Hello, i have been using my templates to upload videos to youtube, but now when selecting files - nothing happens, tried with my main account and different videos - nothing.
Is it my PC or a bug? )
Thank you
Looking to buy this kind of a template -
Or looking for author contacts thank you )
@woober please contact me, or leave your skype, i have no idea how skladchik works)) , is it still for sale?
Question would be, how to save text file in UNICODE format using file editing cube this one(it is saving in ASCII) -
So this is a strange problem , for list path i want to use my Login variable like this-
But template does not pick it up,
IF i reaload the table in projectmaker after variable login is set then it's working.
So question would be maybe...
Hello, can you guys share some tips on how you work with multithreading?
Lets say i have a list of accounts
(100 accounts)
And running zennoposter on 100 threads, how to avoid templates from using same account on 2(or more) threads
Thank you
Working with website - https://www.quora.com/
While working in projectMaker - everything is good
When loaded into zennoposter(v Page loads for 10-20 minuttes ( timeout set to 20sec)
Page opens visually , but on the left bottom corner it says loading in red )
Project attached
Hello, wanted to ask if there is a way to download all email messages,
there are about 8.000 messages in my Gmail that I need to get URLs from.
Tried playing around with receive mail function, but no luck, maybe something with C# ?))
Thank you
Working on a website - https://gb.auctions.godaddy.com/
Problem with button from the screenshot -
The problem - When clicked this button page 'loads' , but
instance.activetab.waitdownloading(); Does not help with this kind of 'loading'
So the question, is there a way to wait for...
Trying to compare 2 url's
1 is local variable
2 is global variable
Works with simple number
Does not work with url-
Edit. i think my zenno is broken ))
What could be the issue here?
Maybe possible to do in C#? )
Thank you
Hello, it's been about 3 hours and i can't find outt how to click radio box with C# please help.
Example 1 - works (with builder)
But #form changes, so i would like to make it in C#
Thank you
tl;dr how to save captchas image
Hello, need to save captcha image url - http://rekvizitai.vz.lt/security.php?a=cbe&id=38148&r=6343132
job i want to do is -
go to website > solve this captcha in capmonster> save captcha image with correct answer on PC
Problem - image to solve is parsed...
Hello, need help with this kind of captcha(CM2 does not recognize it) -
Made a module , but with these settings recognition only 9% what could be wrong?
Thank you
Mass Centers-
Also adding 3000 example captchas .rar- http://rgho.st/8rfnkrswN
Hello, trying to automate freenom.com registration with http requests, with cookies everything is good,
but in fiddler (when making manual request) i can see such parameter
'token' 40 random strings .
I have never had experience with it, any sources about how to emulate it?
Is it even...
Hello, i have a simple project that goes like this
>take text>put to list>remove dublicates>merge list>keyboard emulation - loop
I have also disabled pictures and flash, but running 1 project adds up 10Mb ram every second , looking for a solution , also adding project itself here.
Thank you
Is there a faster way to insert large table to MySql than looping each line 1 by 1 ?
I came across this example -
INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);
but can't think of a way how to use it with a list.
Thank you