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  1. VladZen

    recaptcha v2 solving

    CapMonster accepts the same paramters as captcha services - 2captcha and antigate. Find more info here - http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:sitekey
  2. B

    recaptcha v2 solving

    okey, we sorted it out and seems to be working . ty for your help 1 more question. If we can't edit a specific app , that's using 2captha , can we modify the host file on that pc and have it redirrect the captcha to the Capmonster server instead of 2captcha? (the bot being on a different server...
  3. VladZen

    running javascript in zennoposter

    What error do you get in JS tester? And why do you use JS code when zennoposter has special blocks to send captchas to 2captcha and other services?
  4. M

    running javascript in zennoposter

    I got a javascript that solves captchas using 2captcha. There is first a function defined, than i call it to send GET request. It works fine in chrome console, but in zenno it just ticks of positive end without doing any work. var apiKey = "API"; var googleKey =...
  5. VladZen

    recaptcha v2 solving

    Yes, exactly! And also, most SEO software solve recaptcha2 sending it to captcha-servicese via sitekey method. So, with this module, CapMonster is able to recognize recaptcha from SEO software instead of services. You may download demo version and test it, sitekey addon is included into it...
  6. M

    i'm willing to pay who wants to help me about Recaptcha.

    I just looked at it and thats really confusing to me. I Hi i looked at it and it's something I'd rather pay you to do if possible. I don't have a webmoney account and i just looked and my skrill account is put on hold because i haven't used it in over a year. I just messaged support to reopen...
  7. orka13

    i'm willing to pay who wants to help me about Recaptcha.

    Capmonster is a powerful instrument, but it costs money. 1000 solved recaptcha2 threw this service https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_new costs about 3$. Think first what you need. I can edit your Zennoposter project for solving recaptcha2 threw 2captcha.com, it will costs...
  8. B

    recaptcha v2 solving

    CapMonsterReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon (en) What's the use of this addon. Having this addon will make solving faster like when sending to 2captcha the sitekey rather than having the bot clicking, waiting for new pics, sending to the bot, waiting for new pics again . etc ?
  9. R

    Any program sending 2cap ReCaptcha2 requests

    I guess to clarify - I'm running a third-party commercial application that has a 'captcha harvester' that sends requests to 2captcha.com. What is needed to get the harvester working with CapMonster+Recaptchav2 Module
  10. R

    Any program sending 2cap ReCaptcha2 requests

    Should any program I run sending 2captcha requests for ReCaptchav2 be intercepted by CapMonster? That was my understanding based on the hosts editing. I have the module downloaded. Do I just click start and then proceed to running my application? I can't get CapMonster to generate any solves...
  11. VladZen

    Bugs in new version

    You should update CapMonster to version and send requests to http://capmonsterIP:port/in.php
  12. X

    Bugs in new version

    Hello,hope you can answer me fast because really wanna try this new way , already paid addons the problem is when i try post request with 2captcha return :"The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. becasue capmonster has edit host file . note i'm using port 81 for CM so how i can...
  13. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Пока нет, возможно скоро сделаем.
  14. B

    Обсуждение версии

    Поддерживает ли капмонтр в варианте эмуляции сервиса https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#additional , а именно - получение результата сразу на несколько каптч(ids).
  15. darkdiver

    Release CapMonster 2 new version (19 October 2017)

    Added: [+] ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon is now being updated in usual way as the rest modules. [+] POST-requests with ReCaptcha2 sitekey to rucaptcha/2captcha services are now supported. Bug fixes: ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon now uses proxy properly. Bug with recognition via sitekey on ports other than...
  16. orka13

    Text Captcha

    UPD: there is English version of Rucapcha: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_text_captcha
  17. S

    Проблема с recaptcha v2

    Собственно, вопрос такой, на сайте расположена рекапча, можно как то выдернуть её отдельно для постера(как это в софте от 2captcha для работников) что бы потом получить готовый ключ решения с элемента? И еще вопрос, есть по ссылки чисто одна рекапча, но после разгадывания редиректит на левую...
  18. andrwork

