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  1. rastvl

    fun captcha на https://capmonster.cloud/

  2. Vvafel

    fun captcha на https://capmonster.cloud/

    Привет, скажите мне, я что-то делаю не так или вам действительно нужно ждать 20 минут правильного ответа от https://capmonster.cloud/, чтобы получить fun captcha? После ошибки ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE я продолжаю зацикливать то же самое на https://capmonster.cloud/, пока не получу токен...
  3. papa-rico

    Recognize and Send Funcaptcha to 2Captcha

    Hi couldn't Find how to send you Pm (( can you contact me in Pm i do need a template based on amazon account creation just need the captcha part got 2captcha account i can provide tried with python to test got error
  4. S

    2captcha requests failed!

    HI DEAR friends . months ago i was using (другой софт) and (другой софт) for sme tasks so i belive it had some changes on my system hosts file or somewhere else and now i cant use 2captcha api in my zenno box and zennoposter. any tips? Thanks
  5. VladZen

    Cap monster key on another pc?

    first of all. what ip address do you select in capmonster settings. you should select external ip of your computer
  6. M

    Cap monster key on another pc?

    Yes i did try it but it did not work, could you give exact example what should i enter to hosts file as form of MYIP antigate.com or 2captcha www.anti-captcha.net etc did not work
  7. P

    Capmonster, V3 and Openbullet

    This is required format by 2captcha i see. is address we are running it on but this request should be sent in form of http request and we dont have to use built-in recap v3 block in openbullet? can you share a screenshot?
  8. Zennobuster

    How to use capmonster pro on openbullet?

    could you please dm me ? i tried your solution but did not worked for me, i am even ready to pay you for help if needed
  9. T

    Unable to connect API of 2captcha

    I am using Capmonster Lite and RankerX Everything is perfect in the last 2 days. Today I cannot activate the API of 2captcha and DeathbyCaptcha (as attached image) Can some one check it out
  10. VladZen

    2Captcha.dll not found?

    yes, 2captcha/rucaptcha is the same service.
  11. E

    2Captcha.dll not found?

    EN and 7.X But I just found out that, rucaptcha = 2Captcha?
  12. E

    2Captcha.dll not found?

    Hey guys, Since CaptchaCloud can't solve my Captcha's I wanted to give 2Captcha a go, sadly it say's he cannot find the Module. Checking the Folder cornfirms, ZennoPoster don't contain the Module. Anyway to grab it?
  13. VladZen


    Unfortunately, browser addons like 2captcha or anti-captcha solvers are not compatible with CapMonsterCloud. You can solve captchas by our API using http requests.
  14. T


    I changed the domain name according to the instructions but it doesn't work 2captcha and anti-captcha, I added 10 $ to it, please help me please
  15. VladZen

    CapMonster not recognizing ReCaptcha (no site-key anywhere)

    It is not possible to solve it via Recognize recaptcha cube. Try solving it by old API for recaptcha in captcha service - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_old
  16. lucky.sparks

    CapMonster.Cloud API errors

    Where and how I should post a report about this? Two days ago - capmonster cloud started to behave, giving back ERROR_NO_SUCH_CAPCHA_ID errors. Today in hopes that it will change anything - I switched from using 2captcha interface to native API, but still the same problem occurs. My...
  17. T

    CapMonster not recognizing ReCaptcha (no site-key anywhere)

    Hi, I found 3 website that do have ReCaptcha but if I try to solve it in tab, it won't process the captcha. I tried to find the site-key but it's nowhere to be found. Same thing with 2Captcha. I even tried clicking the checkbox for the images of ReCaptcha to pop up but it didn't help. Here are...
  18. VladZen

    About solving and sending FunCaptcha (Twitter)

    You should analyze traffic with DevTools or other tool, find out how token is submitted for verifying and place token in that request.
  19. H

    About solving and sending FunCaptcha (Twitter)

    Thank you for your answer. https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_funcaptcha_new This links No 1 to 5 have been completed. No6 doesn't know what to do on Twitter.
  20. lokiys

    About solving and sending FunCaptcha (Twitter)

    There is not any ready-made captcha solving for this captcha, but there is API https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api
  21. H

    About solving and sending FunCaptcha (Twitter)

    First of all, I apologize for my poor English. I need to solve FunCaptcha on Twitter. Using 2captcha, I was able to get fc-token. After this, how do I solve FunCaptcha? please tell me.
  22. VladZen

    How to use capmonster pro on openbullet?

