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  1. Y

    I need tutorials to get started with CapMonster

    After some deep researches, I got it finally :D You simply gonna use anti-captcha or 2captcha API. All you have to do is run CM and then learn about 2captcha or anti-captcha API and use them. It hard to explain it all here but if you need help PM and I'll teach you!
  2. C

    Need Recaptcha 2/Solve Media in Web browsing

    Hello, I bought the CapMonster 2 Standard about 2 days ago which is quite nifty but, where the F is the ability to surf sites which have Recaptcha V2 or Solve Media (image or audio) solving automatically and submit Auto. I tried a couple of 2Captcha Chrome extension plugins from Chrome store...
  3. Lord_Alfred

    [Бесплатно!] ReCaptchaGnizer: Решение ReCAPTCHA2 со 100% результатом (AutoSubmit: vk/textnow и др.)

    Yes, because recaptcha load from *.js script in this site. I checked site and you need find script, who "create" or "load" recaptcha in page. Try find them in http-sniffer (Charles, Wireshark or other) by words: "recaptcha/api", "recaptcha/" and sitekey...
  4. Lasqa

    Не получается настроить Capmonster как API сервер

    ip у меня динамический; имеется прогги, скачанные с rucaptcha.com, а именно: CaptchaBotRU и 2Captcha, с этих прогг я и пытаюсь перехватывать капчи; обычный юзерский засранный всяким говном комп, совсем не сервак, короче старенький полудохлый ноут; скачен с zennolab только capmonster demo; тип...
  5. Tigran

    Ответ есть, но неправильный ? (recaptcha v2)

    Отправляю через 2captcha на Капмонстр рекапчу, там она решается , потом я уже в самом сайте вижу, что есть ответ (длинный код из букв и цифр) от Капмонстра, но после сабмита пишет что ответ неправильный (10-15% случаев) . Получается капмонстр отгадает рекапчу , но полученный ответ неправильный ?
  6. lokiys

    Recognize Recaptcha2 module - how to retry if solving failed?

    Use simple logic, if this failed then it goes out to red dot, so connect loop there and repeat. success rate will vary depending on your proxy quality.
  7. T

    Recognize Recaptcha2 module - how to retry if solving failed?

    Hi, I've been using Recognize Recaptcha v2 module (without CapMonster, just the one in Project Maker) and I was wondering how to make ZP check if solving failed and then retry it until it's solved correctly. It just marks the recaptcha v2 box with a red X and stops Project Maker but I don't know...
  8. E

    Problem with SiteKey Addon

    Hello, I'm testing the capmonster 2 demo with the sitekey addon. I'm getting a lot of "Bad Ip" errors, I've changed the config of RC2Instace.config.exe, and also set the "show browser" to "true". One thing I notices was that the browser click on the captcha, the image appears and it doesnt...
  9. VladZen

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    port can't be specified in hosts file. You should use default 80 port or set up special routing.
  10. VladZen

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

  11. Z

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

    Ok, but where do I enter my 2captcha credentials? How do I click the correct fields?
  12. lokiys

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

    Read link what Vlad gave You. And Choose RuCaptcha.dll recognation module. 2captcha and rucaptcha is same service, just with two diff languages.
  13. Z

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

    I dont get this. Can please someone more experienced do a simple template for solving recaptcha2 using 2captcha for google.com using the special action block to recognize ReCaptcha2.
  14. K

    how to use site key addon

    hi i really need help with this after i buy sitekey addon i redirected to a page that explains how it works: http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:sitekey but i didn't understand it (really confusing) i wanna link my third party app to capmonster to solve recaptchas my program can...
  15. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    1.http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:work-with-other "You can do it in hosts file adding the following line: 2captcha.com , " being my IP (external) for the server where capmonster is added. doesn't seem to be working for me. I tried like that so I...
  16. A

    How To Solve Orientation Captcha In Zenno

    Hi, I have come across a new captcha today, the captcha is on AddMeFast website Does anyone know how to solve this? Can it be done on the new Zenno captcha tool? I have 2Captcha service also
  17. VladZen

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

    Use rucaptcha. It's the same.
  18. A

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

    Hello @VladZen I use action Recognize ReCaptcha2 but I can't find 2captcha.dll from Recognition module. It does not show up And after I choose the captcha regconition then put the result into a variable then what should I do next? I can't find any tutorial about this Please help me Thanks
  19. Roman*

    Invisible Recaptcha 2

    Yes, it is a service of one owner. I used the snippet on C #
  20. A

    Invisible Recaptcha 2

    I think its the same service rucaptcha.com and 2captcha.com. I just cant figure out how to submit the token
  21. Roman*

    Invisible Recaptcha 2

    I guessed yesterday through rucaptcha.com , invisible recaptcha 2 .
  22. A

    Invisible Recaptcha 2

    Hi, I am stuck on a template where it uses invisible Recaptcha2, I am using 2Captcha and am stuck since I can't get post my token on the invisible recaptcha and then click submit. Has anyone had this issue or have a template that works with invisible Recaptcha2? Thanks
  23. VladZen

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

    You should use special action block to recognize ReCaptcha2. Here are the details - http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:rc2#using-in-zennoposter There you can select recognizing recaptcha2 via 2captcha.dll
  24. A

    Help me using 2captcha with ZP!

    This is my first time I use a captcha regconization service to be intergrated with ZP And 2captcha is my service I downloaded the template provided by @Morgan here in this thread: http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/how-to-use-anti-captcha-antigate-com-for-google-recaptcha.33593/ Then and...
  25. C


    Здраствуйте, отправляю в капмонстер из аймакроса рекапчу такимм запросом Полный код(...
  26. A

    Best Google recaptcha regconition service for ZP?

