Результаты поиска

  1. M

    Zenno poster stopped working Ver

    Hi, I'm using ver because it's very stable for me and without any problematic errors. I've been using it for several months without a problem, but today the program stopped and isn't opening anymore. I used uninstall and then downloaded the same version from the website and installed...
  2. M

    Shutting down ZP

    Hi, Whenever I have electricity problems, My computer's backup battery starts working and initiates a normal computer shut down. But I have a problem that ZP causes. When the PC tries to shutdown, ZP asks whether I'd like to continue the running of the templates when I activate it again. This...
  3. M

    Can't signup with proxies.

    Hi, I've noticed that there are some websites that I'm using, that prevent from signing up whenever I'm using private proxies. But seem to work perfect when I'm not using proxies. Is there a way to overcome this situation and cause the websites to think that I'm not using proxies? Thanks.
  4. M

    A problem with multi threading.

    Hi, I have a problem whenever I'm trying to multithread above ~30 with ZP. I have 100 private proxies, 32GB ram, core i7 and 100mb/s internet speed. With other programs, like SB, whenever I increase the amount of proxies and then the amount of threads, the success rate stays the same. When I'm...
  5. M

    Does ZP share lists with PM?

    I know that ZP knows how to work with the same list and sync it between the many threads it uses to always keep an updated list in every thread. But I want to know, If I'm running a template in several threads in ZP, if I use PM with the same template, will it interrupt it or ZP will...
  6. M

    Wait for element

    Hi, Is there any forecast about if and/or when the action "Wait for element" will be added? Thanks!
  7. M

    Template timeout.

    Is there a way to have a timeout for a template, example, if the template didn't succeed/fail within 500 sec, finish the template as failure? Thanks.
  8. M

    Start/Stop/Interrupt all templates .bat action

    Hi, is it possible to add an option to Interrupt/Stop/Start all templates within the .bat creator? sometimes when I'm running a schedule several templates are stuck on a website and become endless, thus I want to have an action to interrupt and stop all of them. Thanks!
  9. M

    Ability to copy whole blocks of actions including true/false paths between templates.

    Hi, Is it possible to add in future versions the ability to copy blocks of actions from template to template, like this one: Instead of having to copy each one and then to re order them.. It would really help and ease the process of adjusting many templates at once.
  10. M

    A way to make templates start faster?

    As I've seen on ZP4 and even bigger notice on ZP5, if I'm not changing anything and there are still 5 threads per process, it takes a lot of time for the program to start new threads every time. Is there a way to make the program create threads faster? RAM and CPU are the best, so there is no...
  11. M

    Threads restart/start slowly

    Hi, I have several templates that I want to run, each with max 100 threads. Maximum amount of overall threads is 100 as well, but when I'm running the templates, the thread count is extremely low for each template and don't go over 10, almost as if it takes years for ZP to restart the thread...
  12. M

    ZP Crashes

    This happens while I'm running ZP with over 130 threads. My PC has 32gb ram & Core i7, and it doesn't reach the maximum, as I check the CPU Usage, but ZP can't handle the amount of threads for some reason and just causes this to happen:
  13. M

    Set Success/Faliures by using Bat file.

    Hi, Can you please add the ability to change the settings of a template, by changing the "Success Count" and "Maximum threshold count for consecutive failures" in the bat file compiler? ("Create .bat file") It would be really great, Thanks.
  14. M

    Bat File

    Hi, Is it possible to add to the ".bat" files the option to "Set Attempts -1"? Now You can only choose a number above 1.. Thanks.
  15. M

    Project maker crashes and resets all settings

    Hi, There is a problem in PM when I try to upload a file. In action designer it all works fine when I "click" on "input:file" But when I'm using it as an action in a template, even when the whole template is just open a website and click on it, it happens again and again. I tried to change...
  16. M

    Missing Letter.

    Hi, I have a problem with the "Action property" When I have text in it, and I want to edit it, always the last letter in the sentence is missing behind the scrolling bar, Example: This is what it looks like: And this is the text: "Hi, My name is mike and I'm a big fan of this website...
  17. M

    Ability to turn off sound in ZP?

