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  1. B


    Hey, can you set a option to see stats for individual protection keys? ex key 1 solved 50000 captchas key2 solved 200 etc
  2. B

    TeleReger[ZHAG] - софт для автоматического создания Телеграм аккаунтов.

    Can you reply on skype, telegram? I keep sending you messages for a few days now, no reply Your telemonster stopped working.
  3. B

    Discussion - new version

    I'm getting higher recaptcha v2 success rate with this new version. ty
  4. B

    How to use profile gender correctly

    Thank you
  5. B

    Bugs in version

    Thank you
  6. B

    How to use profile gender correctly

    hey, How to use profile gender correctly when creating accounts ? Setting the profile Male/Female checkbox according to the profile that's generated by zenno? atm I think its bugged. using If to test {-Profile.Sex-}==True {-Profile.Sex-}==False doesn't work. it will fail If I set a new...
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    Bugs in version

    also when dealing with acc creation and with google recaptcha v2 what kind of browser settings do I need, in order to avoid getting this https://cl.ly/173K0H0A3g2S I played around a bit according to these settings https://support.google.com/recaptcha/?hl=en I have these settings and I'm still...
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    Bugs in version

    Found a bug I think using If to test {-Profile.Sex-}==True {-Profile.Sex-}==False doesn't work. it will fail If I set a new variable, {-Variable.Sex-} and set its default value to {-Profile.Sex-}, it will take the if as true if gender is male and if as false if gender is female, but the...
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    Discussion - new version

    cool, trying it out now! Finally some statistics . Can you also add statistics for the Protection Keys that were added? also what means Bad IP? e1: Using chrome version The capmonster seems slower, and seems to be using a lot more threads now compared with using firefox version...
  10. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    Using expensive residential ones ~125$ per month.
  11. B

    Buying Templates

    Hey, I'm interested in buying some templates ( unprotected, I want to be able to edit them myself) Email creators: Preferable with HTTP/Get requests with sms verification, cookie export, less secure activation Hotmail.com Gmail.com Yahoo.com Mail.ru gmx aol Maybe other mail service that has...
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    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    1.http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:work-with-other "You can do it in hosts file adding the following line: 2captcha.com , " being my IP (external) for the server where capmonster is added. doesn't seem to be working for me. I tried like that so I...
  13. B

    Best settings for CapMonster

    hey, what would be the best settings for CapMonster using recaptcha v2 addon? ex I'm running a bot with 80 threads on zenno, and according to capmonster he is solving ~10k captchas per minute.... I'm using 5k private proxies in the zenno bot, and 50 ports for rotating proxies in capmonster...
  14. B

    Решено Данные из Монитор трафика в переменную

    Awesome, hopefully I'll get more than the discount :))hehe
  15. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    2captcha would be fine as well if I could redirect to the server where I'm holding capmonster
  16. B

    Buying Templates

    Hey, I'm interested in buying some templates ( unprotected, I want to be able to edit them myself) Email creators: Preferable with HTTP/Get requests with sms verification, cookie export, less secure activation Hotmail.com Gmail.com Yahoo.com Mail.ru gmx aol Maybe other mail service that has...
  17. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    also you should fix the count for captchas and for the saved money box according to captcha monster he processed 2.4 mil captchas and I saved 1800$ lol . ( he's counting every little box from recaptcha) . if the captcha gets click more to verify, I think he's counting 50 captchas lol when he...
  18. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    ex. I want to set seopowersuite https://www.seopowersuite.com/ to solve captchas through capmonster . seopowersuite uses death by captcha and I can't change this. What choice do I have? Other than installing the seopowersuite software on the same server that holds my capmonster? is there a way...
  19. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    Using the external IP I can send captchas just fine from zenno poster, or from scripts that I can edit to captmonster but I'm interested in redirecting captchas from bought softwares that I can't edit and change. and instead of sending captcha to 2captcha.com to send it to my capmonster server...
  20. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    i'm not, I replaced the rest of the ip with "CapMonsterserverip" , so I won't post the IP publicly here the ip is posted correctly. but seems that won't force those requests to go to the capmonster server's location do you have a workaround this?
  21. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    Is there a way in redirecting 2captcha requests to capmonster that's set on a server? I tried changing the host file but that doesn't work. 191.CapmonsterserverIP 2captcha.com 191.CapmonsterserverIP www.2captcha.com 191.CapmonsterserverIP = the ip of the server that holds capmonster why? I...
  22. B

    recaptcha v2 solving

    okey, we sorted it out and seems to be working . ty for your help 1 more question. If we can't edit a specific app , that's using 2captha , can we modify the host file on that pc and have it redirrect the captcha to the Capmonster server instead of 2captcha? (the bot being on a different server...
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    recaptcha v2 solving

    doesn't seem to be working. doing exactly as you said. works when using it on zennoposter, but doesn't work when trying to use it in other bots.
  24. B

    recaptcha v2 solving

    thank you, trying it now
  25. B

    recaptcha v2 solving

    can I get a real example on how to send capthcha from another software to capmonster.? Using zennoposter I managed to solve them, but not with sitekey. with regular version by clicking, selecting images, sending to capmonster and so son
  26. B

    some error occured

    any update on this?
  27. B

    recaptcha v2 solving

    CapMonsterReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon (en) What's the use of this addon. Having this addon will make solving faster like when sending to 2captcha the sitekey rather than having the bot clicking, waiting for new pics, sending to the bot, waiting for new pics again . etc ?
  28. B

    some error occured

    some error occured added pic and logs Tried running it on my PC. Zennodroid lags hard . and I've got ssd, amd dx 8350 ( 8 cores 8 threads) , 32 gb ram that error is from a more powerful dedicated server. I entered in Bluestacks manually and it works without problems. but when starting it...
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    recaptcha v2 solving

  30. B

    Where is the macro option in zp 5 lite?

    C'mon, simple question.How can I open that macro
  31. B

    Where is the macro option in zp 5 lite?

    So how can I access that macro generator?
  32. B

    Where is the macro option in zp 5 lite?

    I saw that, its not what I need. I need the macro generator from that video so I can generate fake emails according to my spec. I don't know where is that. Maybe its disabled on ZP Lite?
  33. B

    Where is the macro option in zp 5 lite?

    Where is the macro option for zennoposter ? from this video using zennoposter Lite and I'm trying to generate fake email data, but I can't find that macro option so I could change it like he is doing in video. thank you
  34. B

    recaptcha v2 solving

    hey. can capmonster 2 really solve recaptcha v2 without a capcha solver service ? I'm not interested in other captcha types just in recaptchs v2. i saw its requiring an special module for 10$ a month right ? whats the average solve success rate your getting ?
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    CheapNumberNow (Авторегистратор TextNow + Активатор)

    Hey, is this working atm? Can I use this without buying zennoposter?
  36. B

    Having problems installing apps

    Hey, Trying the trial for zennoposter but I'm Having problems installing apps I'm stuck with Download Pending... ( it doesn't install any app. tried on a few, on all its download pending.) I tried to install the app directly ( from settings, import windows files) , but it doesn't work. I get...