Результаты поиска

  1. VladZen

    problem with the latest version of Zennoposter 7.7.16

    Please give the details. Are you able to login into zennolab account with your email and pass? Do you enter them manually or using copy/paste? Attach installation log ZLInstalletLog.log file from local drive C.
  2. VladZen

    Подключить zennoposter и сторонний софт

    Не планируется, к сожалению.
  3. VladZen

    Подключить zennoposter и сторонний софт

    Для фанкапчи функционала нет из коробки в постере. Только кастомные решения искать.
  4. VladZen

    Activity on one application with different profile

    Hello, Login session and user history is saved in the app backup itself not in the profile in ZennoDroid. It's not like you did in zennoposter browser.
  5. VladZen

    Как решить Cloud Flare капчу? (Как сделать клик что бы засчитало?) Shadow Dom

    наверное куки будет лучше, чем токен
  6. VladZen

    How can I see the option to emulate Android? My browser resolution is not enough for that.

    I've checked with this resoltion. Profile settings are displayed in full size. Check also Scale value, it must be 100%.
  7. VladZen

    How can I see the option to emulate Android? My browser resolution is not enough for that.

    1920x1080 resolution is fully enough. You should check screen resoluion in display settings in your Windows system. It is too low probably.
  8. VladZen

    Please Fix Zennobox Server ...

    This has been resolved in support tickets as far as I know.
  9. VladZen

    How can I see the option to emulate Android? My browser resolution is not enough for that.

    There is no way to extend profile settings view on low resolution screen. As a workaround, I can advise you to create a project with mobile profile settings on PC with high resolution. Then load it on the computer with low screen resolution and use this project as a base template for new projects.
  10. VladZen

    error not displayed devtoolapp(f12)

    The bug displaying context menu in DevTools has been fixed version
  11. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Есть ли у вас Очистка куки есть в начале проекта? рекомендуется очищать браузер при старте.
  12. VladZen

    Recaptcha Zennodroid

    И еще вам вероятно нужно DPI уменьшить, чтобы изображение в экран влезало.
  13. VladZen

    Recaptcha Zennodroid

    Дело в том, что CapMonster Cloud распознает рекапчу картинками только на английском языке. Если сможете загрузить страницу с капчей на английском, то должно распознаваться.
  14. VladZen

    Решение капти (пазл) из коробки Zenopposter через CapMonsterCloud ?

    К сожалению, данная капча не поддерживается.
  15. VladZen

    Решение капти (пазл) из коробки Zenopposter через CapMonsterCloud ?

    Уточните на каком сайте (URL) используется эта капча?
  16. VladZen

    User Agent Not Real

    What user agent is shown if you check browser on whoer.net for example, or browserleaks.com ?
  17. VladZen

    Error Application error: a client-side exception how to solve?

    Check the info about the error in DevTools> Console tabs
  18. VladZen

    Error Application error: a client-side exception how to solve?

    This is probably the error from the target website/service you work with. You can find more details opening DevTools in browser.
  19. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    What was the previous ZP version you used before update?
  20. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    This is known issue with software unstable work on Intel processor.
  21. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    We believe restart is caused by Intel processor heating issue. So, we advise you to make a stress-test for your processor and check the temperature during it.
  22. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    На сайте Sony проблема не из-за канваса в зеннопостере.
  23. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    Please check if this option enabled in program settings.
  24. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Нужны примеры, где не работает canvas. Написал вам в лс.
  25. VladZen

    Выскакивает This site can’t be reached

    Точно пробовали выбрать Тип браузера - Chromium и перезапустить проекта С начала?
  26. VladZen

    can anyone help with this error?

    You should ask it in that topic. This error is related to C# code in this template.
  27. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    Please make after restart
  28. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    Please enable detailed log for developers in program settings, reproduce restart problem, then make Diagnostic report, see instructions here.
  29. VladZen

    How to open tabs without using the proxy

    Unfortunately, this not possible to open tabs with different proxy (IP). But, I can advise you to try using Content Policy to control which websites to load with proxy and which not.
  30. VladZen

    Есть ли какой-нибудь шаблон для решения капчи Cloudflare?

    Можно установить браузерное расширение КапМонстра и решать капчу - Инструкция по установке расширения CapMonster Cloud в браузер ProjectMaker.
  31. VladZen

    Task scheduling

    There is too short period to repeat and too long pause between one after another.
  32. VladZen

    Runs very slowly and doesn't perform any tasks

    You may also try increasing LoadZennoPosterCoreTimeout_sec to 240 in zennoposter configs %appdata%\ZennoLab\ZennoPoster\7\Settings\globalsettings.settings.json: { "clnMainGroup": "ZennoPoster", "clnSubGroup": "Instance", "clnName": "LoadZennoPosterCoreTimeout_sec", "clnType": "System.Int32"...
  33. VladZen

    cloudflare не пропускает, что делать

    Нужно вот так настроить. Если последняя версия 7.15, то Chrome 125.
  34. VladZen

    Runs very slowly and doesn't perform any tasks

    After investigating your reports,we came to the conclusion that there is something wrong in your system. Try to patch Windows or install latest Windows updates.
  35. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    This happens because of canvas super emulation error. I recommend you to set up canvas emulation settings like this:
  36. VladZen

    cloudflare не пропускает, что делать

    В профиле нужно выбрать user agent актуальные версии Chrome desktop под платформу Windows.
  37. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    Perhaps, you need to make clean installation of this version. Also, adivse you to enable alternative rendering in program settings to avoid restarting.
  38. VladZen

    Dedicated process error

    I guess this is still valid for Firefox browser in zennoposter.
  39. VladZen

    Runs very slowly and doesn't perform any tasks

    Could you please make new report with enabled detailed log for developers in ProjectMaker from ZennoPoster. You should enable detailed log, reproduce the problem with ZennoPoster.exe, then run Diagnostic.
  40. VladZen

    Как определить зависание инстанса браузерного шаблона?

    да, так и есть, уточнял у программистов, почему-то реализовано как время исполнения шаблона. хотя задумывалось как время бездействия.
  41. VladZen

    Runs very slowly and doesn't perform any tasks

    According to logs, several config files are missing in the program. We are kindly asking you to reinstall the programs again correctly, especially ZennoPoster, without deleting any files manually. You should uninstall with enabled checkboxes to delete files in AppData and Program files folders...
  42. VladZen

    Runs very slowly and doesn't perform any tasks

    Hello, Sorry for delayed response. It seems something blocks your connections and does not let programs work properly. We can see that several VPN services are running in your system. Please open ProjectMaker program from ZennoDroid, enable detailed log for developers in Program settings and...
  43. VladZen

    proxy checking server : not available

    Make sure your antivirus/firewall program do not block CheckingProcessor.exe process in your system.
  44. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Изменения для прокси в этой версии сделаны во встроенном проксичекере. В самом зеннопостере и раньше можно было задавать хост текстом, вы правы. С указанным багом это вряд ли поможет.
  45. VladZen

    Cloudflare палит зенку с ходу

    Режим изоляции сайтов включен в настройках?
  46. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Были некоторые улучшения анонимности общего плана.
  47. VladZen

    Discussion - new version

    There are enhancements for browser anonimity in general for working with websites.
  48. VladZen

    Memu Emulator, android version workable

    You should check Program settings>Android tab and select another default device (virtual machine) there.
  49. VladZen

    Can't Install the version 2.3.8

    Glad that the software works now.
  50. VladZen

    how do i enable the "Full mouse emulation" when i use "Run instance"

    Here you go: instance.EmulationLevel = "SuperEmulation"; instance.UseFullMouseEmulation = true;