    Hi, it is really annoying that whenever I'm using ZP, some sites begin to activate sounds/videos in which I cannot control and cannot cancel because I need the flash in the template. Is it possible to add to the settings in ZP the option to turn off the volume? I've already tried to turn it...
  18. M

    Mass Schedule Templates

    Hi, Why is it impossible to schedule several templates all at once for the same timing? it is really uncomfortable when I have to change stuff to go over all the templates and change 1 by 1.. thanks!
  19. M

    Suggestion - Email verification search option in both HTML & TEXT

    Hi! Currently in email verification action you are only able to find emails either by HTML or TEXT. is it possible to add another button that will check both in HTML and TEXT? Thanks.
  20. M

    Email verification problem.

    Hi. I'm trying to confirm an email, but when I run the template, it simply refuses to work. When I'm testing it inside the "Receive Emails" action, it all works fine and finds the element with the Regex, I save it with a variable and try to run the template without any variables in the...
  21. M

    ZP uses max CPU when Idle

    Hi, I've added a picture of what happens with ZP that is preventing me from keeping it open and scheduled because it uses max CPU when Idle. In the picture you see 1 thread but the problem occurs most often when the program is idle/has 1-3 threads. The weird thing is, when I run 50+...
  22. M

    Antivirus finds potential threat in ZP folder

    Hi, My antivirus spotted a threat in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ZennoLab\ZennoPoster MP Pro\Progs\Downloads called BestCodecsPackSetup.exe.part what should I do about it and about this folder? Thanks.
  23. M Problem

    Hi! I have a template for multisite that uses a list of sites and takes each site and posts to it with users from another list. Because the template uses loops and I had this problem in the last time with my old PC, when i tried to run it again on my new PC, it also started showing these...
  24. M Problem is killing my template non stop..

    Hi! I have a template(That I created,not bought) that posts to many sites in loop, just like MediaWiki template sold by the admins. The problem is that it shows every single time I'm running the template, after it passes about 20-40 sites(there are 200) the error "Active tab of instance is not...
  25. M

    Using "Replace" till no more "Replace" possible.

    Hi! I'm having a problem with ZP, I have an article with "XXXXXX" in it(about 10-20) and I try to replace the "XXXXXX" with keywords, each time I take random keyword, and then replace the first. The template inserts the random keywords perfectly, but the problem is that it isn't stopping even...
  26. M

    Using "Tasks.dat"

    Hi! I have several saves of "Tasks.dat", and I want to know how to start using it, when I replace the "Tasks.dat" with some saves, it changes the details in ZP, and in others, it isn't changing. When should I copy the "Tasks.dat" of the current ZP tasks? when I leave ZP or when it's turned...
  27. M

    ZP V4.3.6 Multiple Emails Problem.

    Hi! I have a template that creates Diigo accounts, it works perfectly on projectmaker, but when I'm running it in multithreading on ZP, 80% of the times I get "Proccess Email" - "Message Not Found". In the email proccessing, I set the delay to 50;100;200 and in project maker it always finds the...
  28. M

    Problem with Variable that is received from Email Action.

    Hi! in my template I'm taking a variable from Email Action and save it as password, but when I try to save the details of the new account to a file, it creates "Enter" after the password. It happens only in this templates, and I've added a "Normal" Example for you to see what I want it to look...
  29. M

    Ability to fill forms while captcha is sent to recognition.

    Hi! Is it possible to add to ZP the ability to send a captcha for recognition and while ZP waits for the captcha, to fill other forms in that time untill the recognition is received? It could save up to 30 sec if the recognition is really slow and will speed up the template. Hope it's...
  30. M

    Problem with "Email Action"

    Hi! I have a template with an "Email Action" that is marked as "OPTIONAL", yet whenever I run the template in project maker ("To breakpoint"), if the email processing fails and doesn't find the email(which is OK, since the site doesn't send email confirmation to all the users), the template...
  31. M

    Lots of problems with DeathByCaptcha

    Hi! I'm having lots of problems with deathbycaptcha with many of my templates that used to work perfectly, many times I receive "The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway." is it possible that somehow the problem is connected to ZP or it's only because of DBC? Thanks!
  32. M

    Problem while trying to GET "top" of element.

    Hi! many times while I'm trying to create templates that are using mouse strokes I have the problem that when I GET the "top" of an element when the page's height is bigger than the window, there are 3 (top in tab/document/browser), and it takes the "topintab" (e.g 485) but the problem is...
  33. M

    Testing if variable exist

    Hi! I'm trying to use this code in an IF '{-Variable.NewPassword4-}'!='' and NewPassword4 is g36FjvA21V. but when I'm running it, it gives shows in the Logs: "Result: " instead of true/false does anyone know what's causing it? while in debugging when I'm looking into the IF, I see this...
  34. M

    ZP 4 V3.5 <--about:blank--> Problem.

