What exactly is the function of Anti-Bot.dll and where do I use the module exactly


Hello everyone

I was wondering what exactly this module does. It has the same name as this guy's captchas:

"Anti-Bot" gives you a few random numbers and links and want you to click them in order...
A live demo of it can be found here: http://bit.makejar.com/labs/anti-bot-links-500/
(Forget about the Solve-Media Captcha which is in middle of the other one)

Now I checked the Anti-Bot.dll in ZennoPoster/Progs folder and found this: Anti-Bot.dll.config, it's content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- каким по порядку должен идти модуль anticaptcha -->
<add key="anti_captcha_module_number" value="0" />
<!-- каким по порядку должен идти модуль captchabot -->
<add key="captcha_bot_module_number" value="1" />
<!--default answer-->
<add key="anti_bot_default_answer" value="sorry" />

No, I cannot read Russian, can't you people at Zenno write those things in English? Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude. I'm really happy with Zenno and learning more every day, and it would be easier to have something like an English "Official" tutorial with video instructions and examples. Because so many times I google someting related to Zenno and all I find are Russian pages and the few videos I can find (I know they all have their best intentions) but the sound is so horrible sometimes that it is hard to continue watching them.

Now anyways, from what I can see here is that this adds some kind of module number? Value 0 or 1 or sorry.

But I don't know how to use it to get that captcha solved..

Please help me. What do I recognize with this plugin, and how can I solve the captcha on the Demo Example page above. Thanks in advance.

Кто просматривает тему: (Всего: 1, Пользователи: 0, Гости: 1)