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  1. M


    Let me know if you need help, I will be happy to assist you, there is 3 different ways to let 2captcha solve them.
  2. M

    Solving google recaptchas

    Hi, just an update, I was following 2captcha guide and managed to do it, the only thing i need to do is to remove something from the source. Which was described in another thread. Thanks alot for this forum. This method is a killer also, so good but twice the price
  3. M

    Solving google recaptchas

    Hi. First I found a template here in the russian forum that solves the captcha clicking the right images, after a while I was getting more and more dynamic captchas which updated the pictures. Then I found a template solving it by using audio in the russian forum, now and then my ip gets...
  4. lokiys

    2captcha template help

    Okay then you have to use C# for that. More information is there http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:rc2 You can make all that with default zenno actions also, but then you have to follow documentation from 2captcha
  5. lokiys

    2captcha template help

    Are you trying to get image recaptcha working on 2captcha, Or simple captcha ? If only simple captchas then you just use RuCaptcha.com module and just change domain to 2captcha.com and set credentials there. After that use basic captcha module: http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:captcha-recognition...
  6. L

    2captcha template help

    Hi, I'm trying to get 2captcha working on my template.. This is probably copy and paste code for some people... let me know what I can pay for your consultation.. I got money in 2captcha already and the .dll all setup... Just need to get the results working properly :) Thanks!
  7. rostonix


    You can use rucaptcha.com module in your project. But open this file C:\Program Files (x86)\ZennoLab\ZennoPoster Pro\Progs\RuCaptcha.dll.config and change domain to 2captcha.com
  8. H


    Hi, can anyone please explain to me how I can send recaptchas to 2captcha? I have been searching the forums all day to no avail. Thank you.
  9. P

    Recaptcha2 + 2captcha.com "Click verify once there are none to left"

    Hello I resolve my problem about resolving Recaptcha2 + 2captcha.com I got script working fine, but I observe that when appear "Click verify once there are none to left" bot try finish captcha but all time fail. The most weird thing is that 2captcha.com count this not resolved captcha as...
  10. VladZen

    Recaptcha2 + 2captcha.com template or scheme

    Please check this topic - http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/recaptcha-2captcha-solved.20523/
  11. P

    Recaptcha2 + 2captcha.com template or scheme

    Hello, I am searchin on this forum recaptcha2 template but dont find any workin. Can someone help me find 2016 workin template? I stuck on quora acc creator and the biggest problem is this sick captcha ! Thanks, Patrick
  12. L

    Проект для распознавания Google ReCAPTCHA 2 с помощью ruCaptcha для ZennoPoster 5

    Does anybody have newer, working version of recaptcha2 via 2captcha template? I really appreciate this, but it seems to work only partialy. At the end I receive "I am not a robot" tick in demo.xmlz, but recaptcha2.xmlz fails. It has red cross. When I run it again it turns to green tick after...
  13. L

    Recaptcha2 how to?

    OK, now I know that this template for 2captcha is not enough. There are several recaptcha2 2captcha templates. Which one works best? I downloaded the one from here http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/proekt-dlja-raspoznavanija-google-recaptcha-2-s-pomoschju-rucaptcha-dlja-zennoposter-5.22571/...
  14. L

    Recaptcha2 how to?

    OK, I got it. Please check if the template looks good. Is the last C# snippet (Через код) required? I downloaded 2captcha template from here http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/help-with-recaptcha.22032/#post-147429 and added capmonster2 #C snippet with loop. It seems fine, but I'm not an expert.
  15. L

    Recaptcha2 how to?

    kevmb1, thank you very much. I will try loop with counter version. If it doesn't work fine I will try different solution. masterLomaster, I am a client. I own ZennoPoster Pro version and Capmonster2 Standard version. How to change the title on this forum? Is it possible or administrator has to...
  16. K

    Recaptcha2 how to?

