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  1. T

    Recognize Recaptcha2 module - how to retry if solving failed?

    @lokiys this might sound like a stupid question but... what do I put in the logical if? I can't find a way to put wrong captcha recognition into a variable :/
  2. T

    Recognize Recaptcha2 module - how to retry if solving failed?

    Hi, I've been using Recognize Recaptcha v2 module (without CapMonster, just the one in Project Maker) and I was wondering how to make ZP check if solving failed and then retry it until it's solved correctly. It just marks the recaptcha v2 box with a red X and stops Project Maker but I don't know...
  3. T

    How to solve Recaptcha V2 and verify email on this website?

    @lokiys I figured out everything but e-mail verification for this link: http://www.jeuxvideo.com/sso/confirm.php?id=6428707&h=6a09ec9b1cfc8e795ce1d7a48435797a Because of the & it gives me "Invalid URL" on e-mail verification. Is there a way to extract the link from the mailbox without...
  4. T

    How to solve Recaptcha V2 and verify email on this website?

    Same thing with Gamespot - regex copies everything including the HTML at the end of the link :/
  5. T

    How to solve Recaptcha V2 and verify email on this website?

    Hi, I am trying to create a registration + account activation template on this website: https://www.jeuxvideo.com/sso/register.php My problem is that I am not able to recognize recaptcha v2 with anti-gate.dll here - it simply fails to find the recaptcha v2. I tried searching for sitekey but...
  6. T

    Anti-Captcha.com returns ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE

    @VladZen I don't have GSA CB intalled yet, the problem occurs on a clean install of Win 10. I will install GSA CB later today and I will see if it works with AntiGate module enabled.
  7. T

    Anti-Captcha.com returns ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE

    @VladZen done that :( I'll try to run it through GSA Captcha Breaker (I don't have CapMonster 2). Maybe this will help.
  8. T

    Anti-Captcha.com returns ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE

    @VladZen I've set it to $50 now, refreshed the API key, changed More options to antigate.com and still got the error...
  9. T

    Anti-Captcha.com returns ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE

    @VladZen I've increased my bid to 40$ (yes, forty bucks) and I still get this error :/ @LightWood Latest update, I'm 100% positive it is my API key. I also changed the More Options field to AntiGate.com and still got the error :/
  10. T

    Anti-Captcha.com returns ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE

    Hi, I've been trying to use Anti-Captcha.com for 2 days now and it keeps returning ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE in Zenno Project Manager settings. I've even set the maximum bid to... well, maximum but it keeps showing this message...
  11. T

    Discussion - new version

    Hi, I didn't want to create a new thread just to ask this, so I'll ask here. I bought ZP5 about a year ago. I have CapMonster on my PC. When I run CapMonster EN it says v1.0.0.0 at the title bar of the program. Is this the latest version or am I supposed to buy v2 separately?
  12. T

    Text captcha (Question) in different language

    Is there any way to avoid spending countless hours writing different numbers? It's a math question (how much is X + Y), but the numbers vary from 0 to 100 :(
  13. T

    Text captcha (Question) in different language

    Hi, I have a problem with a captcha that requires the user to answer a question. I already figured out how to mark it as captcha, but another problem is that the questions are in Polish and I don't think there is a Polish captcha service available:
  14. T

    Does Zennoposter solve recaptcha without Capmonster?

    @KitKat21 I'm a newbie and I have no clue how to implement this template into my registration process on, for example, https://forum.avast.com/. The fact that it's in Russian doesn't help :(
  15. T

    Missing toolbar in v5, panel reset doesn't help

    Edit: I guess I must be retarded. All I had to do was clicking "Advanced Editor", which is visible in the screenshot on my upper post :ah: Anyway, thank you @mason for your reply. Have a great day :)
  16. T

    Missing toolbar in v5, panel reset doesn't help

    @mason there's no "Toolbar" option in Windows :(
  17. T

    Missing toolbar in v5, panel reset doesn't help

    Hi guys, I've bought ZennoPoster quite some time ago but only now I finally found the time to start learning :) I've decided to watch some tutorials and I came across an obstacle - in those tutorials people have toolbars with different actions and in my case there's no toolbar whatsoever. I've...