I'm trying to make a bot that registers an account on gumroad.com. The problem is that when I try to use Recognizing ReCaptcha 2 via either Rucaptcha, 2Captcha, Anti-Captcha, ImageTyperz, it recosnizes it but it doesn't submit it. I checked multiple times and it works on other websites but this one is giving me a headache. I've tried solving via SiteKey and URL but still no success. Could you help me out guys?
Hi there.
Some sites require special request after captcha is solved. Usually that request is activated by a script after you solve captcha manually, but since you want to automate it — you should determine and form that request separately.
You can see all requests in Network Monitor in your Project Maker after successful manual registration. I have a russian version of ZennoPoster and so not sure about terms, but you can intuitively find it in PM:
Window => Network Monitor (or Traffic or something like that)
This request must contain the Google Recaptcha token (the answer you get from 2captcha) — in "g-recaptcha-response" parameter.
For example, I found this one to
In it's body it contains:
is that "g-recaptcha-response" given you from captcha-service as the answer token.
Though, this particurlar request is for registering but
not for just captcha submit. You should find one for exactly submitting solved captcha and then proceed by pressing "Create account".
It could be one of these requests:
You can also check this links:
Fast API. Easy inegration. Code examples - PHP, Python, C++, Java, Go, Ruby. Human-powered recognition service, which main purpose is solving your tasks in a quick and accurate way by human employees. You can convert to text any image that a human can recognize
Hi, I've been having problems with finding & successfully calling the invisible ReCaptcha v2 callback function at Mail.com Sign-up page (the actual url is "https://signup.mail.com/?edition=int&lang=en#.1258-header-signup2-1"). I'm using 2Captcha service to solve this invisible ReCaptcha v2...
Those are about callback function in case there is no submitting button on the site (which is not the case for gumroad.com), but the principle must be similar to what gumroad.com does: it requires a request to be sent after captcha is solved — to submit the g-recaptcha-response.
So what you should do is carefully check all requests that are sent in the registration process.
Please let me know if this information helped and if you solved the problem.