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  1. H

    CapMonste 2 cannot solving Google reCPATCHA with addon

    HI The problem that I encountered on is solved with 2captcha API. DId I need send any 2.11.3's diagnostic to you ^^ ?
  2. H

    CapMonste 2 cannot solving Google reCPATCHA with addon

    HI My apology. I did not clear the problems where is. This time, I try again on (The above that I tried was on 2.11.3). The 2captcha API with GET method is work on The strange issue that I encountered above on is disappeared with 2captcha API (GET). But the...
  3. s00ny5

    CapMonste 2 cannot solving Google reCPATCHA with addon

    I just tested on my cap with curl and 2captcha api and worked. Can you make a new video with the 2captcha api ? Regards
  4. H

    CapMonste 2 cannot solving Google reCPATCHA with addon

    HI Thank your reply. But is still did not work with 2captcha api.
  5. s00ny5

    CapMonste 2 cannot solving Google reCPATCHA with addon

    change the curl method to 2captcha api GET More info: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_new
  6. K

    Какие еще каптчи нужны?

    А в чем вообще пробема, есть же сервис где решают капчи специальные люди? Подключаешся и вперед, копеечные цены как я посмотрел и за ре-капчу и за простую тем более. У ботмастера тоже свой софт был, сейчас не знаю работает или нет, не хруммил уже года три, зенопостером лучше получается. Но капчи...
  7. VladZen

    Arkose Labs Captcha Solve?

    Would not you like to investigate it by yourself? This is not a rocket since to send couple requests to 2captcha.
  8. VladZen

    Arkose Labs Captcha Solve?

    The alternative way - to solve via 2captcha - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_funcaptcha_new
  9. MarDeVal

    Добавить кнопку на страницу

    Вот в ЭТОМ ВИДЕО с 2:58 рассказывают о методике передачи ответа решения каптчи2 с автосабмитом путем добавления кнопки "Submit" на страницу с каптчей. Можно ли такое сделать в шаблоне? И если да, то как? Понимаю, что нужно писать скрипт, но своих познаний в программировании не хватает. Может...
  10. VladZen

    Is it possible solving Google reCAPTCHA V2 image with CapMonster.Cloud 'createTask' API on CapMonster2 ?

    Yes, possible. Send CreateTask request to CapMonster2 host - or whatever IP you select in CM settings.
  11. H

    Is it possible solving Google reCAPTCHA V2 image with CapMonster.Cloud 'createTask' API on CapMonster2 ?

    HI There is some reasons that I cannot solving Google reCAPTCHA v2 with sitkey method and need using image approach, and also cannot send requests with 2Captcha's library to fit my requirement. I find the CapMonster 2 can accept CapMonster Cloud's API compatible. Is it possible solving Google...
  12. VladZen

    Captcha Bitrix4

    ZennoPoster does not solve captchas by itself. You can solve it via captcha-services, such as 2captcha, anti-captcha or via own software/service - CapMonster
  13. VladZen

    Help, Chrome recaptcha CSS submit not showing

    1) Submit form is placed on website. not in CapMonster program. It can't be CapMonster bug. You should investigate a liittle how token submit is performed. Please read this API - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#callback 2) You still can use auto-submit for CapMonster program, not only for...
  14. VladZen

    A page with ReCaptcha v2 & v3 problem + how to send a token to verify?

    Hello, Token for recaptcha3 should be submitted with instance.ChangeResponse method from C# snippet. The problem is - to get good token for recaptcha3. As you know Recaptcha3 just evaluates user parameters on website and sets the score. Even if you solve recaptcha3 via services like...
  15. E

    Токен FunCaptcha, который необходимо подставить в форму.