    Sorry for late reply.. This one is quite simple. Look at the Log. CapMonster cannot recognize that specific image, maybe because it says "Click verify once there are none left." or maybe for another reason. CapMonster also does not have 100% success rate with ReCaptcha2 images. Solution...
  17. rostonix

    Recaptcha2 how to?

    DBC and 2captcha has different APIs for this captcha. So you will need to handle both. I suggest to use Input setting and tehre set module to use. And in template when it comes to captcha you use switch We provide snippet for CapMonster2 that can be adopted to other services.
  18. L

    Recaptcha2 how to?

    And how to create the template that works with 2captcha/deathbycatpcha and capmonster2 at once? When capmonster2 works then captcha should be solved by capmonster2, but when it's offline then captcha should go to online service. Is it possible to create that kind of template? Can anyone show me...
  19. L

    Recaptcha2 how to?

    I have one more question to ask. Do services like 2captcha or deathbycaptcha solve 4x4 or 5x5 recaptchas?
  20. S

    Как пользоваться Капмонстром-Демо?

    Ты гений... это же "кнопка бабло"... думаю до тебя никто до этого ни разу не догодался использовать... А так будет высокий процент не распознанных и соответственно быстрый бан.
  21. V

    Как пользоваться Капмонстром-Демо?

    Господа,объясните пожалуйста,если купить данное по и использовать его в целях зароботка на вводе капчи на ресурсах, типа 2captcha и т.д,подходит ли данная прога для этого?и если да,то какой вариант стоит брать лайт или про?Прошу не судить строго,совсем новичек в этом деле...Заранее спасибо за ответ.
  22. L

    recognize using service problem

    Hello, I have problem with "recognize using service". I configured 2captcha, deathbycaptcha and decaptcher but I receive an error (DBC) or blank (2captcha and decaptcher) output in response column. I tried 1 thread and 50 threads. No difference. Sometimes the first one is solved and the rest is...
  23. O

    How configure ZP with 2captcha.com (rucaptcha) ?

    My config file:
  24. O

    How configure ZP with 2captcha.com (rucaptcha) ?

    I use ZP and want to set up it with 2captcha, can you tell me how to do that ? i redirect antigate settings to 2captcha.com server and write correct api key but it is not working, can you tell me how to do that ?
  25. S

    My first module, recognition problem

    Hello I want to create my first module, but I have a problem with recognition using the service. http://imgur.com/a6KdHBL Can you tell me where is problem? I tried with death by captcha and 2captcha.
  26. M

    Recaptcha audio solve 2captcha

    Hi. Recently i noticed 90% of the captchas has the click until none are left dynamic template, this are causing 2captcha to fail LOADS. I recently recived an email where 2captcha said they could solve recaptchas by audio. I wonder if anyone got an sample template for this? Many thanks
  27. P

    Problem with 2captcha in zenno

    I found a solution. I got a ban on my ip. I updates zenno and thats removed my key. There was a lot of empty connection to 2captcha
  28. lokiys

    Problem with 2captcha in zenno

    Hi. Check if you have balance in 2captcha account, check if you have correct API key.
  29. P

    Problem with 2captcha in zenno

    Hi. I have problem with 2captcha from yesterday. Zenno dont send captcha to 2capcha.com and give me answer: sorry.
  30. alekwuy

    Релиз CapMonster 2 новый билд (04.05.2016)

    что это?)
  31. darkdiver

    Релиз CapMonster 2 новый билд (04.05.2016)

    Modules [+] Bitrix1 91% [+] Bitrix2 99% [+] Bitrix3 99% [+] ArticleMS2 68% [+] ClubFoto 100% [+] Numeral11 98% [+] LiveInternetRus 61% [+] ExBB 46% [+] FluxBB 99% New CM [+] Увеличена скорость распознавания обычных и аудио каптч в параллельном режиме на CPU и GPU. [+] Добавлена эмуляция...
  32. darkdiver

    Release CapMonster 2 New build (04.05.2016)

