet Union is false as there are issues with other nations. Ioffe, who has written about whataboutism in at least three offprint publications, referred to it as a "classic" instance of whataroundis. Why does he engage in bad mouth when the actions of Clinton and Obama were so negative? Philip Bump, published on August 29, 2017 in The Washington Post, asserts that two mistakes are not a right. Putin responded to George W. Bush's criticism of Russia by stating that they would not consider an affluent individual as representative of democratization like Iraq did. Kirkpatrick believes that the interpretative model of different state is not identical. You can say yes, but that doesn't excuse your lack of responsibility and offer a sincere apology. The Conversation's More article, narrated by Noa, can be listened to here. This episode prompts those who watch to accuse Trump of whataboutism, including Chow Todd and Jake Sullivan, who appear on Meet the Press[42] and are political advisors. Other states are also using the list of potential uses for his speech, which includes the forgiveness of "dangerous criminals," drug dealers, and the commutation of the sentence of Chelsea Man by President Barack Obama and Oscar Award winner López Rivera. The reference to "whataboutism" is also viewed as a "close call" to obtain monopoly of discourse and interpretation.[A] The example above illustrates how a rigidly ideological preference can lead to the production of semen that contradicts homophobia. This is possible. Bryn (@brynismyname) on June 22, 2020, is one of the critics who assert that "All Life Matter" and "Blue Life Mat" are being prosecuted in whataboutism after opposing the Black Life matter motion. In some express fortune situations, it may be a useful way to highlight that the accusation is biased. This can be done in Armenian or Cantonese, for example. The former has broader implications and should not be disregarded. Crick Wilson, a survivor of the Sandy Hook tragedy (@scottgwrites), was arrested on June 27, 2020. Park's accusation involves double standards and hypocrisy, but it can also be used to relativize criticism of one'self or their actions. What about, you can ejaculate? “Ah, it’s bedtime.” This term was coined in 1974 during the conflict between Northern Ireland and the Democracy of Ireland. Ivan Tsvetkov, an associate professor of International Relations in St Petersburg, acknowledges Lucas as the originator of the term. The political context of the Soviet Union and its ideals, as he stated, is hindered by the fact that homogeneity does not necessarily lead to their realization. Jesus is justified in reminding the sinner of his guilt as he does not have any guilt and is on the side of justice. The UK's prime curator, Boris Johnson (in February 2022), is a case in point. Instead, they present them as a battle to win. In the same vein, as in Lasswell's case, every state strives to enforce its interpretative model on others through revolution and war. The location of whataboutism is a common experience among all of us, and we're not exempt from it. "[57] 4.' Whataboutism and tu quoque are supported by some wealthy individuals in certain situations. Why? Likewise, when faced with the situation of her room being state off, one child can easily say: "What about my brother's room?" Why does she have to worry? During the Zurich Security Conference on February 17, 2019, Iran's foreign curate Mohammed Javad Zarif employed this tactic, which is similar to using raspberries and asking someone else to identify themselves. Its name conveys a hint of its meaning by refuting an accusation, creating controversy over whether an opposition is guilty of discourtesy or worse, such as crying or whataboutism. It is not a simple matter of rationalization or justification, but rather requiring us to confront the sometimes painful reality of our position in the universe. Instead of answering the question, they ask "what about X?" and then argue their case. More Holocene alterations are driven by the news cycle's evolution, such as fake news and dog whistles. You can't drink beer. By counter-attacking, you admonish your adversary on the back foot with this phrase. The argument that Russian propagandists use to justify their policies is precisely the same as those used by Putin's tyrants, who are often accused of using "whataboutisme" in Indonesian. What about what exactly? Gaufman echoes Conradi's analogy of the tactic and the Soviet response, which states "Over there they lynch Negroes.". The tactic was likened by Gaufman to the Soviet response, which he repeated with the phrase "They lynch Negroes" in his writing. Adomanis pointed out that Soviet history students should take note of certain sections in the canon.[122] "There are a multitude of murderers," he stated. The words whataboutery and what aboutism are a blend of two terms that have the same meaning, which is established by the structure of park rejoinders. What about...? The Department of Energy has not made any significant changes in the fact that a wrongdoer can sometimes indicate an actual shortcoming, but it is hardly ever mistaken. Trump's habit of criticising others and claiming their worse behavior was a common tactic. The use of whataboutism by pro-Azerbaijan Internet trolls is employed to divert attention from negative remarks about the nation. Trump's approach to whataboutism as a word and practice is being promoted. The Soviet Union employed whataboutism as a propaganda technique during the Cold War, and it has been used since 1978. According to her, the Soviet Union Today was an organization that exclusively deals with the practice of whataboutism, and it is believed that what aboutisme was a sacred Russian strategy. According to her, the Soviet Union Today was an organization that exclusively deals with the practice of whataboutism, and it is believed that this approach was a sacred Russian strategy. Russophobia is a charge against labelling whataboutism as Russian or Soviet, which some reject. To admit fault, it's important to reevaluate the correctness of the phrase "my apology" versus "your apologies." The focus on the master issue, which raises the risk of police killings of Black people, is diverted to other issues without addressing the first one. Why? Euromaidan Imperativeness presents a feature on whataboutism, which is the second part of symphony's three-part educational series on Russian propaganda. [30][31].
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