    Читал тему выше и вот эти темы: https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/zennoposter-rucaptcha-funcaptcha.71046/ , https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/recognize-and-send-funcaptcha-to-2captcha.76337/4 В общем, установка значения работает через такой код: var el =...
  16. VladZen

    hCaptcha Module

    This is year ago post... We are currently working on hCaptcha, will be supported soon in CapMonster Cloud.
  17. tavel

    hCaptcha Module

    Inbox.lv now uses hCaptcha. Also 2Captcha, Anti Captcha and ImageTyperz already added hCaptcha support to their APIs.
  18. ibred

    Новость Поддержка старых версий CapMonster (ниже будет прекращена 5 октября

    Уже есть облачное решение: https://capmonster.cloud/ Работает по API Anti-Captcha (v1.0, v2.0), RuCaptcha, RipCaptcha, 2Captcha, BypassCaptcha, DeathByCaptcha
  19. J

    Ищу решение ReCaptcha для Paypal

    Я читал уже эту статью, как и проходился поиском по форуму, читал так же 2captcha. У меня не хватает знаний как это настроить Из статьи Или иногда она указана как параметр callback у функции grecaptcha.render, например так: grecaptcha.render('example', { 'sitekey' : 'someSitekey'...
  20. B

    Не приходит капча на CapMonster 2

    прописывал так: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. # localhost # ::1 localhost # capmonster begin 2captcha.com # capmonster end # capmonster begin imacros2.2captcha.com # capmonster end # capmonster begin...
  21. deadh8er

    Игнорирует Action

    Добрый день. Решаю recaptcha v3 через capmonster. Эмулирую отправку на сервер 2captcha. При этом capmonster игнорирует параметр action, хоть я его и передаю в POST-запросе на 2captcha. То есть capmonster возвращает токен, но он не учитывает параметр action.
  22. VladZen

    How to solve invisible captcha with cap monster ?

    I've checked this website. When you meet invisible recaptcha, it unexpectedly throws up set of images with task to select. But I can't see it on this website.
  23. D

    How to solve invisible captcha with cap monster ?

    I am having the same issue For website: https://www.top100arena.com/in.asp?id=94573 with params: params: key=mukey&method=userrecaptcha&googlekey=6Lctkq8ZAAAAAK0cCThPK7KrZsYYwa8UjLkf0FR2&pageurl=https://www.top100arena.com/in.asp?id=94573&soft_id=2134592&invisible=1 But with different service...
  24. VladZen

    Captcha Solved But my captcha is case sensitive

    The same parameters as in Anti-captcha and 2captcha API are supported.
  25. VladZen

    Resolve ReCaptcha v2 for Search Console with Capmonster.cloud

    As you should know, there is new data-s parameter in recaptcha. Default action block Recognize ReCaptcha does not support it currently, it will be added in next version. You can solve recaptcha in google search by this API -...
  26. N

    Recaptcha V2 solved but not submitted

    i did read it many times, but didn't work for me.
  27. VladZen

    Recaptcha V2 solved but not submitted

    You can submit answer manually, please read paragraphs 7-8 in this API.
  28. N

    Recaptcha V2 solved but not submitted

    I'm still looking for the answer..if you know how to solve it, please tell me. I'm using capmonster/2captcha but result are same.
  29. ibred

    Resolve recaptcha v2 google SERP

  30. ibred

    Resolve recaptcha v2 google SERP

    There have been changes in google that require changes in the process of recognizing recaptcha. Including on the side of recognition services. Write in 2captcha and find out if the problem with Google on their side is resolved. They should be in the know.
  31. D

    Recaptcha3 - 70% ошибок и очень быстро банятся прокси

    наконец то нашел сайт который выдает score. Получается что все что решается с помощью CM имеет score 0.1 на сайте. https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v3-request-scores.php Итак: берем прокси засовываем в браузер, заходим на страничку - счет 0.7. (благо сайт умеет ipv6) Если решать с...
  32. VladZen

    Discussion - version

    yes, just like this
  33. T

    Discussion - version

    how to do this. Just use same method as 2captcha? The capmonster will use received proxy to solve captcha instead of choice from the list in main setting. is it?
  34. VladZen