    You can select to solve captchas via 2captcha or anti-captcha in OpenBullet config and run CapMonster at the same time with enabled 2captcha/anticaptcha emulation.
  23. VladZen

    CM2 and cloud.capmonster

    Hi, CapMonster2 supports 2captcha or anti-captcha API. The difference between CM2 and Cloud is that one is a program and another is captcha service. Unfortuntely, there is no monthly tariff.
  24. Phoenix78

    Решение ReCaptchaV2 кликом по картинкам из внешних приложений

    это секретная информация, добытая очень не простым путем :-)
  25. M

    Решение ReCaptchaV2 кликом по картинкам из внешних приложений

    Как правильно отправлять изображение ReCaptchaV2 для решения методом клика по картинкам не из ZennoPoster, а из вне? ZennoPoster через кубик каптчи с модулем CapMonster2.dll решает нормально и отсылает изображения правильно всегда получая корректные ответы, практически без ошибок. Пробовал...
  26. W

    Solving google.com search recaptcha2

    Hi, we currently test CapMonster Pro - We could solve recaptcha v2 on sites but not on google.com search requests. Do we need to setup some custom settings for google.com search recaptcha v2? We use the emulated 2captcha api - Here we send the additional google.com parameter (q...
  27. D

    Не перехватывает капчу

    Попробовал через API Rucaptcha и API 2captcha - если через сервисы - все работает. Через capmonster ловит ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE Замучался я уже
  28. Garium

    какой самый быстрый провайдер для решения funcaptchu?

    https://imgur.com/a/xTRcQR5 я вижу на сайте capmonster.cloud, что этот тип не поддерживается. 2captcha/rucaptcha это действительно медленно
  29. radv

    Nox/Memu/LDPlayer/Real + Android +Zennoposter. Управление андроид (реальными и эмуляторами) устройствами

    Всем привет. Представляю вам проект для работы с реальными Android устройствами. Логика и управление задается через кубик свой код C# плюс можно использовать кубике зеннопостер (если вы не знаете C#), это аналог проекта Android + Zennoposter , где логика проекта пишется в Excel таблице, а в...
  30. VladZen

    Is for CapMonster Cloud (not CapMonster 2)

    you should use 2captcha api in this case, not CapMonster API What error do you get in response when trying to solve captcha?
  31. T

    Is for CapMonster Cloud (not CapMonster 2)

    Yes I did, it just blocks those sites from loading and the CapMonster API still won't work.
  32. VladZen

    Is for CapMonster Cloud (not CapMonster 2)

    Did you also add records to your hosts file to redirect captchas from 2captcha to capmonster cloud service? Please check the instructions here.
  33. T

    Is for CapMonster Cloud (not CapMonster 2)

    This is a question about the Cloud, as I cannot find any type of useful information online. Sorry to post here, but didn't see anywhere else to seek support. It says that the Cloud works with RuCaptcha (Russian 2Captcha) and a few others. I do not speak Russian and am loading an en-US domain...
  34. L

    Как подключиться CapMonster к нескольким серверам (источникам капч)?

    Приветствую, знатоков. Недавно открыл для себя такую потрясающую программу CapMonster, но не смог разобраться в тонкостях настройки, поэтому пришел за советом на форум)) Описание ситуации: я использую несколько серверов (не локальная сеть), на каждом из которых работает програма, которая...
  35. M

    How to solve Google Captcha?

