Результаты поиска

  1. PHaRTnONu

    2 Table process issue's

    Ok So im trying to do a few things here. 1. return the row number based on a unique id inside the project variable UID 2. Dictate a dictionary of project variables and the corresponding columns they correlate to. 3. If text/data is present in the cell already ignore updating them UNLESS a...
  2. PHaRTnONu

    C# Date Conversion To UnixTimeCode

    BEFORE YOU EXECUTE THIS You need to add the line using System.Globalization; To your Directives & Shared code. Im including a screen shot so you can see, to access it again you'll notice in the right-hand side a new icon at the bottom of the photo. That is how you access it again if you need...
  3. PHaRTnONu

    Returning C# results

    i am having the worst time at the moment, i dont know wtf im doing wrong and my head is killing me Process P = Process.Start(C:\Program Files\Stringing\stringy.exe, -filename E:\RAW\project.Variablese.FileName -metaJSON E:\RAW\project.Variables.UID.json -thumbnail...
  4. PHaRTnONu

    if Date1 > Date2 question

    So to start, im feeling right dumb i am 99% sure I've done this in the past with out issue I need to make a logic decision on a action if One date is larger then the previous date EG: is date 1 in the future or past. And i can not remember how it was done. I did look in the forums with out...
  5. PHaRTnONu

    How is zenno going forward w chrome?

    W google saying they are going to be dropping cookies how will this effect zenno poster going forward?
  6. PHaRTnONu

    Looking for help on Twitch VOD/Clip's Chat box Data retrival

    Trying to find a solution to get a vod's and clips Full chat data (no api solution as it will change soon and that wont work/last) In each vod & clip the chat box populates data from historical data points. i dont know how this is being done, so i need a solution to retrieve all the chat logs...
  7. PHaRTnONu

    Looking for help on Twitch VOD/Clip's Chat box retrival

    So in a twitch clip or past VOD there is a chat box. i wish to RETRIEVE this data with out playing the vod ANY help would be appreciated i can see the time stamps if i PLAY the vod but i would prefer to NOT play it and just extract all the data w the time stamps.
  8. PHaRTnONu

    Would love this feature

    Being able to add to the PUBLIC repository of functions. Have a menu option in the main menu of project maker that opens a area w a listing. The listing has project title, Author, Description, and tag's (IE SMTP, EMail, Parse, Sort, Database would be a project for email to sort and parse data...
  9. PHaRTnONu

    Still no way to Save Video's and Mod EXIF's ?

    I would love to have this feature of being able to Have the ability to download Video's and modify their EXIF's the same way we do with Image processing. is there NO way to do this? :/
  10. PHaRTnONu

    Twitch API HTTPGet with header

    GET https://api.twitch.tv/helix/videos is what im trying to interact with Via a HTTPget but Twitch API Documentation is the command im trying to use to get the data back on Video id's and i cant seem to ever get it to recognize my Oath token always returns invalid so i dont even know if its...
  11. PHaRTnONu

    Scroll to Bottom of page for hidden content

    So i always see this asked and the answer is always "Scroll into view" "Mouse wheel emulation" im looking for a solution to where it knows the conent is done loading. IE i have a page with a FINITE amount of content in it. but i need to fully load all the hidden content, i dont know where it in...
  12. PHaRTnONu

    telegram maker?

    is tehre any way to registar a telegram account ONLINE outside the app?
  13. PHaRTnONu

    Solve media

    i cant get solve media to allow me to grab the captcha image as its hiden below layers and its a PAIN... any one have a solution?
  14. PHaRTnONu

    C# mouse over event.

