Результаты поиска

  1. Hungry Bulldozer

    creating a config file. how to read and use the info

    Probably it happens because file is already held for reading and locked, so here is a deadlock. It would be easier to get by looking on the template.
  2. Hungry Bulldozer

    instance closing automatically

    Do other template work fine on vps? Please send us log.txt to the support mail
  3. Hungry Bulldozer

    Downloading files with ZP

    If you use ProjectMaker then you should use wget to download files, if CodeCreator - you can use httpWebRequest to download it.
  4. Hungry Bulldozer

    Does ZennoPoster report incorrectly solved captchas?

    At the moment it isn't possible with decaptcher and deathbycaptcha, you can report with anti-captcha
  5. Hungry Bulldozer

    Program won't start

    1. Remove .license files in \Progs\, run ZP again. 2. Reinstall if it didn't help
  6. Hungry Bulldozer

    What's New in Zenno 4

    Guys, we usually say nothing about new features to make you a surprise when it is released. :) First of all templates from 3rd version are gonna be compatible for 4th version of ZP, also you can get anytime you need it, 'cause users who buy it now will get 4th version for free. Cause it'll be...
  7. Hungry Bulldozer

    Appending results from regex to a file

  8. Hungry Bulldozer

    Project Maker Not Opening

    Please send us log.txt on [email protected]
  9. Hungry Bulldozer

    Zennoposter running on Proxmox (KVM) virtual machine?

    I'm not sure about Proxmox, haven't tried it yet, but you can use VirtualBox, with VirtualBox ZennoPoster works pretty fine.
  10. Hungry Bulldozer

    № Формы

    Поставить номер формы -1
  11. Hungry Bulldozer

    how to deal with IE alert box

    You can set up policy how to handle these alerts using a branch SET->WEB BROWSER there are: Popup Auth params JS Confirm Params JS Promt Params
  12. Hungry Bulldozer

    Не жмётся кнопка на ява скрипте

    Если игры с различными комбинаций события click,focus, и тд не приводит к нужным результатам, то скорее всего требуется посылка реального клика через winapi, в текущей версии ProjectMaker этого сделать нельзя. Напишите мне в pm ресурс - попробую пробить.
  13. Hungry Bulldozer

    уведомление об ощибке

    Возможно, имелось ввиду получать отчет по смс или по почте об ошибках при выполнении шаблона. :) Если так - то теоретически это возможно:cool:
  14. Hungry Bulldozer

    уведомление об ощибке

    Не совсем понятно, что Вы имеете ввиду.
  15. Hungry Bulldozer

    Автомотический запуск

    Да, AutoIt хороший вариант. Все должно получиться
  16. Hungry Bulldozer

    Как указать путь к скрипту

    Для того, чтобы выполнить свой скрипт - добавляете шаг (своя программа), кидаете на него новую ветку и на нее объект свой скрипт. В параметрах указываете путь к скрипту либо как url, либо путь к файлу на локальной машине.
  17. Hungry Bulldozer

    Неправильная работа шаблона в ZennoPoster Lite

    Думаю не успевает подгрузиться какая -нибудь аякс форма, поэтому стоит поставить паузу перед авторизацией.
  18. Hungry Bulldozer

    что за ошибка? Create Relationship

    связи не отрисовываются по какой-то причине. масштаб в навтройках системы стандартный?
  19. Hungry Bulldozer

    Приобритение второй программы

    Да, как сказал daniilneet - с такими вопросами в тех поддержку.
  20. Hungry Bulldozer

    looping in zennoposter? how?

    Check here
  21. Hungry Bulldozer

    HEY ADMINS - "there was an error when you update the license"....

    Check proxy in IE, version of .net framework, date and time, try to turn off antivirus and firewall. Can capmonster be run fine?
  22. Hungry Bulldozer


    Можно также использовать рег выр в некоторых случаях для поиска в строке. и если что то нашлось то выходить по ветке удачной.
  23. Hungry Bulldozer

    JumpTags.com Problem

    You can add a few branches with all impossible form numbers one by one: 0;4 , 0;5 etc And make all of these branches unnecessary (double click right mouse button on unsuccessful exit of the branch).
  24. Hungry Bulldozer

    Can run Individual thread with Individual proxies? How?

    There are two ways how to execute any template with proxy: 1. Set up proxy in the template. To do that you should add branch set->web broswser->set up proxy in the beginning of the template. For instance pull it from file or from list of alive ones. 2. Set up proxy directly from ProxyChecker in...
  25. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZP won't execute because of redirect

    Let me check this site. You can pm me or contact in skype.
  26. Hungry Bulldozer

    ok im a bit P@#$D off!!