    But how about success rate. I want higher success rate. Antigate is more expensive but can it get 100% success rate? Thanks
  27. K

    rucaptcha add

    iam useing psn checker and i use rucaptcha or 2captcha or anti-captcha with proxy china i want to make .cm for CapMonster ... to not buy captcha from this sites and want to make .cm for capmoster
  28. W

    Send captcha to service if it has not been recognized - does this work ?

    Hi, Im using CM2 (2.10.3) + Sitekey Addon and it's working with ZP and XNEO Emulation set only on Rucaptcha (for XNEO tu use Recaptcha2) ENABLED: Send captcha to service if it has not been recognized I want to send Captcha to CM2 by ZP or XNEO for recognition - if CM2 fails to recognize it...
  29. VladZen

    Capmonster integration

    CapMonster2+sitekey addon. Reminding you that you can test demo version before purchasing. It includes the addon.
  30. L

    Capmonster integration

    Thanks for your reply, My code is this for 2captcha and anticaptcha: http://i.imgur.com/fF69iT6.jpeg But haven’t understand if have to buy only capmonster2 or capmonster2+sitekeyAddon
  31. LightWood

    Best Google recaptcha regconition service for ZP?

    anti-gate sometimes can be more expensive in few times 2captcha is my choice
  32. VladZen

    Best Google recaptcha regconition service for ZP?

    I would recommend 2captcha or anti-gate.
  33. VladZen

    Reaptcha Sitekey Addon

    Make sure there is redirect in hosts file from 2captcha.com to ip-adress which CM2 is running on. Also, not sure about json parameter value, try setting =1 or don't use it at all.
  34. VladZen

    Bugs in new version

    Hello, We would recommend you to update to latest version CapMonster Most problems with sitekey have been solved in it.
  35. chazzzzz

    RuCaptcha и 2captcha

    В общем это я затупил. Акки зарегистрированы на разные почты, в итоге при входе в rucaptcha вводя почту аккаунта 2captcha я получал такое сообщение. Спасибо за помощь, тему можете закрывать!
  36. chazzzzz

    RuCaptcha и 2captcha

  37. one

    RuCaptcha и 2captcha

    Это как, прям так и пишут идите на 2captcha? Может скрин покажите?
  38. chazzzzz

    RuCaptcha и 2captcha

    Ребят, знаю зеннопостер с рукапчей дружат может мне здесь ответят. У меня есть акк на рукапче которым я пользуюсь зенкой, но есть другой софт который рукапчу не поддерживает и я регал 2капчу. Теперь при попытке зайти на рукапчу пишут типа заходите на 2капчу, что за бред??? Рукапча дешевле и я...
  39. H

    Как отправить капчу в кампостер через post\get-запросы?

    Присоединяюсь к вопросу. раньше решал через 2captcha, тут решил заморочиться и написал собственный модуль для capmonster. Написать написал а как в него отправлять не пойму. По логике вещей скрипт который слал запросы на 2captcha теперь должен слать эти запросы на capmonster (благодаря записям в...
  40. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    2captcha would be fine as well if I could redirect to the server where I'm holding capmonster
  41. A-Parser Support

    A-Parser - продвинутый парсер поисковых систем, WordStat, YouTube, Suggest, PR, etc

    1.2.50 - улучшение стабильности, поддержка (другой софт) и множество исправлений в стандартных парсерах Улучшения Уменьшение потребления памяти и улучшение стабильности работы x64 версий Добавлена поддержка 2captcha и (другой софт) в Util::ReCaptcha2 Добавлен Parse all results и Parse related to level для...
  42. VladZen

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    I'm affraid intercepting death by captcha requests won't work. CapMonster intercepts Recaptcha2 sent to 2captcha api or antigate api. In the first post you were talking about interceping from 2captcha...
  43. W

    Reaptcha Sitekey Addon

    I have bought today Recaptcha Addon but i cant make it working Should i see that CM2 is intercepting queries ? (i don't see that) im sending that POST http://2captcha.com/in.php?key={-Variable.key-}&method=userrecaptcha&googlekey={-Variable.DOM-}&pageurl={-Variable.URL-}&json=0 Please help
  44. Sergodjan

    Не работает распознавание каптчи

    надо снести все от первого "# capmonster begin"до последнего "# capmonster end" это капмонстер прописал заглушки на себя.. либо в настрйоках капмонстра снять галку с антигейт..
  45. serg32

    Не работает распознавание каптчи

    там фарш вот такой, где-то тут ошибка, я чувствую) # Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address...
  46. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    Using the external IP I can send captchas just fine from zenno poster, or from scripts that I can edit to captmonster but I'm interested in redirecting captchas from bought softwares that I can't edit and change. and instead of sending captcha to 2captcha.com to send it to my capmonster server...
  47. VladZen

    i'm willing to pay who wants to help me about Recaptcha.

    Please do not recommend third party solutions on our forum. when customer is interested in our software. ok?
  48. B

    redirect 2 captcha requests to capmonster?

    Is there a way in redirecting 2captcha requests to capmonster that's set on a server? I tried changing the host file but that doesn't work. 191.CapmonsterserverIP 2captcha.com 191.CapmonsterserverIP www.2captcha.com 191.CapmonsterserverIP = the ip of the server that holds capmonster why? I...
  49. C

    Продаются шаблоны для разгадки антибота 500 и Recaptcha 2 на C#

    I would like to buy the 1st template if it works in zennoposter with 2captcha.
  50. Andres

    Bugs in new version

    Hi, I have CapMonster Pro v2.10.2.1 with ReCapcha SiteKey Addon (Enable). I am running an application that uses 2Captcha and CapMonster receives the captchas but the api does not receive an answer from CapMonster apparently, generating the error (12-14 05:57:57 [2captcha] Invalid answer...