Ok, I was thinking we should create a thread of things we wish Zenno would include, so that it's easier for the devs to keep an overview and that important things don't get lost.
Please add your requests in this thread too, in a nice and easy to read format, maybe a numbered list.
Here are my requests:
Please add your requests in this thread too, in a nice and easy to read format, maybe a numbered list.
Here are my requests:
- In the project maker, let us mark multiple items with shift+mouseclick so we can move/copy/paste multiple items and whole structures of branches & web actions
- When items are copied/pasted, only copy the branches/web actions itself without the successful/unsucessful exits, so that we don't have to delete all this stuff after pasting it
- Make it so in project maker when you move item(s) via drag and drop and hit the edge of the scrollable screen, that the canvas scrolls in this direction then, this will make it much easier to move branches from one side to the other, or from the top to bottm etc etc
- When deleting an arrow, don't let the canvas jump back to the upper left corner where the first step is, that is really annoying
- Structure the arrows better, make them more distinct so it's much easier to follow a big template with shit tons of arrows, so we immediately see what goes where etc etc
- Fix the annoying bug that causes web action to leave the saved position and be stuck under the first step of the template
- Make it possible in templates to enter multiple tag types, and also multiple search criteria in one branch, like this: input:submit;input:button;button;input:image and search criteria like: name;id;value and attribute value like: continue;create account;submit etc etc. What this should be doing is: click input:submit else click input:button else click button else click input:image where name="continue" OR name="create account" OR id=continue OR id="create account" etc etc... So basically it would save us tons of branches that way. So it works kinda like in work with mail actions where you can set the timeouts for downloading email messages in secs like: 30;60;120;240 and so on.
- Improve the regexbuilder and improve the interaction between regex builder and zenno poster and debug mode so that regex built in the builder also works in debug and poster
- add more options to the regex builder like: do not match, match OR, match AND and improve matching if you try to match multiple things that are on different lines in a document
- add option to work with email actions: parse as html AND text
- Improve email download if multiple emails are found with identification regex, parse ALL found emails with regular expression for verification link
- Make the project maker a bit faster when scrolling
- Add option to files and directory macros for: Take line from file and save it at the end of file. That would make it much easier to do things like get link for backlinking from file, or get anchor text from file so that it is spread evenly (now it's possible but only with multiple branches etc etc (bit of a pain). So this would make it much easier to let Zenno evenly work it's way through a file and we would only need one branch for it.