And what do the updates consist of? Does Zennoposter usually stop working after a year or so due to changes in Internet Explorer, or are these added features that aren't completely necessary? What have these updates consisted of in the past and what will they consist of in the future? Thanks.
Absolutely ZennoPoster will work in year and much longer because Microsoft provides backward compatibility in a new versions of the Internet Explorer. Also we will check latest stable ZennoPoster version to work with the latest stable version of Internet Explorer.
For last 2 years we implement a lot of features in our updates Popup handling (multitabbed browsing), processing all SSL certificates including to valid, any type of authentications on the sites including basic http, NTLM and even proxy authorization, we added tons of new useful macroses, improved speed and stability of the program, add JavaScript build in engine to extend template logic, added a lot of paid captcha recognition services etc. etc. etc.
We done a lot and we plan to do more, like FTP support, advanced developer tools, automatic CAPTCHA recognition, full human emultaion input, full support of mouse event of the page like Drag & Drop etc. etc. etc.