    Discussion - version

    yes, why not
  35. T

    Discussion - version

    is it possible to sent proxy in each recaptcha solve request like 2captcha? POST parameters for proxies POST parameter Type Required Description proxy String No Format for IP authentication: IP_address:PORT Example: proxy= Format for login/password authentication...
  36. V

    Resolve recaptcha v2 google SERP

    I put my template for test (api 2captcha.com) Thanks for your help
  37. T

    Issue with FunCaptcha and RuCaptcha API

    Hi, I'm fairly new to the GET and POST requests, so please be patient with me. I am trying to register an account on a website but it has a FunCaptcha (rotating images) protection. I wanted to use the RuCaptcha API to solve it (following these instructions...
  38. S

    RankerX setup

    I understand the question and i've had my own journey so i will spare you some headaches haha. I use around 10 dedicated proxies from buyproxies.org, I use just thelatest version of capmonster,windows 10. It is PROBABLY best to use different proxies but I am using the same dedicated proxies for...
  39. C

    Capmonster low success rate. Always Captcha Failing.

    Great so I do not have to do any heavy lifting to setup capmonster with Rankerx also Rankerx has multiple sites with different kind of captuas and also recaptcha as well will the capmonster solve all of them automatically if have recaptcha module as well, what if 1 site has another type of...
  40. VladZen

    Capmonster low success rate. Always Captcha Failing.

    This is very easy to set up any program with CapMonster. Select to solve captchas via anti-captcha, 2captcha or another popular captcha service, run CapMonster and enable to emulate this service in CM program settings. Captchas will be solved by CapMonster instead of the service. If RankerX and...
  41. ZennoLab Team

    Релиз CapMonster Cloud — запускаем распознавание reCAPTCHA v3

    Распознавайте reCAPTCHA v3 с экономией до 4 раз С сегодняшнего дня мы запускаем распознавание третьей версии reCAPTCHA по невероятно выгодной цене — 0.6$ за 1000 ответов. Это до 4 раз дешевле, чем в любом другом сервисе распознавания. Как она устроена? reCAPTCHA v3 анализирует трафик и...
  42. VladZen

    Other Service Response: ERROR_RECAPTCHA_TIMEOUT

    Use this API for solving recaptcha3 in CapMonster - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav3
  43. VladZen

    Recaptcha V2 solved but not submitted

    Solved recaptcha2 in login form with no problem on this website. What are the settings for Recognize recaptcha2 on your side?
  44. W

    Strange captcha

    Many thanks, working on it :)
  45. nicanil

    Strange captcha

    No, I didn't use it for myself. I knew that 2captcha has API for this kind of captcha and shared this information with you:) I Don't think Recognize captcha action will help you with this type of captcha. You, probably, should write your own solution using POST/GET methods.
  46. W

    Strange captcha

    Thanks ! Did you break already this ? Do you use Recognize captcha action or do you use Post Get method ?
  47. nicanil

    Strange captcha

    https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_rotatecaptcha https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_funcaptcha_new
  48. sociohacker

    Recaptcha V2 solved but not submitted

    Hi there. Some sites require special request after captcha is solved. Usually that request is activated by a script after you solve captcha manually, but since you want to automate it — you should determine and form that request separately. You can see all requests in Network Monitor in your...
  49. T

    Recaptcha V2 solved but not submitted

    Hi, I'm trying to make a bot that registers an account on gumroad.com. The problem is that when I try to use Recognizing ReCaptcha 2 via either Rucaptcha, 2Captcha, Anti-Captcha, ImageTyperz, it recosnizes it but it doesn't submit it. I checked multiple times and it works on other websites but...
  50. K

    Recognize and Send Funcaptcha to 2Captcha

    Hello! Faced the same problem that you describe! Tell me, did you manage to solve it? If so, please tell me how?