    Hi! I since I updated the version, many times when I try to enter to websites in all of my templates while using ZP, the template goes to <--about:blank--> instead of the page I intended to. it happens also after clicking on buttons. It never happened to me before and I just don't know what's...
  35. M

    Email Download Delay

    Hi! Inside the "Email" Action, will it cause an error if I will add another ";" to the email delay, or is it possible in ZP? example: from: 15;30;60 to: 15;30;60;200 Thanks!
  36. M

    Getting Folder's Path.

    Hi! Is there a way to get folder's path by using the "Directories" Action like taking file path? I have tried doing it but I've seen that it's only for files and not folders. Example: Folder 1: "Account.txt" "Profile.txt" "Pictures5187314"(folder) Is there a way to take the path of...
  37. M

    Using ZennoPoster with Captcha Sniper

    Hi! On the captchasniper site they say that it works with ZP, does anyone knows how to use it? Thanks!
  38. M

    Deleting folder that is being used by a list/table.

    Hi! I have a template that posts to a site, and each account has a folder with txt files in it that are used as lists/tables in the template. If the account isn't working/other bad ends - The folder is deleted, and the template moves on to the next account. I want to know, if I delete the...
  39. M

    Project Maker Freeze

    Hi! I'm using project maker, and today for some reason, when I'm trying to use it and on the first "Action Designer" click, the program freezes. I restarted the computer yet it still happens. Does anyone know what might be causing it? Thanks!
  40. M

    Regenerating Fields

    Hey, I'm trying to "regenerate" fields from the profile, but it doesn't work, I try to click on it and change the action to "Regenerate" but it stays in "Set". Can you please help me with that? Thanks!
  41. M

    replacing " " (space)

    Hi! does anyone know how can I change a variable and replace the " " in it? for example: before: "1 2 3 4 5" after: "12345" Thanks!
  42. M

    Posting to "body" tag with ZP

    Hi! There are some sites that iframe a body tag and you write the content of the post in there instead of a text area. I couldn't find any solution to writing into it rather than using keyboard emulation after clicking on it. Does anybody know how to do it with ZP? I've tried outertext...
  43. M

    Project maker is stuck for 20 sec after actions recording.

    Hi! I've been using ZP for a few months but since the last update v4.3 , whenever I'm recording actions, after I click on "Stop" to get to the editor, Project Maker is stuck for about 15-20 sec and only then it moves you to the editor.
  44. M

    Speeding up Keyboard Emulation.

    Hi! Is there a way to speed up the keyboard emulation more than a delay of 50millisec? I've tried adding Emulation Of Timeout and pushed it to 0, yet it's still on the same speed. I also changed on the Profile Settings to Speed, yet it's the same.. I'm using the keyboard emulation only because...
  45. M

    Using Referrer

    Hi! Does anybody know if there are websites that consider the referrer as important factor? I've opened accounts with Postereous but whenever I'm trying to log-in and post by using ZP it tells me that the user and password are wrong, even though they aren't. Are they deleting the accounts...
  46. M

    List is saved on BadEnd?

    Hi! If I have a list inside a template and I checked the "Save changes to file" in the list, whenever the template gets an error, will it save the changes to the list or it won't?
  47. M

    Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

    Hi! I have a template that merges a list of about 1000 lines of urls into a single variable(Variable1), then the template takes another variable(Variable2) that contains many places that are supposed to be replaced with variable1. e.g: List 1 = http://google.com http://yahoo.com...
  48. M

    Emulating "Ctrl+V"(Paste)

    Hi! does anybody know how to make zenno poster "paste" (ctrl+v) to a text box? I'm not talking about entering value to the "value" attribute, just the ability to "paste" or maybe do something that maybe seem like pasting to the website.. Thanks!
  49. M

    DevHub pages aren't opning in the editor, but do open in the recorder.

    Hi, I have many DevHub pages, and I'm able to access all of them with the recorder in order to create a template, but when I'm trying to access them from the editor while in Debug, it just shows blank page. I tested it while not using proxies, and this was the results, so I'm thinking maybe the...
  50. M

    Inserting lines into XLSX table

    Hi! Does anyone know how can I add lines to .xlsx table? I've tryed adding like this: username;password;123 like I do for .txt files, yet it didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.