Результаты поиска

  1. bigcajones

    CodeCreator and new build

    Is it supposed to record everything like PM does? Can't get Presence of Selected Text to work in it. Is this code we have to put in ourselves?
  2. bigcajones

    Ajax check

    Okay goodposter, I took a look at the site and here's what I would do. I didn't get the spanish page like you do, but I believe this will still work. If you put in a username that isn't available, has the wrong syntax then you should get an error message. I would do a check for the error...
  3. bigcajones

    Help with a contest : practical lesson

    Use a loop to grab the proxy from file then go to page or pages. If you need an example, let me know.
  4. bigcajones

    How to Click On RoudCube Email List?

    This may be a silly question, but why not use squirrelmail instead. RoundCube you are trying to double click on an image which usually doesn't work too well. For some reason ZP don't like the double click. With squirrelmail, your messages are all hyper-linked. You can set a regular express and a...
  5. bigcajones

    Digg.com reagistration works in Project Maker debug mode, but not in Zenno Poster

    My Digg account creator does the same thing. It gives error on captcha, but the account is still created. Doesn't work 100% of the time but I can get results with good proxies. I always back up my email:password file and then go back and replace the emails that failed and run again. You have to...
  6. bigcajones

    Ajax check

    Did you look at the template I provided? There are two ways to handle the situation. Either loop back up and put in new username or click on one of the names offered. The Counter Macro is just a way to get out of the continuation of the template so that you can go back to username step...
  7. bigcajones

    Ajax check

    What site are you trying to do? I would need to see an example.
  8. bigcajones

    Ajax check

    Sure, here ya go! By the way, this is a good Yahoo.co.uk email creator if you have good proxies.
  9. bigcajones

    Ajax check

    You can put a pause after username input. That way the ajax has time to load. Then do a Presence of Selected Text check by highlighting the text (username available) then right-clicking and select the presence of selected text. It will put a javascript IF statement in your template. If the text...
  10. bigcajones

    unsure about the if statement setup

    Amen to that brother. I never had tried doing anything with JS before I picked up ZP. But now I can see the logic goes hand in hand and am picking up some stuff to use. I can't wait until the higher-ups decide to enlighten us on using PHP with it.
  11. bigcajones

    Yep, another question...

    use a counter loop and pull the line from the file with the value of the counter. It will read through every line in the text file and use each email.
  12. bigcajones

    How to put words at the end of multiple strings?

    Notepad++ or you can do a pull string from file==>delete string==>save {result};password to new file==>rename file when done back to original
  13. bigcajones

    Zeenoposter Direct Hit Traffic

    Yup. I can get a lot of YouTube views using ZP and random proxies and pauses. Works like a charm.
  14. bigcajones

    [WTB] link building/traffic generation templates

    I have some templates if you want to PM me. I've got forum signups, web2.0 properties, Hotmail creator, Yahoo.co.uk|Adwords|Youtube account creator. Let me know what you need.
  15. bigcajones

    How to quit a loop?

    If it bothers you so much just put a blank macro or a counter macro for the step out of your loop. Then template will give you successful execution. But I think that HB is right, execution of the branch with logic should give you success.
  16. bigcajones

    How Do You Split Username:Pass When Taking From A Text File?

    Here's example:
  17. bigcajones

    Captcha Cut In Pieces - How to Solve?

    Right click on the body tag with all of the img elements in your Action Recording On The Web tree of elements and select This is captcha. Here's the template:
  18. bigcajones

    Process multiple emails???

    Darkdiver, why not just show all of us how to take the emails from memory and use them. Where are they stored at so that we can get to them. I personally have dealt with the mass email problem through Outlook, but it would be nice to know how more experienced users and developers get past the...
  19. bigcajones

    Line ISN't Appended to file

    Here's your template fixed. I ran it through a couple of times before I figured out what it could be. Sometimes the parsed text for presence check isn't found for some reason. I had this problem on my hotmail creator. I ended up using the url of the page to check if it made it through or not and...
  20. bigcajones

    Line ISN't Appended to file

    You also have a problem with your email processing. Your password should be the result of your step branch where you call for the password during sign up. Since you deleted the email and password line in that step branch, the email processing can't find the password to use with your string.split...
  21. bigcajones

    Best Way To Build Templates

    Frank, this is just the way that I do it, not necessarily the right way. I do one template for each site. That way I can register, activate by email and then post. If you try to put a bunch of sites in one template, PM will sometimes crash because of all of the step branches. As far as the DB...
  22. bigcajones

    Process multiple emails???

    I'm hoping that they can get this fixed in the version 4 whenever that is. What I do now is download the messages through outlook and save them then go through them and click the links. Doesn't work like other programs out there, but it hopefully will get better because this is a major issue.
  23. bigcajones

    How to use multithreading on a list of sites?

    The result of your step branch where you pulled the line from the file.
  24. bigcajones

    How to use multithreading on a list of sites?

    I pull the line from the list and delete it first. Then I run my check for successful creation or url or any other check. If it fails, I save the url to an unsuccessful file. Then I can go back and see if there is a problem with the site, or my proxy or my template. That way you always have your...
  25. bigcajones

    Take a part of a line

    Here's a JS solution for you. Took me a little while but it gives you what you want without having to put anything in your file. You'll have to replace the name of your file in the first step branch macro.
  26. bigcajones

    Connectiion indicates that the node is not available. Delete this connection?

    check your step branch ID's and make sure that the successful branch exit points to the right step. I noticed this too when I was copying branches that sometimes it doesn't use the successful branch ID.
  27. bigcajones

    Random-Orderly split string......?

