I'm sharing version here, as it is more stable with many bugfixes.
English language is also availables. Looks like you bought the program from russian website version.
Already changed the language by your request in tickets.
Похоже это наоборот давние настройки для движков FireFox при очистке куки, кеша.
Отключить очистку плагинов - запрещает очистку плагинов для Firefox
Отключить очистку истории - запрещает очистку истории для Firefox
Add action>Browser settings>Download directory - there you can specify the directory which the files will be downloaded to, not matter via browser or get request
You should sell your project to your partner - https://userarea.zennolab.com/lk/userarea/Bots.aspx
After that, zennobox will be provided. Find more details in help docs.