    Прошу подсказать по Recaptcha V2

    Нет, не правильно понял. Совсем не правильно понял. Монстр умеет гадать или аудио файл рекапчи (ты ему - файл в bade64, он тебе - ответ), или картинку (ты ему скрин картинки 3*3/4*4 - он тебе в ответ номера картинок на которые нажать.). А что бы решать как ты хочешь - у меня есть решение...
  19. patlat

    Прошу подсказать по Recaptcha V2

    Приветствую. Я правильно понимаю алгоритм работы Монстра со сторонними приложениями (не зенопостер)? К примеру, я передаю ключ Recaptcha V2, на 2captcha.com, монстер перехватывает данный запрос, обрабатывает и выдаёт мне ответ вместо 2captcha.com. Я правильно понял, мне необходимо передавать...
  20. M

    Can i input 2captcha secret key in project maker?

    Right now Projectmaker and Zennoposter ask for sercet key in settings tab. But, can i add secret key in projectmaker so that it will run on that instance from one account, and than in next thread or run it will take second secret key from different 2captcha account. etc. etc. etc. what...
  21. VladZen

    Bugs in new version

    You should increase number of attempts in RuCaptcha.dll config in folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ZennoLab\Configs: <add key="connection_attempts" value="5"/> Try setting 30 instead of defauls value.
  22. lokiys

    Bugs in new version

    I'm using 2captcha, rucaptcha Thanks
  23. P

    page.source problem

    Hi, I am trying to implement 2captcha to make recaptcha work. I am doing it like here: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_new I am on stage where i need to change parameter: Locate the element with id g-recaptcha-response and make it visible deleting display:none parameter...
  24. KitKat21

    Does Zennoposter solve recaptcha without Capmonster?

    Hey, sorry, I don't know. Haven't come across Invisible recaptcha to test it, besides I'm a beginner myself. Try it out and let us know if it works!
  25. A

    [Бесплатно!] ReCaptchaGnizer: Решение ReCAPTCHA2 со 100% результатом (AutoSubmit: vk/textnow и др.)

    Oh well I've used get and post methods already, however setting <textarea>TOKEN</textarea> in html code and removing the html code rucaptcha/2captcha instructions recommended doesn't change anything. i used get/get for sending the api and obtaining the token. I see in your example theres POST...
  26. A

    Does Zennoposter solve recaptcha without Capmonster?

    Sorry but does this work for Invisible Recaptcha? I've copied other recaptcha example (2captcha) and tried to edit it so it works on my desired platform. I think, I did the job right, but i realised afterwards that its not recaptcha but invisible recaptcha. And this info here...
  27. VladZen

    [Бесплатно!] ReCaptchaGnizer: Решение ReCAPTCHA2 со 100% результатом (AutoSubmit: vk/textnow и др.)

    Да, англичане бывают спрашивают, готовые решения для 2Captcha)
  28. Lord_Alfred

    [Бесплатно!] ReCaptchaGnizer: Решение ReCAPTCHA2 со 100% результатом (AutoSubmit: vk/textnow и др.)

    @VladZen, забыл упомянуть - для англоязычных пользователей есть сервис https://2captcha.com/ (дочка рукапчи), если они попросят, то её можно прикрутить к шаблону (третьим сервисом), чтоб им в нативном языке всё было (зарегистрироваться, оплатить доступ и смотреть статистику по капчам). Если что...
  29. VladZen

    Bad balance rate with Death By Captcha

    I think the problem is that Zenno is not connected DBC, therefore it displays zero. Please check your authorization key/login:password, make sure they are correct.
  30. K

    Bad balance rate with Death By Captcha

    Hello, I notice that my balance rate "Death by captcha" is incorrect. On their site, I see US $ 6.85 and on Zenno I see 0 (Balance is not empty on Zenno) On the other hand the balance rate is good for "2captcha" on Zenno any idea ?
  31. AloneSlamer

    How to solve I'm not a robot reCaptcha ?