    Modules [+] Bitrix1 91% [+] Bitrix2 99% [+] Bitrix3 99% [+] ArticleMS2 68% [+] ClubFoto 100% [+] Numeral11 98% [+] LiveInternetRus 61% [+] ExBB 46% [+] FluxBB 99% New CM [+] Recognition speed on CPU and GPU when working in parallel mode has been increased. [+] Emulation of the following...
  33. rostonix

    send recaptcha2 through antigate api

    rucaptcha has international mirror: 2captcha.com
  34. M

    Google recapatcha 2

    Hi. I found a template on the forum which solves it using 2captcha, I´m very thankful for it. However there are minior issues, when the images are 4x4 instead of 3x3 there seems to be a problem and the list will return empty. I also register that you will be required to solve multiple to...
  35. M

    DBC stopped working

    Hi. All of a sudden DBC stopped working in my project, everytime the result returns SOBRE. I have checked my balance, i have checked my login detail but the image dosent come thru to DBC, its not even registred on statistics page. 2Captcha still work. I have tried 2 DBC accounts, same result...
  36. K

    Google add url Indexer 2captcha integration Template

    Hello I have templata for this >https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url?pli=1 with 2captcha.com solution Price 60$ For more information PM me or [email protected]
  37. Mikhail B.

    Вы исчерпали для демо

    По сути HOSTS для блокировки доступа, на сайты или IP, получаться он отлавливает все сервисы капчи и отправляет на CM2, это нужно тем у кого нету ZennoPoster, но нам то зачем эта функция и как ее отключить. Хотя может я ошибаюсь в предположениях, подождем компетентного ответа.
  38. Dimionix

    Вы исчерпали для демо

    Сейчас посмотрел hosts, там оказывается тоже бардак, в коце файла: # capmonster begin 2captcha.com # capmonster end # capmonster begin dc.antigate.com # capmonster end # capmonster begin anti-captcha.net # capmonster end # capmonster begin
  39. E

    Secret code from external file

    Hello, how can I import secret code of 2captcha or anti-gate to project settings? Thanks :)
  40. J


    Hey man! thankyou so much Does Capmonster2 deal with RECAPTCHA as well? the image recognition multiple choice. We are not too happy with 2captcha, it is not bad, it is amazing what it does, but we cannot control the number of wrong captchas Cheers! JSD
  41. B

    recaptcha2 htmlelement

    BTW i get this problem whether using capmonster2 or using 2captcha
  42. rostonix

    Solving image captcha using DBC

    Yes you can. Just edit RuCaptcha.dll.config in software's folder and replace domain from rucaptcha.com to 2captcha.com and set key from 2captcha. In your templates you can use rucaptcha.dll module after that
  43. M

    Solving image captcha using DBC

    Thank you so much for your answer. They told me in chat i could just by using their API for image processing APIs. However I have not been satisfying with DBC lately waiting 30sec-1 minute for 3letters very easy to read by human captchas and the other day they took 2h15m to get back to me in...
  44. Tobbe

    Captcha Solutions Integration

    I'm gonna refer to my own post and suggest you to not add captcha solutions as an option.
  45. N

    Release CapMonster 2 New build (09.12.2015)

    Modules [+] KCaptchaNew Small 66% [+] KCaptchaOld Small 50% [+] WordPress (Classic New) Small 52% [+] Wordpress (Peters Anti Spam) NoLogo 58% [+] Sosblogs 99% New CM [+] New option “Do not recognize captchas with complaints again” has been added to program settings in order to prevent...
  46. N

    Релиз CapMonster 2 новый билд (09.12.2015)

    Modules [+] KCaptchaNew Small 66% [+] KCaptchaOld Small 50% [+] WordPress (Classic New) Small 52% [+] Wordpress (Peters Anti Spam) NoLogo 58% [+] Sosblogs 99% New CM [+] Добавили настройку “Не распознавать повторно каптчи с жалобами”, чтобы предотвратить зацикливание одной и той же...