S spdocap Новичок Регистрация 07.04.2020 Сообщения 8 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 07.04.2020 #1 What is the best proxy service for recaptchav2 ?
VladZen Administrator Команда форума Регистрация 05.11.2014 Сообщения 22 496 Благодарностей 5 919 Баллы 113 10.04.2020 #2 Hello, We can't recommend certain proxy provider. However, we adise you using residental proxies with Chrome method of solving recaptcha in recaptcha addon and datacenter proxies for httprequest method.
Hello, We can't recommend certain proxy provider. However, we adise you using residental proxies with Chrome method of solving recaptcha in recaptcha addon and datacenter proxies for httprequest method.