Недавний контент myndeswx

  1. myndeswx

    Hiring long term

    Hello, looking to hire a developer full time with good ZD/ZP knowledge, must know C# and at least written english. ~3K$/month long term project
  2. myndeswx

    Regarding Amazon ads

    What is the issue exactly?
  3. myndeswx

    Is zenno servers down?

    Had the same issue with 7.7.15 yesterday, updated to 7.17 and it's all good :- )
  4. myndeswx

    2How to set a value to all counter variables?

    Maybe instead of clearing the variables and starting again just end the project and new one would start with fresh counters? Other than that there's not much you can do. It would be easier to use C# to set everything back in one place instead of using 100s of cubes...
  5. myndeswx

    Task scheduling

    Hello, how to set the task scheduler correctly in this case I want to run this template once a day at 6:30pm doing 400 attempts It can take some time to complete, like 2-4 hours With this configuration it stops after 30 attempts, I suppose because of 'when to repeat' time window? I am sure...
  6. myndeswx

    What is this for? Даниил Петрович. Zennoposter Assist

    Looks like someone simply created an assistant, it's like chatgpt that knows more things about how zennoposter works, maybe the author of this assistant used some zennolab c# methods for training.
  7. myndeswx

    How to clean urls list scraped from G - trim to sub sub

    You just need 4 cubes in a loop, and a temporary list So you have- OriginalList tmpList cube1- take line from original list cube2 - regex replace \?.* Cube3- Add to tmpList Run in a loop When there are no more lines in original list - Remove duplicates from tmpList - done.
  8. myndeswx

    how to remove trailing white spaces from a variable

    Trim cube doesn't do the job?
  9. myndeswx

    Pick from table based on %percentage

    Hello, maybe someone has a working snippet for this, or just a smarter way to do it I have a table of city names(A) and % to be picked(C) How would you take 1 line from a table based on %? Thank you
  10. myndeswx

    proxyExclusions ?

    Interesting, didn't knew about the traffic window bug. About using the whole url with parameters - it's impossible because url is dynamic.. Damn, thought you could use regex in there, or just block the whole domain.. Maybe someone has a workaround after all? (without setting up my own proxy in...
  11. myndeswx

    proxyExclusions ?

    Hello, has someone figured out how to get the proxyExclusions to work? Tried multiple examples - nothing works, everything goes through the proxy Thank you
  12. myndeswx

    Converting Projects to Request based

    The 'filling' itself does not happen with requests When working with requests the process is more or less like this> Request #1 - get the login page to collect cookies and any information that is on the page Request #2 - solve captcha Request #3 - submit you form Depending on the project it...
  13. myndeswx

    Converting Projects to Request based

    Ahoi, 'converting' does not just happen, you actually have to go and recreate each request manually. It all depends on the website you are working with and what actions you want to execute
  14. myndeswx

    Variable in C#

    var someCoordinate= Convert.ToDouble(project.Variables["latitude"].Value); //do some maths in here //at the end convert it back to string rounding to 7 after the dot project.Variables["latitude"].Value = Math.Round(someCoordinate,7).ToString(); For more fancy stuff with coordinates look in...
  15. myndeswx

    Help with file columns

    Use a temporary table, say you have your 'good' table and create another empty table (don't load from file, it must be empty at the begining) Templates logic: use 'Get line' action to get from 'good table' check 'remove after getting' > put the A columns value to 'temp' variable add to 'temp'...