What is the difference between Rotating IP and Sticky IP? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?


In daily life, most people want to find goods that are both cheap and high-quality, but this is often contradictory. As the saying goes, "You can't have your cake and eat it too", this principle also applies to the field of network proxies. Rotating residential IP and static residential IP are such a pair of tools with complementary characteristics.

Rotating residential IP:

Rotating residential IP will randomly assign IP addresses, and after each use, the IP address will automatically return to the proxy pool for the next user to use. Its main advantages ar
· High flexibility: The constantly changing IP address is suitable for tasks that require frequent IP changes, such as web crawlers and circumventing restrictions.
· Strong security and privacy: The constantly changing IP address increases anonymity and is difficult to track.
· Save IP resources: The Rotating allocation method makes more efficient use of limited IP resources.
However, Rotating residential IP also has some disadvantages:
· Poor stability: Frequently changing IP addresses may cause unstable connections and cannot meet tasks that require long-term stable connections.
· Data loss risk: Failure to save data in time before disconnecting may result in data loss

Static residential IP:

Static residential IP is a fixed IP address that users can use to access the IP at any time. Its advantages include:
· High stability: A fixed IP address ensures the continuity of the connection and is suitable for long-term operations
· Suitable for long-term access: Suitable for scenarios that require binding to a fixed IP, such as remote work and access to restricted content.
However, static residential IP also has its shortcomings:
· Low privacy: Since the IP address is fixed, it is easy to be tracked, increasing the risk of being attacked by hackers.
· High cost: The price of static IP is relatively high and may exceed the budget of some users.
Whether you choose a Rotating residential IP or a static residential IP, you should ensure that the operation results are saved in time before the end of use to avoid data loss when you log in next time, causing unnecessary trouble and loss. Just as in real life, we always make trade-offs between flexibility and stability, short-term and long-term when making choices, and the choice of IP proxy also needs to make wise decisions based on specific needs.

If you need a Rotating IP, you might as well try IPRocket's Rotating residential IP. Contact customer service to get a coupon as low as 20% off, applicable to all packages!
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