Результаты поиска

  1. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    Please ask some user to make diagnostic report on such crash, see instructions here. We will investigate this.
  2. VladZen

    Individual thread management

    Thread ID can be obtained with this code: return instance.ZP_ID; or return Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString();
  3. VladZen

    Управление шаблоном c#

    This allows to find out how many threads are running for certain task in zp.
  4. VladZen

    Same layout bug there

    Should be fixed in version
  5. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    there should not be compatibility problems in lower version
  6. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    We made a fix for screen size problem in latest program build. Please try using it.
  7. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    When do you get this error? when executing your own code? We need details and examples.
  8. VladZen

    Project in project - possible to run nested project in background?

    One project creates a file, which triggers execution of another. You can select to run a project by trigger in Schedule settings.
  9. VladZen

    Project in project - possible to run nested project in background?

    You can run depended projects parallelly: Main project creates a trigger, for example some text file, and depended projects starts running by trigger.
  10. VladZen

    Error initializing Google spreadsheet.

    When exactly do you get this error? What step/operation at? It seems the link to google sheet is incorrect.
  11. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Нет, канвас просто не эмулируется
  12. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    В таком случае можно использовать кастомное решение для автосабмита hcaptcha. А капчу решать способом через sitekey.
  13. VladZen

    Can't select the VM

    When name contains only numbers, it does not select. If you name VM with letters and numbers, selecting works.
  14. VladZen

    Add C# methods

    Sharing C# API methods:
  15. VladZen

    ZP instance window showing blank screen

    Any URL or some certain? Browser is not greyed out?
  16. VladZen

    Can't select the VM

    Yes, there is the bug selecting by name. I'll report it to developers. You should type index and select vn by index.
  17. VladZen

    Кто знает как disable Developer Option in Android

    Вот этого разве нет в настройках?
  18. VladZen

    I can't use the program.

    Are you able to login to zennolab user area from your PC? Try restarting your router or resetting your internet connection (to change your ip).
  19. VladZen

    Can Get Post request be undetectable so that the website thinks it's a real browser

    If you add some browser headers, cookies, then your http request will be similar to real browser
  20. VladZen

    what error in my code

    I already checked. Error not reproduced. please make diagnostic report.
  21. VladZen

    what error in my code

    I see it occurred 5 seconds after starting the project. Looks like instance had not run yet... was it one time error or it occurs regularly?
  22. VladZen

    what net library should i choose to put in code library

    try net 4.5 or 4.8
  23. VladZen

    what error in my code

    Is browser instance actually running? It may be it is not run yet, but you are trying clean cache already
  24. VladZen

    Не инсталлируется Zennoposter

    Какая ошибка выдается при установке программы?
  25. VladZen

    How to remove blank lines with ZennoDroid Variable.

    You should perform Text processing - Trim with your variable, not Replace operation
  26. VladZen

    How to remove blank lines with ZennoDroid Variable.

    Try just making Trim operation
  27. VladZen

    App gets closed automatically

    what exact app is closed ramdonly? did you install it from google play or apk installer?
  28. VladZen

    Что делать если нету оборудования в zennoposter

    Оборудование добавляется после установки софта
  29. VladZen

    How to remove blank lines with ZennoDroid Variable.

    {-String.Space-} or {-String.Enter-}
  30. VladZen

    strange list processing issue

    What's the path to list file? You should give the details.
  31. VladZen

    How to set geolocation in browse

    Geolocation is determined by IP. I seems weэму sorted out this problem in tickets
  32. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    I'm sharing version here, as it is more stable with many bugfixes. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e2gjs1ctddgu2r1/AAAW4aUYG2Sz7YqzBDWlvOPia/7BSM/
  33. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    Is it the same thing? https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/my-script-got-protected.101924/
  34. VladZen

    Solve errorcode 403 when try to send httppost thought specific site

    Try sending requests using alternative method
  35. VladZen

    Help for add text in website.

    Get text from file to variable using actions with files. Then record actions to insert text in a field on a website in Recording mode.
  36. VladZen

    Добавить кнопку принудительного обновления проекта в userarea

    по данному случаю пришлите пожалуйста диагностику в тикет.
  37. VladZen

    Добавить кнопку принудительного обновления проекта в userarea

    Вообще в течение часа должны обновляться проекты сами. Если не обновляется до суток, то тут вероятно проблемы с подключением к нашим серверам.
  38. VladZen

    Regular expression to delete lines over a character limit.

    Try this refex: [\w\d]{1,n} where n - number of characters to limit
  39. VladZen

    New Problem

    What software do you solve captchas from? you should enable this option or find better proxies
  40. VladZen

    What is the problem

    To solve recaptcha in CapMonster you also need recaptcha sitekey addon. ' It is not included into CapMonster and should be purchased separately.
  41. VladZen

    Capmonster Lite v2.13.4.0 Zennolab Language option

    English language is also availables. Looks like you bought the program from russian website version. Already changed the language by your request in tickets.
  42. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Кубик Распознать hcaptcha распознает без открытия картинок.
  43. VladZen

    Не корректно передаются/вставляются эмодзи

    я просто подсказал, что вместо сивола эмоджи можно вставить юникод
  44. VladZen

    Не корректно передаются/вставляются эмодзи

    Может такие кодировки? https://apps.timwhitlock.info/emoji/tables/unicode
  45. VladZen

    Постоянно лезет откуда-то капча VK

    Нужно включить защиту и задать ключ или пароль для использования КапМонстра
  46. VladZen

    GET запрос ошибка 403

    для начала альтернативный способ передачи запросов стоит попробовать.
  47. VladZen

    У меня появились новые параметры в настройках ZP и PM

    Похоже это наоборот давние настройки для движков FireFox при очистке куки, кеша. Отключить очистку плагинов - запрещает очистку плагинов для Firefox Отключить очистку истории - запрещает очистку истории для Firefox
  48. VladZen

    Download a text file

    Add action>Browser settings>Download directory - there you can specify the directory which the files will be downloaded to, not matter via browser or get request
  49. VladZen

    Show in Zennoposter how many times a project has looped?

    You can use notifications to write loop counter in log
  50. VladZen

    Where to download ZennoBox?

    You should sell your project to your partner - https://userarea.zennolab.com/lk/userarea/Bots.aspx After that, zennobox will be provided. Find more details in help docs.