    Need c# code fixed to mouse over a group of elements found that have a certain critera add the pop up dialog. currently is working but will not cycle to the second mouse over event. only grabs teh first one mouses over and grabsdata add it to EVERY one that has teh mouse over event. User 1...
  15. PHaRTnONu

    mouse over element in c#?

    so im using html agility pack and need to grab some mouse over douments HOW do i mouse over in C# (i can extract teh uniqie id so i can say what element to mouse over fine) i just dont know the code TO MOUSE over with c# ( i already read...
  16. PHaRTnONu

    any way to use firepath in zenno?

    is tehre anyway to use fire path in zenno... i have chilld propery but if it comes to just doing the tag i get way to many hits.... is tehre a way to put child tags under the main tag???
  17. PHaRTnONu

    Regain access by logging in from a web browser.

    i keep getting this error from facebook..... wtf? what is it that they are seeing that i am not??? do i need to disable java or somthing?
  18. PHaRTnONu

    authenticator, any- to profile

    there are MANY authenticator's going out now in place of phone verification techniques can we get this added? of course it would be tied to the profile. this would be very useful in alot of places for me already to avoid alot of headaches with verification techniques.... have the same option as...
  19. PHaRTnONu

    Rise Event

    New rise event: Scroll into view sub options Down arrow Mouse Mouse Wheel
  20. PHaRTnONu

    EMAIL Processor

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this.... So i work with a few catch all emails they get loaded pretty fast sometimes. (one or more might come within a minutes) so just blanket clearing all the inbox is not a option. and some are registration email or other's i can break the case down dependant on the...
  21. PHaRTnONu


    so im trying to register a gmail account with it but the code never arrives just sits in waiting all the time? i noticed google is always trying to change the country code to 8? any idea why this is giving me such a problem? do i need to set the country in google to Russia too or is usa still...
  22. PHaRTnONu

    wtb poloniex script

    ive seen them around any one have one ?
  23. PHaRTnONu

    multiple instance of multiple profiles but load only 1 profile

    so i want to run multiple instances of script basically it just cycling though profiles in a directory and executing some small task but i don't want every instance to load the same ones and have the task executing in redundancy. here the problem other script are always dropping profiles in this...
  24. PHaRTnONu

    C# table find and replace (allot of replaces...)

    So two tables. table 1 has multiple columns I'm searching though looking for a match of any character matching from column a of table 2, if found i want to replaces the character in table 1 column what ever with the replacement value from table 2 (same row as match, but column B) i REALLY...
  25. PHaRTnONu


    i want to get the proxy of the current instance profile for recaptcha issues need the proxy and user and pass... but i have no IDEA how to call this up???
  26. PHaRTnONu

    {-TimeNow.Date-} To DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS

    so my vaibleis always coming in as 15-Apr-2017 00:21:21 +0000 or what ever and i need to convert it to (or convert {-TimeNow.Date-} to somthine i can compair it too any sugestions?
  27. PHaRTnONu

    xpath sting?

    so i need to create a string in xpath //div[contains(@class,'UFICommentContent')]; // every comment wraper //a[contains(@class,'UFICommentActorName')]; // inside wrapper poster's name for comment //span[contains(@class,'UFICommentBody')]/span; // inside wraper the post data from that...
  28. PHaRTnONu

    Scroll to element?

    so onfocus works in action designer but when i add it to project it doesn't actual take me tot he element... i can grab the element id and place it in a zenno variable but i cant seem to get the project to scroll to the element.... any help here (c# or java would be nice if a zenno tools not...
  29. PHaRTnONu

    Simple math with variables?

    How can I do simple math with variables? I wanted to do a switch but it doesn't seem to work correctly.
  30. PHaRTnONu

    C# imapx 2

    so i want to use imapX2 i dont know crap about loading c# code can some one give me a hand with this i would apreciate that. i need to retrieve unread ( flag ) thanks in advance
  31. PHaRTnONu

    Ation designer, reg ex problem

    so im having a issue in the reg ex it seems to work perfectly (?<=Contacts.*?)<div class="[\w\W]{5}"><!-- react-text: [\d]{1,7} -->name<!-- /react-text --><!-- react-empty: [\d]{1,7} --></div>(?=.*?Businesses) <div class="_11_d _4p-s"><div class="_29hk"><ul class="_29hl" role="listbox"...
  32. PHaRTnONu