    IF all of them have been banned - you might be used bad proxy or these sites could handle that it was not a human being.
  27. Hungry Bulldozer

    Clicking random search result

    You should find some common search criterias for these links to find them and use random in the match field to click on the random. Knocking me on skype if I explain something isn't clear.
  28. Hungry Bulldozer

    Reinstallation problem? How to clear it out?

    Probably it might be some issue with installer, try to download it again from your user-area.
  29. Hungry Bulldozer

    один кук в двух шаблонах

    Куки, кэе и прокси у каждого потока свои собственные, поэтому просто логиниться под одним пользователем несколько раз.
  30. Hungry Bulldozer

    Как написать шаблон

    Можно сделать так. Спарсить все урлы и сохранить в файл. Вторым шаблоном брать рандномный урл из файла, переходить по нему и сохранять картинку с помощью каптча модуля CaptchaSaver. Тут был пример.
  31. Hungry Bulldozer

    Slow down my bandwidth, poxies alive list reseted, Anti-Captch errors.

    Hi there, congrats with buying. 1. You should just run checking to get more fresh alive proxy. 2. which connection do you have and which OS do you use? 3. should patch windows on half-open connections count in case of win xp or vista. 4. have you set up capthca key in settings? and choose...
  32. Hungry Bulldozer

    Such a powerful tool and still lacking related resources

    zennopower, thank you that reminded us, but we don't create new training video at the moment because of work for 4th version. New video training video will be created after we'll release 4th version and videos will be recorded for the next version.
  33. Hungry Bulldozer


    Didn't get completely what you meant, does it work fine with yahoo and doesn't with gmail?
  34. Hungry Bulldozer

    E- mail validation with password ? How ?

    You should take execution result of email processing step (with password) and use this in the next step. You should do on the template editor tab.
  35. Hungry Bulldozer

    BAH :( Project Maker crashed and won't restart... nothing is happening

    I guess reinstallation is a shortest one.
  36. Hungry Bulldozer

    Откуда берется прокси?

    Если правило не применить к шаблону, то будет браться из исходных начеканных 6400
  37. Hungry Bulldozer

    Fake Useragent how to?

    ZP sets up random user-agent by defenition. Other headers you can't change in the current version.
  38. Hungry Bulldozer

    Problem in posting multiple sites?

    Ok, for example you have a list URLS.txt file. So first step you get this url from file as I mentioned before - take one line with removing from URLS.txt Then go to this url, then other actions of this template. Because of taking lines with removing you'll visit all the pages one by one. And...
  39. Hungry Bulldozer

    Problem in posting multiple sites?

    I thought I had already answered on your question here: http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?3815-Importing-our-url-list-in-zennoposter-how&p=21592&viewfull=1#post21592
  40. Hungry Bulldozer

    Combine 2 macros in one line

    You can combine macros as you want, like this {-String.Split-|-{-File.GetString-|-\Resources\-|-random-|-false-}-|-:-|-0-}
  41. Hungry Bulldozer

    Importing our url list in zennoposter? how ?

    not clear enough for me to help you, I'm answering as I got it 1) take a line from file using new branch get->macro {-File.GetString-|-file.txt-|-random-|-false-} 2) copy execution result of previous branch and create new set->web browser->go to page put there execution result of previous...
  42. Hungry Bulldozer

    Social bookmarking list?

    I agree:) Social bookmarking sites are seldom create something unbreakable.
  43. Hungry Bulldozer

    Proxies not from proxy list!?

    Haven't you set it up somewhere in the template before? Like SET->Web browser Also I guess you set it up as "compulsory", well in this case proxy is removed immediately from the list and you could miss this moment.
  44. Hungry Bulldozer

    Как с зенно закачивать фото в профайл

    Все и есть просто. Нужен просто правильный путь к файлу аватара.
  45. Hungry Bulldozer

    zenno opens internet explorer

    Have working fine next version
  46. Hungry Bulldozer

    zenno opens internet explorer

    run this application while ZP is working http://zennolab.com/files/IEKiller.zip
  47. Hungry Bulldozer

    Using / Getting Mouse Position Co-ordinates ??

    There is no such feature in emulation library, well you can get it but via pure winapi. To use emulation you just need to know handler of the window and htmlelement. To get html element you can just write there something manually - you'll get it in the code and remove useless code of filling and...
  48. Hungry Bulldozer

    шаблон не работает на другой машине...

    set->web browser-> таймаут загрузки страницы поменяйте.
  49. Hungry Bulldozer

    Склеить несколько нестандартных каптч.

    Да, как daniilneet сказал - сначала первую из них отмечаете как каптчу, потом вторую stick to captcha и так до последней