Hi there, signed up quickly to ask this question, please move to relevant section if you get the chance. The email I registered with is my verified payed zenno email.
I am trying to create a bot that posts to various 2.0 blogging sites. Some of these sites have a slightly different 'wysiwyg' editor and I can't seem to be able to click and do 'set value from file'
(I have seperate .txt files for each site as all content is handwritten).
Screenshot of this :
I guessed it's some kind of editor that zenno can't communicate with in the normal way (sorry if this sounds noobish, I have never coded/programmed). I tried using the branch builder to find the input field and then use the 'set' command. I am able to input text like this but not pull from a file/spintax from a file like I want to
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
I am trying to create a bot that posts to various 2.0 blogging sites. Some of these sites have a slightly different 'wysiwyg' editor and I can't seem to be able to click and do 'set value from file'
(I have seperate .txt files for each site as all content is handwritten).
Screenshot of this :

I guessed it's some kind of editor that zenno can't communicate with in the normal way (sorry if this sounds noobish, I have never coded/programmed). I tried using the branch builder to find the input field and then use the 'set' command. I am able to input text like this but not pull from a file/spintax from a file like I want to

Thanks in advance!