Результаты поиска

  1. U

    list or table process issue

    yes use variables name the list or table file
  2. U

    list or table process issue

    i use {-Variable.123-} to name an txt file and load for list or table process but it can not take any thing for the txt file sometime it works in projectmaker.but do not work in zp can u check it admin?
  3. U

    hi admin will u consider make an Bluestacks app version ZP?

    many phone app can not use ZP to do the task
  4. U

    v5.3.1 use too long time start debug and close editer

    ProjectMaker take long time loading project than ohter version too.
  5. U

    v5.3.1 use too long time start debug and close editer

    v5.3.1 use too long time start debug and close editer
  6. U

    UuwiseCaptcha.dll do not work

    can u fix it?
  7. U

    how i can set this

    thanks for your reply i want use String.Split how to set it?
  8. U

    how i can set this

    111||222||333|| in 1.txt how can i get 111 as variable1,222 as variable2,333 as variable3?
  9. U

    all instance show blank do not work.

    yes it is solved i find userarea.zennolab.com change ip
  10. U

    all instance show blank do not work.

    all instance show blank do not work.after i restart zp. it show no connections to authorization server
  11. U

    how to write Chinese symbols to a file?

  12. U

    Can One Zenno Project call another zenno project?

    hi bigcajones can u upload an project show how to use it? thanks very much
  13. U

    hi admin do u have any discount for the Second purchase

    yes i want buy Pro version need i register new acocunt? https://userarea.zennolab.com/en/Registration.aspx
  14. U

    hi admin do u have any discount for the Second purchase

    thaks i want buy one more zp
  15. U

    how to check the internet is disconnect then go next step

    thanks admin
  16. U

    can zp add this function next version

    OMG i have used bat to to achieve the goal
  17. U

    can zp add this function next version

    pppoe disconnected then wait 10 secend then do pppoe connected i think this is an very usefull function.because i can change ip. i have use 3rd soflware now. but i can not control the time exactly. thanks admin
  18. U

    when i install zp 5.03 it is show unpacking error

    what is wrong?
  19. U

    can zp do this?

    i want get an message form skypy or ICQ.one step in the project
  20. U

    can zp do this?

    there is an step that get verified code in ICQ or skypy. then put the the code to variable thanks
  21. U

    how to do circle with 1000 account?

    i want to use 5-10 thread. how to copy all the account to the txt file again with it is empty?
  22. U

    how to do circle with 1000 account?

    i want to circle with 100 account all account in an txt file for table proccessing.choose remove get getting line? how to copy all the account to the txt file again with it is empty?
  23. U

    table process issue

    txt file
  24. U

    table process issue

    no. i have test many times do not remove line in 5
  25. U

    table process issue

    i have test with the same script. it work fine in 4.5 zennoposter
  26. U

    table process issue

    table process do not remove line when i choose remove after getting line it remove in projecmake but when i use in zennoposter it do not remove lines.
  27. U

    when i use keystrokes all line feed removed

    how to add line feed enter do not work
  28. U

    CapMonster problem

    yes the problem for me is how to fill text documents right of the captcha? it is enmpty and i can not fill it.
  29. U

    CapMonster problem

    when i make CapMonster. i met this problem Your Captchas Text is enmpty. i have upload all captchas and capmonster file plz help me check what is wrong
  30. U

    ZP worrk with gsa captcha breaker

    I want know if is posible use ZP with gsa captcha breaker i have install gsa captcha breaker.and test it works i set decapther as the module in zp but it still show sorry.and gsa do not load the captcha. what is the problem
  31. U

    cannot load profiles

    yes i have the same issue i think the problem is projectmake 5.01 because i use projectmake 4.5 make the profile zennoposter 5.1 can load the profile.but did not work on projectmake 4.5
  32. U

    hi admin.how can ZP to achieve this function

    yes i can do it with 3rd software.but it is hard to contrl times and time. can u consider add this function in next version?
  33. U

    hi admin.how can ZP to achieve this function

    1 i love zp very cery much. 2how can i set zp disconnect PPPOE,after secneds then connect the PPPOE auto in the project. because i can change ip after reconnect the net. sorry for my poor english.got my meaning?
  34. U

    can i empty folder auto ever 2 or 3 hours use zp?

    thanks can zp do this?
  35. U

    how can i choose the latest file add in the folder?

    can be added in next version i think it is an important option
  36. U

    how can i choose the latest file add in the folder?

    can i set zp do this?
  37. U

    how can i choose the latest file add in the folder?

    i add files auto to an folder and use zp post it i want to pick up the latest file how to set it?
  38. U

    how can i take 5 lines of an list?

    how can i take 5 lines of an list once time?
  39. U

    fuction about account auto login

    i remeber i have seen an video that can save the account info that do not use usename and password login in but i can not find the video. that is the fuction? how to set it?
  40. U

    how can i set stope instance loading the page and do next step

    thanks it works but can u fix the loading issue next version? i search the forum.and find many people have got this problem ZP is the best software for me
  41. U

    how can i set stope instance loading the page and do next step

    some pages have refresh code.so the instance is always loading and can not do next step? how can i set stop loading page and do next step in project make? thanks
  42. U

    ZennoPoster MP do not work

    windows server 2003 i have set ZennoPoster MP run as xp mod. but when i add project to ZennoPoster MP.project never execute ,it do not run and join task done what is wrong?
  43. U

    how can i open zp4 file xlmz as an text file?

    office do not work i want to open xlmz as an text file how to do this?