    Use 2captcha.com https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_new
  32. A

    How to set recaptcha2

    Yeah of course i mean doing this with beforehand adding API in settings.
  33. K

    How to set recaptcha2

    You have to use some api of a decaptcher - 2captcha has it explained in detal.
  34. gelu4

    Помогите подключить Capmonster

    Так?Что-то не работает :( На счет порта не знаю. 80 не работает, видимо чем-то занят и к серверу не подключается. На форуме видел что прописывают 189, с ним подключается. Каптчи в капмонстр приходят, но не распознаются. Содержимое hosts
  35. Mufasa

    Recaptcha2 + 2captcha.com "Click verify once there are none to left"

    Hello, I have tried to contact you, can you please send me PM, I want to buy projects.
  36. ek3ekytop

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    First Dom in Morgan's template capture Google site key, but you can skip this step, find site key using page source and hardcode this key directly in the url of the first GET request without using any variables.
  37. shabbysquire

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Thanks Morgan for the template! I didn't realize that 2captcha also solved reCaptcha V.2. So I tried your template for the signup page: https://www.quora.com/ But the 1st Dom wasn't able to capture any info. What do I need to capture?
  38. M

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Here is an example, just fill in your 2captcha api key at the top green variable box and you can run it, it will solve a demo. Happy xmas
  39. M

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Of course I can help you with that, it is just a very few steps to acheive close to 100% succsess rate. Do the following: 1. Make a new regex to get google key from targeted site. OR Hard code google key if you wanna use just for one specific site 2. Put in both 2captcha key and targeted site...
  40. ek3ekytop

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Thank you very much for your responce. I'm newbie in Zennoposter and i can't understand how to do this correctly. I have 2captcha account also. Can you create sample template for me - how to use 2captcha for solving this type of captchas? Thank you again.
  41. M

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Hi. Did you check their documentation? https://anticaptcha.atlassian.net/wiki/display/API/createTask+%3A+captcha+task+creating You just have to post a few parameters using JSON As google key dont change you dont need a regex for the key just hard code it, unless you want the script to run on...
  42. amyboose

    Продаются шаблоны для разгадки антибота 500 и Recaptcha 2 на C#

    May be you will use proxy for solving POST/GET recaptcha throught 2captcha.com. I can't promise anything until I don't show the site.
  43. M

    Продаются шаблоны для разгадки антибота 500 и Recaptcha 2 на C#

    Hi I want to use POST/GET to recive a token for the captcha using 2captcha. I have sucsessfully made a template in zennoposter but it dosent work on the targeted site since they use remote IP control, since the solver has different IP then me I get an error. Can you make a template that deals...
  44. M

    Is there any new google recaptcha template availible?

    2captcha service, audi is very good, but now they seem to ban my ip allot and requre to many solutioons. I also tried passing my googe API key, the token recived gives me an error but works for other sites. Im looking for a good template to solve the image puzzles
  45. E

    Is there any new google recaptcha template availible?

    I use http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/proekt-dlja-raspoznavanija-google-recaptcha-2-s-pomoschju-rucaptcha-dlja-zennoposter-5.22571/page-8 in my templates, captcha is solve by service - 2captcha.com
  46. R

    Anyone know how to config this C# about 2captcha.Coz the old one is invalid

    Since yesterday I found this sample can no longer be used(use rucaptcha to solve google recaptcha) This C # can upload image recognition, but in the last step press the "verify" button was invalid. any one can solve this problem. // ==================== Все что нужно настроить...
  47. A


    Hey, I did not find that file RuCaptcha.dll.config. After last update it disappeared...
  48. W

    compiling the project code failed to compile project

    Uploaded my recaptcha2 project. I use it as project in project (module) It's working witch 2captcha.com - only thing that you need is to put your 2captcha key in to captcha key variable .
  49. H

    compiling the project code failed to compile project

    Thank you for replying. It is occurring with any c# code I try, specifically the recaptcha to 2captcha sample from this thread http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/help-with-recaptcha.22032/#post-147429.
  50. S

    Type is not detected on recaptcha audio ?

    yes i tried all even sending manually to same server to capmonster its returning this Object_reference_not_set_to_an_instance_of_an_object. form code is below please check <form method="post" action="http://2captcha.com/in.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden"...