    Hello guys I am stuck on this, as you can see from the image. I don't know how to solve because if I right click on it and use it solve it with CapMonsterCloud it never solves it. And with 2captcha I don't understand how to parse the code of the HTML page and find the sitekey and send HTML...
  36. M

    Outlook rotate Captcha, how to solve it?

    Can anybody explain me please step by step how to solve the Outlook rotate captcha? I know 2captcha can solve it and I already read the documentation but I have no idea of where to write this codes in zenno project maker https://2captcha.com/it/demo/rotatecaptcha and more specifically I have...
  37. T

    How to solve this captcha?

    Hi, recently I got stuck on solving this captcha: Does any service such as 2captcha solve this?
  38. B

    Use Captcha with Javascript (Tampermonkey)?

    what I meant is: I first off have the actual captcha data, that needs to be sent, apparently in multipart format. But then, I surely somehow have to prove to capmosnter that I am allowed to use their services, so I have the url where to sent the captcha and I have that "protection key". which I...
  39. VladZen

    Use Captcha with Javascript (Tampermonkey)?

    1) You should send a picture in http post request with multipart. For this you should encode picture file in bytes. Google it how to send files in multipart. 2) Emulates API means that use the same IP. All you need is to change 2captcha.com with IPcaptmonster:port. 3) didn't understand you...
  40. VladZen

    Use Captcha with Javascript (Tampermonkey)?

    I would recommend you to read this API - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_normal_captcha This should be quite simple to understand. CapMonster program emulates this API.
  41. D

    Recaptcha enterprise invisible - посылка токена из 2CP

    > насколько я знаю, сервисы не могут еще решать ентерпрайз по сайтекею. только в браузере ее прокликивать по картинкам. Как раз здесь пример API с siteKey - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptcha_enterprise или это не то? Или в кубиках siteKey для другого применения? Поясните...
  42. D

    Recaptcha enterprise invisible - посылка токена из 2CP

    Насколько я осведомлен (https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptcha_enterprise) и по своему опыту могут, я тестил с 2captcha на другом сайте где enterprise v2 invisible, а потом лил токен в гугл. Ассессмент приходит как валид со скором. Насколько я понимаю, в моем случае токен нужно...
  43. D

    Recaptcha enterprise invisible - посылка токена из 2CP

    Не судите строго, впервые поставил Зенку пару дней назад. Предварительно прочел https://zennolab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RU/pages/534053033/ReCaptcha, и все что смог найти на форуме по теме. Решаю Recaptcha Enterprise через кубик используя 2captcha сервис методом siteKey (через таб не...
  44. H

    [Help] Solving reCAPTCHA V3 with CapMonster Cloud get low score

    OK. I got it. Regard
  45. VladZen

    [Help] Solving reCAPTCHA V3 with CapMonster Cloud get low score

    Yes, you can solve recaptcha3 with recaptcha sitekey addon in CM2. The API to solve is the same as 2captcha or anti-captcha for recaptcha3.
  46. nicanil

    Selenium and Python

    Hello. CapMonster2 can emulate manual recognition services, such as 2captcha, anti-captcha. You should select which services CM will emulate in the Settings-Captcha Servives and then restart the programm. You can use this python module for AntiCaptcha...
  47. Rucaptcha

    Recognize and Send Funcaptcha to 2Captcha

    Hi there, did you read our API? - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_funcaptcha_new
  48. W

    Newbie questions

    Here is what i am trying to do. *) Create a campaign in SeoAP and use 30 dedicated proxies. *) The tool creates lots of social accounts (depending of the diagram i select) and sends the captchas to 2captchas which are solved. Finally the post is done. The proxy that was selected is...
  49. cherubin


    Tiens, quelqu'un s'y ait mis si jamais tu n'avais pas vu https://2captcha.com/fr/p/rotatecaptcha
  50. VladZen

    CapMonste 2 cannot solving Google reCPATCHA with addon

    If you still have installed, then it would be great to get diagnostic report from you, as there seems to be serious bug, but I can't reproduce it.