Результаты поиска

  1. S

    [SOLVED] GET Bug?

    Yes, PM kills ScrapeBox, which is very annoying when you have them running on the same machine.
  2. S

    Updating license issue

    Had this same problem on a licensed machine that I had not used for a while. The solution was to redownload the license(from the user area) for that machine in the zennoposter programs folder, and that solved it. Seems like where there used to be one license file there are now several.
  3. S

    How to perform an action only one time despite multithreading

    I wouldn't use a counter, you only need a yes /no switch To have minimum slow down, combine my two suggestions global variable --> mov2inbox if mov2inbox ==0 Check if there are emails in spam yes-> move to inbox, set mov2inbox:=1 if move completes successfully processmycrap Otherwise you...
  4. S

    CodeCreator and new build

    @abu_zooz: I noticed this the first time I tested it (http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?2777-As-for-the-affiliate-program&p=16482&viewfull=1#post16482). There is still some work to be done though. All I can say is; "Do it to them, before they do it to you". @darkdiver: This could...
  5. S

    How to perform an action only one time despite multithreading

    global variable --> mov2inbox mov2inbox:=0 if mov2inbox= 0 --movcrap2inbox branch --mov2inbox:=1 (set to 1, or use yes/no, whatever floats your boat) processmycrap because you have this in all your threads you can' reset mov2inbox :=0 here, you'll have to do that manually before you start the...
  6. S

    As for the affiliate program

    Exactly. After playing with the code creator for a couple of minutes I must say that the code creator seems to open the doors to create executables..albeit inderectly..will have to test further.
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    As for the affiliate program

    I second what dusk has said, lack of tutorials. I wonder if solving this will help much though, as the learning curve will still be there. Zennoposter is a programmers tool, most im'ers are not programmers. Another point is the lack of encrypted templates or executables. I know this point has...
  8. S

    80 threads posting

    I have never made anything with ubot, so I can't help you there If you are having difficulties, maybe you should try and redo the available videos, I had so many website / hosting maintenance tasks that I started automating those first (because I knew exactly what needed to happen , so I could...
  9. S

    80 threads posting

    Sure, Download: 18.47 Mb/s Upload: 0.48 Mb/s Ping:19ms If you are uploading photos or video , you will need more upload bandwidth than this or it will just go slower and take more time.
  10. S

    Start zennoposter with x threads running

    Is there a setting or so by which I can start zennoposter with 10 threads running without additional manual input, if there is , please tell me how, otherwise consider it a feature request (needed for auto (re)starts) Thanks
  11. S

    Could we hide our browsers?

    I just leave them running minimized, so you can do other work. The threads mostly gobble up memory, so if you have a modern multi-core cpu and more than 4 GB ram you should be ok. I've gone up to 80 threads and could still use my computer with no problems or lag (YMMV).
  12. S

    Scheduler ->Assign Repetition

    When assigning a repetition, The "Every Minute" option works, The "Daily" does not reschedule, didn't try the monthly.
  13. S

    Proxy hangs in IE

    REMOVED Removed
  14. S

    Manage Threads

    How can I manage my threads from within a template? Close them all at the end? Some templates are more demanding than others, and where 50 threads would be ok for template A, it would be just too much for template B . So when I schedule B to run after A, I need some way to drop the...
  15. S

    80 threads posting

    This is more my general impression: I bought zennoposter at the beginning of may. I have a programming background, and do im and am webmastering several sites. I started out by making templates to handle webmaster housekeeping issues. From there on I went and started building heavier...
  16. S

    Russian error codes

    Should be translated in the poster and not manually outside of it, hence, bug report.
  17. S

    Scheduler threads

    seems you need to have at least one thread running, if you have zero threads running the scheduler won't auto adapt them
  18. S

    struggling badly

    @blackhat: You need to do a search. all of those are in the forum or the user guide. The videos on you tube are also good. I'm now busy with an article/post submitter so here goes spintax {-String.Spintax-|-{-File.GetBlock-|-E:\Documents\PostQueue\ArticleSpinned.txt-|--|-random-|-false-}-}...
  19. S

    Scheduler threads

    Maybe I missed something...but..... When I set a number of threads in a scheduled job, why do I have to manually set the number of threads in zennoposter for them to run? Should the poster not take the number of threads from the scheduled task and use those? If not then we are...
  20. S

    Russian error codes

    This message just came up Найдены дубликаты ID, они были автоматически исправлены
  21. S

    Bug creating Hotmail account?

    -Create a global storage value/number (at the moment I use values, I haven't looked at the performance difference between numbers and values yet) -Set and retrieve it with macros "Global Storage"with a logic condition (branch). -Decide to set a status with a logic condition (branch). -Decide to...
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    Russian error codes

    If I only knew....they had no error id. Are they logged somewhere in a file on my pc?
  23. S

    Bug creating Hotmail account?

    I have working templates for those. And you should use random pauses throughout the template to SIMULATE A REAL PERSON. I even have a template the loops through the letters of the textfields with random pauses so a particular website accepts the registration as human! but this is not necessary...
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    Russian error codes

    HI, I really like how this tool works, but I'm getting russian warnings and error texts in the log, and also in the scheduler there are more russian texts (months , etc) Keep up the good work.
  25. S

    Nauru and Encription

    Great that it is on a todo list...but is there any ETA for this? When is it planned to be available? Further more if I have a VA with a zennoposter light , can I make a template that he could run encrypted, so he could not see the template? only run it and fill in data (files/pop-ups)?
  26. S

    Nauru and Encription

    I've read at another forum that template encryption is coming, does anybody know when?
  27. S

    Standalone executables planned?

    Here is my take on it, I would like standalone exes so I could have zenno running on more than one computer, not to sell bots, I do agree there is more money in (recurring) services. So what I'm actually asking for is to either expand the PRO amount of computers running zenno poster or allow...
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    Hi, good tool. I need template encryption for the times I need to store sensitive data in a template. Is there another way to do this(use sensitive data in a template). I also suggest you allow the user to decide weather he wants to encrypt the xml or make an executable from the...
  29. S

    Request: Do not delete all emails

    Is this still the case or has this been fixed? Is there a changelog somewhere?