Результаты поиска

  1. C

    How to Get the Largest Index Number in Action Designer?

    I want to loop through all found items in action designer (for example, to read all tweets in the page of a user). To do that, I need to get the largest number to end the loop. How to obtain that number? Thanks.
  2. C

    Can't Use Note

    I was adding an Action->Note When I clicked on the Note, the mouse cursor immediately lost focus, so I couldn't type anything in the Note area.
  3. C


    I want to get the Min of Variable a and number 2 For example, I gave 3 to variable a, and then I tried return Math.Min(project.Variables["a"].Value,2); But it gave me an error message saying Argument 1: cannot convert string to sbyte... How to solve this problem? Thanks.
  4. C

    Two Projects Reading/Writing Same Txt at the Same Time

    If I run two project A and B at the same time using lists loaded from same txt file and both have "Save to Change to File" checked, what will happen when project A writes to its list A? Will project B know and change its list B as well?
  5. C

    Quickest Way to Test If Item Is In a List?

    What is the quickest way to test if an item (such as a string) is in a list of such items? Currently I am using loop + IF, but this is super slow for large lists. Is there a more efficient way? Thanks.
  6. C

    Proxies: Does This Still Apply?

    Quote from Wiki for ZP 3 (http://help.zennolab.com/en/v3/zennoposter/index.html?work_with_proxy.htm): "ZennoPoster, due to limitations imposed by Internet Explorer cannot work with SOCKS 5, that is why in any rules for your templates you should always add filtration of SOCKS 5." Is it the same...
  7. C

    How to Combine If?

    For AND OR relationship, for example, how to put {-Variable.A-}==1 OR {-Variable.B-}==2 AND {-Variable.C-}==3 in one IF block? Thanks.
  8. C

    How to Check If String Contains a Given Substring?

    Is there a way to check if a string contains a substring? For example, f(abcde,bc) returns 1, f(abcde,cb) returns 0. Thanks.
  9. C

    How to Shrink ZP to Taskbar?

    Is there a way to shrink ZP to the windows task area on the lower right (where time and date are)?
  10. C

    Please Make the Ribbon Icons Smaller

    The Ribbon is taking up too much space. Please add an option to make the ribbon icons tiny buttons. I don't want to minimize the ribbon because I need to click those icons all the time, but the current size is really not necessary. It's actually better to shrink the whole ribbon to the quick...
  11. C

    Variable for Date

    What is the variable to return the current date number (for today it's 21)? {-TimeNow.Date-} gives me a long string which is not what I am looking for. Thanks.
  12. C

    Thread for Lite

    About the "1" thread allowed for the Lite version: Can I run multiple projects at the same time at 1 thread each, or I can only run one project at a time?
  13. C

    What's the diff between Stop and Interrupt?

    What's the difference between Stop and Interrupt in Right Click Menu in ZP? Thanks.
  14. C

    How to Stick the Instance Window at the Same Position in Monitor?

    I purchased a second computer monitor dedicated for the "Show" instance windows when ZP is running the projects so that I can see the progress of the projects in that browser. However, every time I close ZP and re-open it, and click "Show", the instance windows appear back to the default...
  15. C

    How to Enable Message Pop-Ups?

    I have a webpage where (in a normal browser) I click a link then a message box will pop up, and then I need to click the OK button. Please see screenshot: However, in both ProjectMaker and ZennoPoster, I couldn't get this message box pop-up, even during the recording process. How to enable...
  16. C

    Can Zennobox Create Bat file?

    I want to make a bot to run on one of my computers that doesn't have zennoposter activated. I am considering giving myself a Zennobox. However, the bot needs to inistiated in a command line (like bat / exe). Is there a way to give myself a Zennobox and create a bat file for that machine to run...
  17. C

    What Exactly Is "Bind to File" or a List?

    Is "Bind to File" = Load txt content to List + Save all future list processing to file or Load txt content to List only BUT NOT save all future list processing to file ? Thanks.
  18. C

    How to Select Multiple Groups to Copy/Paste to Another Project?

    I want to duplicate part of the project to another project. However, when I use mouse to select multiple groups, it wasn't successful. Is there a way to select many parts of the projects (with or without the arrows) for copying / deleting? Thanks.
  19. C

    How to load file content into list in the middle of project?

    I am building a project that needs to read a txt file into a list many times during the day. However, this txt file is constantly updated by another program. How to load file content to a list after the initialization? Thanks.
  20. C

    How to Append One List into Another List?

    How do I Add one list to the end of another list? In Other Words, How to Combine two Lists? Thanks.
  21. C

    Why The Google and Spamhaus Columns Are All Question Marks?

    I have checked the Google and Spamhaus Check boxes in advanced search settings, but when I was doing auto proxy search, the Google and Spamhaus columns in the proxy result list are all question marks. Why? Thanks.