    Interupt keybord emulation

    sometimes in project maker im sitting for like 10 minutes because i messed up something waiting on the keybord emulation to stop.... PLEASE for the love of god have a interupt button so we can stop action instantly. HARD STOP anything cause waiting on some of the process when i mess up takes a...
  33. PHaRTnONu

    action designer

    in action groups is there a way to tell it to take the last search result??? some time have 20 some times have 10 but always the one i want is last result...
  34. PHaRTnONu

    profile error

    i can not reasign fields NO MATTER WHAT I DO i load a profile try to reasign a passord change or make any changes and i CAN NEVER REASIGN IT EVER!@ no matter what i do why cant you just allow the field to be editable? in the profile section.... so frusttrating trying to change just one value...
  35. PHaRTnONu

    instilation error (28th build statndard)

    while doing both or either upgrade or standalone install
  36. PHaRTnONu

    communicate or activate actions between projects?

    how would you communicate between threads? or from one bot to the next?
  37. PHaRTnONu

    way to set thread count based on variable?

    is there a way to set thread count based on variable inside the instance?
  38. PHaRTnONu

    sms verification tools

    i know there are some russinones but im realy lost on those sites. do we keep those numbers? so we can use them later ? and the pricing is confusing me too. i cant tell the price break down. dose any one know of a english version? cause i needs a service where i can buy sms number and keepit for...
  39. PHaRTnONu

    Page sorce.

    noticed that in the lastest build if i have multiple pages open i can only see the sorce for the first page if i hit the page sorce button no matter witch page im actualy on....
  40. PHaRTnONu

    How do i click the link matching a varible?

    im trying to click the right link here... how would i chose the link with the unique id of 021210 this would be in a varible to be searched or matched for.... how do i do this? ?? thank you <table class="MessageDataGrid" rules="all" id="ctl00_mainContentPlaceHolder_inboxGridView"...
  41. PHaRTnONu

    get last (defined number) matches add to list

    So I'm parsing out some information. i can reg ex the information but i really only need to get the last 5 matches (actual matches are defined by a variable), but i will always have extra crap before it but i only need the last defined matches and add them to the list for temp info in the match...
  42. PHaRTnONu

    what captchais this? and what is the solution?

    what captcha is this and what service would recognize it? solutions would be great guys
  43. PHaRTnONu

    From zennoposter, right click open in project maker does not work

    when right clicking a schedualed task to open in project maker does nothing.
  44. PHaRTnONu

    Yesterday's date

    How do i get the prior days date? tried a few java executions to no luck, idk just lost a little help would be nice
  45. PHaRTnONu

    If/switch logic with regex

    so im trying to determin what to do with a variable based on a variable length.... and =^.{0,7}$ =^.{8,15}$ and ^.{0,7}$ ^.{8,15}$ and {-Variable.Temp-}=^.{0,7}$ {-Variable.Temp-}=^.{8,15}$ the always fail even though the var length meets the criteria.... any help here would be awesome...
  46. PHaRTnONu

    record to empty colum

    how do i record to a designated row's first empty column? some are like 3 colums full other are like 2 or 30... i just need to add data to the NEXT empty column
  47. PHaRTnONu

    delete processed email upon completion

    I'm using the zenno poster email processor to process incoming emails. here's where I'm running into issues i need to retrieve the oldest email that meets the criteria (9 numbers in the subject line minimum) (i don't know how to set my search string to do this) also after i get the info out of...
  48. PHaRTnONu

    http post refusing to work...

    so http post in one of my script and no mater what i have been trying the damn thin refuses to work (i had the raw data in where the variable now sit but even before that it would still come back telling me Error variable with specified name does not exist) so i created the two purple Phone #...
  49. PHaRTnONu

    Twilio api bot (http get/post) on local machine

    Ok, i need a zenno poster bot that will interact with website to get retrieve data and send data. the site will provide a phone # and a message body to be sent to a phone number. i need to send it to (through) twilio service. my problem is that i run into is when the phone number that RECEIVED...
  50. PHaRTnONu

    capcha capture & save solved results (pic named as result)

    so i downloaded that basic script on the wiki site. but im trying to save it as a image {-Project.Directory-}{-Variable.RecognitionResult4-}.jpg always not completing and project maker inst sending the results to anti gate and idk im just really stuck ll i need is the script to literally send...