    Take the line from the file first in a step. Then do your first split, then the second. {-File.GetString-|-\Resources\states_zips.txt-|-0-|-false-} Say this result is {●4●8●3●3●3●8●-|-vc-3363} Then your next step branch would be {-String.Split-|-{●4●8●3●3●3●8●-|-vc-3363}-|-:-|-0-} The next...
  28. bigcajones

    How to Edit Template in Debugging / Action Recording ?

    veeco You can't edit the template in debug mode, would be nice if you could. Just a little hint I learned at the beginning of making templates. Keep them as short as possible. I had tried to make a template to do a Paul's backlink package. After about 10 site, the template became unresponsive...
  29. bigcajones

    Text fields not work

    Yes, Stackado is right. Upload your template so that we can figure out why it's not working. There is probably something wrong in there, but things that are wrong in your template are hard to explain in words, seeing a template is better.
  30. bigcajones

    Some questions

    You can put a blank line as the first and in your macro always pull #1.
  31. bigcajones

    How to translate russian forums?

    You can also install Google toolbar. It has translate on it.
  32. bigcajones

    Bug? What Am I doing wrong? (Safe-mail email processing)

    Glad I could help out.
  33. bigcajones

    Yahoo Filter Dropdown

    Or you can right-click==>Call event==>OnClick Then select Inbox in the next step.
  34. bigcajones

    Bug? What Am I doing wrong? (Safe-mail email processing)

    Have you tried pop.safe-mail.net like it asks you to on the preference page? Also you need to make sure you use SSL encryption (995) or else you have to put in a different password.
  35. bigcajones

    Zenno can plurk?

    I know that the plurk is actually calling a javascript function it looks like. Wouldn't know how to handle that cuz I tried today. Just curious, are you trying to scrape Plurk posts?
  36. bigcajones

    Bug? What Am I doing wrong? (Safe-mail email processing)

    Use this: Get==>Macros==>Files and directories==>Take a line from file==>eMail.txt ({-File.GetString-|-\Resources\eMail.txt-|-random-|-false-}) Get==>Macros==>Strings processing==>Split==>Result of above as input string and # of a part 0(returns email login) ({-String.Split-|- Result of...
  37. bigcajones

    Buying custom template![paying]

    What kinda template? I might have it built already and I'll just share it with you here. That way everyone can use.
  38. bigcajones

    Add new hardware how to with Professional version

    No problem. Try to help as much as I can.
  39. bigcajones

    Add new hardware how to with Professional version

    In order to use Zennoposter on the computer you are on, you have to activate it for that computer. You can use Project Maker on three computers, but ZP can only be run on one computer at a time so you need to activate for use on whichever computer you want to use it on. Don't know why they set...
  40. bigcajones

    User Interface: the difference between load task and download task ?

    When you go into Create task, you will add your templates that you want to run for a certain project. You can Load the task into ZP and make sure that it works correctly. You can then Download the task to save it to run a different time. Basically, Save Task and Download Task are the same.
  41. bigcajones

    Video Tutorials For English Speaking Users

    Here's part two of the LiveJournal template tutorial where I show you how to get your urls and save them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrGjgW9oOP4
  42. bigcajones

    Video Tutorials For English Speaking Users

    I am finishing up a two parter on signing up to LiveJournal and the second video will show you how to save your post url, username url and rss feed url to a text file. Part 1 is located at: http://youtu.be/4X85nI0bdkM I should have the second one up tonight or tomorrow.
  43. bigcajones

    Something Has To Be Done About Email processing!

    The email processing is sadly lacking in ZP. Why can't it be like it is in SENuke or EVOII or any of the other automatic programs out there. There has to be a way to code this cuz it's already been done. When running a forum creation template or anything else, if you have more that one...
  44. bigcajones

    Pause and Resume by Click , is it possible?

    Sure you can. Put in Get==>Macros==>Work with template==>Pause and then put in how long you want it to pause. If you are inputting something you will have to have the instance open. I would also suggest that you let ZP press the submit button or you may run into timing issues.
  45. bigcajones

    Any idea to run several macros at once ?

    Put it into a loop and use a counter to step through. I hope that the developers implement a sub-routine module or something like ubot has. It would be nice to see.
  46. bigcajones

    Tits for whoever knows this regex!

    Sweet! I've just started trying out the string and substring function. Thanks for this SMike.
  47. bigcajones

    How to execute this "Hello Word" Javascript

    You can't use the document.write command because you are not on a webpage. In other words, the browser would read the document.write command and output "hello world" to the webpage. The javascript function in ZP is only for carrying out JS object commands not for Browser or document commands...
  48. bigcajones

    Trying to make Yahoo Acct Creator

    SeRf*X... Put a 30 second pause after captcha input and it went through. Try it and see if that helps.
  49. bigcajones

    Trying to make Yahoo Acct Creator

    I just tried mine again and got the same results as you. Let me try putting a pause in there and see if it will accept. If anything(pain in the ass) you can create the accounts in PM, but might as well do them by hand. I'll get back to you.
  50. bigcajones

    Accessing unnamed button inside named div?

    What page are you trying to parse? You can PM me with the url if you want.